Subject: Need help with blog/fundraising Questions for those of you who blog and have fundraised for charity A quick background: I have done 5 sprints in the last year and will do atleast one Oly this summer. I am planning on signing up for IM 70.3 California-March for my first HIM. I have never been good at logging my training here - but I have a personal journal instead. I have decided to start an online journal so that my friends and family (none of which tri) can keep up with me and help encourage me to keep training and working towards my goal. I know that if I have people asking about how my training is going, I will be more likely to work harder because I dont want to disappoint them or not do something I said I would do. So I have a blogspot blog set up and was wondering a few things from those who keep the same: Have you ever written a letter to friends/family inviting them to support you? What was in the letter? -I was thinking more along the lines of asking for their support and encouragement along with help fundraising. What kind of information (other than daily journals) do you have for yourself and those who dont do tris? -I was thinking I would post my Training plan along with my daily logs, also as it gets closer more information on the actual race. Anything else? For those of you who fund-raise how did you pick a charity/foundation and how did you handle the money (or did the charity have a specific fundraising page) and also what is a reasonable goal amount to try to raise. Hope this makes sense. Any help would be great. I dont know anyone who has done this sort of thing but figured there might be some BTers who have. Thanks in advance |