Subject: Safety Reminder for Parents You know, it seems like this wouldn't be an issue for most parents. But I've taken care of enough kids that have been hurt this way I'm inclined to bring it up. Please be sure when you put your kid's car seat in the car (back seat, middle) that you remember to buckle it in with the seat belt. Usually the kids aren't involved in a car wreck. Mom or dad just brakes hard at a red light and the seat comes flying into whatever is in front of it. But in the event of an accident, it's not so uncommon for the kid and seat to be ejected out through a window and onto the road. I need to add that the parents who forget to do this come from all sorts of backgrounds. Over the years, one who comes to mind was an accident/injury lawyer, another was a doctor. They always say they had taken the seat out and put in back in after cleaning the car or moving the seats, or swithcing cars between family members who care for the kid. Seems like when they first install it people recognize the need to belt it in and they have no problem remembering. Anyway, with school starting back I thought it was worth bringing up. That, and it happened again yesterday. |