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2012-10-07 5:03 PM


Subject: When a PR is not a PR.

First, getting back in shape is a humbling experience.  About 20 years ago I got out of the army as a fairly good runner. I had a PR in a 5k of 18:54.  I started biking and made the natural transition into triathlon.  Due to many running injuries I quit running and just stuck to biking.  Well 20 years + two kids later I started running again and at this weekends 5K I managed a PR of 30:04 (I am calling it my over 40 PR). 

I am pretty damn happy with the time and have patience to return to the sport of triathlon slowly and not repeat the injuries I suffered before.  Just thought I would share with the other re-beginners out there.



2012-10-07 5:13 PM
in reply to: #4444294

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Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.

Keep with it, your body will remember how to run


I ran cross country in high school, had a PR of like 18:40.  Fast forward 25 years, and add 65 lbs - I started doing Tri's this year and in my first one race my "new" PR of 27-something.  Two weeks later, though, I did another tri and my 5k that time was yet another PR - 24-ish.


My current 5k PR is idle at 23:03, but I am still getting faster.  I'm not even close to being sub-20 5k, but this morning I did 45:10 10k.  It's all just a matter of getting consistent with the running and the speed will follow.


Welcome (back) to the addiction

2012-10-07 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4444294

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University Park, MD
Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.
Yes, there is a statute of limitations on some PRs. 
2012-10-07 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4444294

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.

The laws of physics, chemistry, and biology suggest it's likely that all of the atoms that made up your body 20 years ago are elsewhere now. Regardless, you are deserving of congratulations!

2012-10-07 6:12 PM
in reply to: #4444308

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Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.
colinphillips - 2012-10-07 5:24 PM

Yes, there is a statute of limitations on some PRs. 

Like this one!
2012-10-07 11:58 PM
in reply to: #4444294

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.
Congrats on getting back into it.

I am also glad for this, "there is a statute of limitations on some PRs." My high school 5k PR was 15:32, 18yrs later so far it is 23:28.


2012-10-08 12:01 AM
in reply to: #4444308

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Subject: RE: When a PR is not a PR.

colinphillips - 2012-10-07 5:24 PM Yes, there is a statute of limitations on some PRs. 


That's just excellent!!

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