Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Mont Tremblant : Official ThreadMont Tremblant is as beautiful as the pics on the website. The area is known for mosquitos and this will be peak period, they are very hungry. So mosquito repelent would be a good addition to your list of "to bring". Hilly course but the total elevation (from is about 1400m cumulative, spread over 90km, it is a not too demanding. Except for the 2km 8% gradiant Ryan hill, it should be fun to climb. Go ride in the Berkshires, Vt or NH. Try not to go threw Montreal at peak traffic (3pm to 7pm). That may add a lot of time. It is a 3 day weekend (National holiday, St-Jean Baptiste) and the roads will be busy. Going to and on your way back. Plan on leaving Monday after the race... ? |