Subject: US marines from Afghanistan Our school has a copnnection with a boys school and a girls school in Now Zad Afghanistan. We send them supplies through the Marines at Camp Leatherneck. Yesterday I had the privledge of having dinner with one of the FET's (Female engaGement troops) They have been married for jsut about 8 monthsw and spent the lasst 7 months deployed over there in seperate units. The dinner includeing several teachrs and theri spouses and several studetns as well. we discussed the situation over there, the history of the area, and their own personal experiences. This couple is a true insipration. they both had their eyes wide open to the situation, they were articulate and were both very decent kind people. They spoke to the students as peers and were incredilby polite. They made me proud to have been involved in theri program even in a small way and D@MN proud to be an american if this couple is even a small sample of the quality of out service personnel. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have put on the uniform and those of you whose parents, children, and spouses have done so with your support. |