General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-11-20 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3911896

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
FYI...while your taking your well deserved rest and in need of something to do...they are currently replaying the coverage of IM arizona in case you wanted to see what you looked like finishing...haha...I know im curious, I felt good but when the catcher asked me what size shirt I wanted and I felt like she was speaking a different language it took me a good 2 minutes to understand what she was asking....haha

2012-11-20 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4504634

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I also saw Fireman Rob; passed him around sunset while news crews were setting up. Another bad-a$$ inspiring athlete was the one-legged chick I passed on the bike riding with a prosthetic. Did anybody see her on the run? I'm hoping she finished. Also, I saw two hand-cyclists on the bike, but only one on the run; I'm worried the second guy didn't make the cutoff. Anybody see him?

And Sarah, sorry things went south on the bike- heartbreaking, and frustrating since you don't know the cause. Hope you bounce back and get it next time!

2012-11-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3911896

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Sedona, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Man, I'm really sorry I never got to meet up with anyone. My day sounds like it went better than some, as I didn't have any stomach issues. I actually thought we were lucky because the lake was CLEARER than normal! Somehow I ended up at the front of the swim start so it wasn't as crowded (until people started passing, of course). The bike went well except for losing my gel flask and getting stuck in a pack of drafters for a little bit. More on that in the RR. My quads died on the run. Totally lost it. I'm not sure why, as I went easy on the bike. Could have been anything I guess. I was shooting for a 3:45 and ended with almost 4:30. Finished 10:54 overall though, so I'm happy with that.

2012-11-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: #4504670

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
You all are amazing...and congrats on your well-earned Ironman status! Those who could to get to the end, congrats on your fantastic training, toeing up to the start line, and giving it all you had plus more!! While us locals considered race day beautiful weather, it was hot if you were from cooler country! The one-legged lady with the prosthetic finished, and one of the hand cyclists missed the last on course bike cut-off at the Shea turnaround by minutes.If you were 'caught' at the finish line by a tall older guy who was downright giddy with honor to assist you after your adventure, that was me. What an honor it was to assist you that day!
2012-11-20 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3911896

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Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I'm trying to write a race report and I gotta say this is alot harder than I thought it would be!  Now I finally know why it takes a few days for folks to get their IM distance race reports up.
2012-11-20 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4504670

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Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
tstl - 2012-11-20 9:47 AM

I also saw Fireman Rob; passed him around sunset while news crews were setting up. Another bad-a$$ inspiring athlete was the one-legged chick I passed on the bike riding with a prosthetic. Did anybody see her on the run? I'm hoping she finished.

The fireman was cool...The one-legged chick was a big hero of mine - Sarah Rienertson.  The first female amputee ever to complete an IM.  I've been a fan since I watched her first attempt (missed the bike cutoff) and then I believe she did it the following year.  That was 2005 and 2006, I think.

Anyway, I didn't know she was racing, but I saw her on my first bike loop and thought - "no way..."  I caught up to her and I was so stoked to see that it was her... we exchanged a few words as I passed (I very coolly professed my love and she kindly didn't call me a creep).  I passed her again on my 2nd run loop and to my delight, she didn't pepper spray me this time either.  I also got to watch her finish and that was pretty amazing... 

Seeing her out there was definitely, besides finishing, the highlight of my day.

2012-11-20 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3911896

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Wow, I still cannot believe I am an Ironman! 

I had a good but frustrating day as well.  My stomach was iffy through the swim and first loop of the bike and then felt fine; I think the nerves finally went away.  Unfortunately, my right knee (IT band stuff) flared up about 20 miles into the bike and got progressively worse.  I really battled mentally whether I could make it or not, considering I still had to run a marathon afterwards.  At times I unclipped my right leg and pedaled with just my left.  But sometimes that knee pain doesn't translate to the run so I just willed myself to the run.  It left me with a very slow bike split but I made it and had 8 hours to finish the run.  Popped 4 Tylenol right away and my knee felt fine until the end of the second loop.  At 19 miles, it felt horrible and I had to walk for about a mile.  I ran 21-23 and then that was it.  Limped home the last three and finished in 14:30 ish.  Frustrating is that my legs and stomach felt absolutely great!  I truly felt I could have run a 4:30 marathon without any trouble and knocked another 45 minutes off my bike.  So THAT is what will probaby have me doing another Ironman:  to see what I left on the table.

