General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Running shoes for bunion suffers Rss Feed  
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2013-02-22 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4224861

Subject: RE: Running shoes for bunion suffers
I'm afraid she's just going to have to try on lots of different pairs of shoes to see what fits. I have bunions as well, and can never predict what might work. Avoiding shoes that have seams over the big toe joint is a starting point.

2018-08-20 3:34 AM
in reply to: dodgersmom


Subject: RE: Running shoes for bunion suffers
I have hammer toe. I could feel how comfortable these sneakers were from the moment I put them on - EVEN BEFORE I STOOD UP!!! I could feel the heel of the shoe cuddling my heel. I can not bear to wear anything but my orthofeet shoes! I like the hammer toe for toe comfort. Fit is great. I like the colors and the mesh.
2018-08-20 12:31 PM
in reply to: Danno77

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Running shoes for bunion suffers

I have them.  Minor for now, I suppose, but have had them for at least 5 years.  I do what somebody else mentioned -- putting something between my toes.  I also stretch the area a lot, often by just shoving the heel of my other foot between my big toe and second toe.  It seems to help.  Or at least it feels good.

2018-08-20 6:51 PM
in reply to: Experior

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Running shoes for bunion suffers

Dangit, the stupid spammer caught me off guard.  Go away.

2018-08-21 1:32 PM
in reply to: Danno77


Subject: RE: Running shoes for bunion suffers
Originally posted by Danno77

dodgersmom - 2012-05-23 9:28 AM

Trying to help my mom. She started running a few years ago.  The bunions were around before that, but recently they have really flared up and her current shoes (Asics) are causing her pain.

Any recommendations for a shoe that may be better for her?

My wife has horrible bunions and swears by Asics, so I have no advice for you. On a related note, however, the podiatrist tells her she has to pick between surgery this summer or next. It does NOT sound like a nice procedure and the recovery will be killer. What says your mum's doc on hers? I ask because if my wife is on the verge of surgery and is fine in the Asics, then it makes me wonder whether this is something your mother may be facing soon.

My wife swears by Roadclaw shoes, but not as much as she swore after bunion surgery, she said it was akin to childbirth!
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