Sarah, sorry about your DNF. I did see you at the turnaround on my last loop and felt bad for you.  I've been there (my last HIM) and knew how bad you must be feeling.

Congratulations to everyone else!  What an amazing day we had!

2012-11-20 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4502977

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Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
JasenGuy - 2012-11-19 1:28 AM

So I finished...Most of my race went well. Part of my race went extremely terrible...During the 2nd loop of the run, I started getting really light headed; my face was tingling and then my hands started tingling as well. I decided that I would check in at the next medical cart, probably calling it a day...But when I got to the cart, I just couldn't make myself do it. I threw my goal times out of the window and just told myself to finish. Somehow, after a lot of walking, (and grapes) I was able to muster the power to get back on track...I ran until I started feeling light headed, then I walked, took in water...and of course, more grapes. I was able to cross the finish line in goal was 13:00.

I don't know what came over me, or if it was even the right decision, but I'm (obviously) happy with my finish. Oh yeah, I'm also an Ironman.


Wow, AWESOME Job Jasen.  Major congrats, buddy!

2012-11-20 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Congrats to everyone! Just getting to the start line is an accomplishment in itself. I was able to take 10 minutes off last year's time and made my goal of going under 12 hours. Whoohoo!

What color finisher shirts did everyone get? I got a blue one, but saw others with a white one.

To those who watch the Biggest Loser, Ada from a few seasons back was in the ladies change tent for T2. She dumped out my bag and I handed her my Garmin, asking her to stand outside with it so it could grab the satellite. After she left, I realized who she was and asked the other gal helping me if that was Ada. Sure enough it was. Once she came back with my watch, I took my time so I could chat a bit with her and let her know how inspiring her story on the show was. She is planning on doing IMAZ in 2013.

2012-11-20 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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Extreme Veteran
Woodland Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread


When I get a chance to write one, I'll post a link to my report. 

Swim - 1:01

Bike - 5:08

Run - 3:01

Finish - 9:15

3rd in M25-29

Kona Bound!

2012-11-20 3:54 PM
in reply to: #4505354

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Westminster, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2012-11-20 2:49 PM


When I get a chance to write one, I'll post a link to my report. 

Swim - 1:01

Bike - 5:08

Run - 3:01

Finish - 9:15

3rd in M25-29

Kona Bound!


Destroyer - CONGRATULATIONS!!!  You did it, You KQ'd.  That is awesome.  You have to keep us updated on your prep for Kona.

IMAZ is probably the toughest to KQ at and you did it.  Nicely Done!!!

2012-11-20 5:03 PM
in reply to: #4504838

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Sedona, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Zero2Athlete - 2012-11-20 8:24 AM
tstl - 2012-11-20 9:47 AM

I also saw Fireman Rob; passed him around sunset while news crews were setting up. Another bad-a$$ inspiring athlete was the one-legged chick I passed on the bike riding with a prosthetic. Did anybody see her on the run? I'm hoping she finished.

The fireman was cool...The one-legged chick was a big hero of mine - Sarah Rienertson.  The first female amputee ever to complete an IM.  I've been a fan since I watched her first attempt (missed the bike cutoff) and then I believe she did it the following year.  That was 2005 and 2006, I think.

Anyway, I didn't know she was racing, but I saw her on my first bike loop and thought - "no way..."  I caught up to her and I was so stoked to see that it was her... we exchanged a few words as I passed (I very coolly professed my love and she kindly didn't call me a creep).  I passed her again on my 2nd run loop and to my delight, she didn't pepper spray me this time either.  I also got to watch her finish and that was pretty amazing... 

Seeing her out there was definitely, besides finishing, the highlight of my day.

Yeah, Sarah was giving autographs at the Chocolate Milk tent on Friday when I checked in. We chatted for a bit, she was really cool and genuine. I didn't see her on the course. Was she using a hand cycle?

(2012-11-16_14-44-52_492 (Mobile).jpg)

2012-11-16_14-44-52_492 (Mobile).jpg (45KB - 42 downloads)
2012-11-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4505354

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Sedona, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2012-11-20 1:49 PM


When I get a chance to write one, I'll post a link to my report. 

Swim - 1:01

Bike - 5:08

Run - 3:01

Finish - 9:15

3rd in M25-29

Kona Bound!

Yeah great job man, congrats!

2012-11-20 5:17 PM
in reply to: #4504632

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
TL2 - 2012-11-20 6:20 AM

On another topic, saw a tone of really great signs out there.  Some of my favorites:

Done trust a fart

365 days ago this seemed like a really good idea

Free nipple massage

Tired legs are sexy

and of course, Pain is temporary, Ironman is forever.

The spectators and volunteers were amazing, especially during the run.  I think that's what makes IMAZ such an incredible experience is having so many people around cheering you on and keeping you going.


I think the one that stands out the most to me was help by a super cute girl who was sitting on the Mill AVE bridge...Her sign said, "I wanna DO an Ironman. Call me!" And then there was a phone number written in bold at the bottom...I definitely chuckled at that one.

Another one that made me laugh was, "thinking of something to write was pretty hard too!"

2012-11-20 6:11 PM
in reply to: #4505426

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
MonkeyClaw - 2012-11-20 4:03 PM 

Yeah, Sarah was giving autographs at the Chocolate Milk tent on Friday when I checked in. We chatted for a bit, she was really cool and genuine. I didn't see her on the course. Was she using a hand cycle?

Nope, cranking away on a regular bike. Very impressive!

Also, check her out on FinisherPix (bib 122)- they got some good shots of her.

Edited by tstl 2012-11-20 6:20 PM
2012-11-20 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4505354

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Destroyer - 2012-11-20 1:49 PM


When I get a chance to write one, I'll post a link to my report. 

Swim - 1:01

Bike - 5:08

Run - 3:01

Finish - 9:15

3rd in M25-29

Kona Bound!

I always have been in awe of the pros and AGers who Kona qualify, but its at a whole new level.  That type of performance for that distance, wow is all I can say.  Incredible job.

2012-11-20 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I saw Sarah on the run course around mile 14-15. She was struggling but was still making great progress. As I watched her she would rotate between a hop/skip type of run to a jog. I was surprised how tiny she was. She gives off this huge aura of positivity and her actual size did not go with my perception of her from interviews.
2012-11-20 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4505513

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
mndiver - 2012-11-20 6:26 PMI saw Sarah on the run course around mile 14-15. She was struggling but was still making great progress. As I watched her she would rotate between a hop/skip type of run to a jog. I was surprised how tiny she was. She gives off this huge aura of positivity and her actual size did not go with my perception of her from interviews.
Just saw this- check out #6 and 7:

Edited by tstl 2012-11-20 7:45 PM
2012-11-20 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4503007

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Jorgito22 - 2012-11-19 1:56 AM
JasenGuy - 2012-11-19 1:28 AM

So I finished...Most of my race went well. Part of my race went extremely terrible...During the 2nd loop of the run, I started getting really light headed; my face was tingling and then my hands started tingling as well. I decided that I would check in at the next medical cart, probably calling it a day...But when I got to the cart, I just couldn't make myself do it. I threw my goal times out of the window and just told myself to finish. Somehow, after a lot of walking, (and grapes) I was able to muster the power to get back on track...I ran until I started feeling light headed, then I walked, took in water...and of course, more grapes. I was able to cross the finish line in goal was 13:00.

I don't know what came over me, or if it was even the right decision, but I'm (obviously) happy with my finish. Oh yeah, I'm also an Ironman.


Sorry to hear about the run, but thats a pretty good Ironman story your walking away with.....great work....


I had a solid day, didnt have the swim I was hoping for but I didnt let it discourage me, I had a good bike split and stuck to my guns on trying to get a 4:08 on the marathon.....I ended up doing a 4:07 on the marathon leading me to a 11:52 finish......didnt quite make the 11:38 goal I was shooting for....but I am really proud that I ran the entire time on the marathon (1st time ever) and set a PR in the marathon ( both open and IM marathon).  So im super proud of my effort and letting the race come to me and not over reaching for anything.  

But it was great seeing many of you on race day and a couple of you during the race. 

George, awesome job!  Really cool to meet you and everyone else.  Really great race!

2012-11-20 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4504127

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

bar92 - 2012-11-19 4:03 PM Sounds like most everyone had stomach issues at some point, myself included. Wonder if it was the water from the swim? Overall I was pleased with my race at 13:49:58. That's a 6 minute PR. My swim was two minutes slower than when I did Florida, so I'm ok with that. I had a really good bike for me at 6:42:12, but the stomach issues started on the run (along with what I thought was a rock in my shoe that I stopped to check 3 times - never could find anything.). I was secretly hoping to go under 5 hours for the marathon (I did 5:04 at Florida) but it wasn't meant to be. Still got a PR so that's all that matters. I had fun out there, road near Brooksinc for a while, high fived people and told them all thanks and really enjoyed going down the finisher chute. I also really enjoyed the get together Thursday night. It was nice to meet everyone. Happy recovery and safe travels.

Nice job out there, congrats on the PR.  Meeting everyone was certainly one of the highlights for me.

2012-11-21 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3911896

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Well I survived my first IM, my guess for a perfectly executed race would be about 15 hours on a good day, and barely finishing on a bad day with my amount of training, or lack thereof. Came in at 14:30:24.

Paced the bike exactly how I wanted to, got faster every lap. Seemed like 2-300 people past me the first lap, and they did. A lady even commented, keep it up, your're setting yourself up for a good day. I was thinking yeah right lady, look how slow I'm going, 10 mph.

Anyway my goal on the bike was 154 HR, laps came in a 154, 152, 156 for a 154 average. 1sy lap was high due to coming out of transition and 171, and took a good 1/4 lap to get down. Third lap I let myself go a little harder since I felt so good. Past about 300 people on last lap.

Run was what it is. Did a HIM in Aug and my run/walk was 3:18, so to do 2:52/3:20 or whatever it was was ok. I've never ran more than 15 miles in my life, and that was once.


Never felt bad all through out the day, other than lap 1 of the bike, but that was just mentally since everyone was passing me lol. Had some knee problems on the run, and hot spots on my feet during the bike, but I guess you'll have that being 50 lbs overweight.


You can all shoot me now after looking at my training logs. I won't go into detail but it has been a very difficult year for us with the loss of our son and well. I'll just leave it at that I'm tearing up thinking about him. Next year will be faster and I will actually train for it.

2012-11-21 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4505841

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
cstoulil - 2012-11-21 5:49 AM

Well I survived my first IM, my guess for a perfectly executed race would be about 15 hours on a good day, and barely finishing on a bad day with my amount of training, or lack thereof. Came in at 14:30:24.

Paced the bike exactly how I wanted to, got faster every lap. Seemed like 2-300 people past me the first lap, and they did. A lady even commented, keep it up, your're setting yourself up for a good day. I was thinking yeah right lady, look how slow I'm going, 10 mph.

Anyway my goal on the bike was 154 HR, laps came in a 154, 152, 156 for a 154 average. 1sy lap was high due to coming out of transition and 171, and took a good 1/4 lap to get down. Third lap I let myself go a little harder since I felt so good. Past about 300 people on last lap.

Run was what it is. Did a HIM in Aug and my run/walk was 3:18, so to do 2:52/3:20 or whatever it was was ok. I've never ran more than 15 miles in my life, and that was once.


Never felt bad all through out the day, other than lap 1 of the bike, but that was just mentally since everyone was passing me lol. Had some knee problems on the run, and hot spots on my feet during the bike, but I guess you'll have that being 50 lbs overweight.


You can all shoot me now after looking at my training logs. I won't go into detail but it has been a very difficult year for us with the loss of our son and well. I'll just leave it at that I'm tearing up thinking about him. Next year will be faster and I will actually train for it.

Congrats on your finish....AND i am quite sure your son was smiling at your finish!  

2012-11-21 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Who's in for 2013? I'm in along with my wife. We volunteered this year along with two other people. 16 others from my tri club also got in online which is amazing considering how fast it sold out.
2012-11-21 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I came in at 14:26, looks like I was sandwiched by a couple of fellow BTers.  I'm working on my official race report, it is going to be long as I may be a one and done Ironman.  Briefly, I had a good swim, a good bike, and sufferfest run.  One of the highlights of the day was running next to Leanda Cave for about two seconds on my first lap, had to be her third?  Every volunteer and spectator was awesome.  I wish I could have made the BT get together but I didn't get in until Friday.  Glad to hear everyone's results, sorry for those DNFs. 

2012-11-21 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3911896

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I was one minute behind you
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