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2013-05-25 10:03 AM
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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Originally posted by EKH

Terry - I'm the worlds worst at listening to my body so I'm not sure I should even be giving you this advice because I never listen to it myself. But your body may be trying to tell you something if you are feeling that tired all the time. You have really been pushing it lately with all of your races and your body may be telling you that you need a break. Last year about a month out from my 70.3 I started feeling the same way and ignored it and kept training hard the next thing I know I'm having a lot of heart palpations which scared the living day lights out of me. Ended up missing 2 weeks of training because I had to go to a heart specialist and get put through all kinds of tests. Everything came back normal but I really think one of the main reasons I started having the palpations was my body was revolting telling me it needed a break.

That sounds quite alarming! Glad it turned out to be ok.

I do definitely agree with you - the tough part is figuring out when to tough it out/stick to the plan, and when to listen to those first signs from your body.

For me, when it comes to my injury-prone knee, I really listen closely now and cut down mileage as soon as I feel something not right there. Even if it isn't "pain" yet, I can feel when it feels inflamed and a little balky.

So Terry, I like what you are saying about the mileage on the bike. This has really paid off for you. I hope that you can work in some rest days and maybe figure out if there is anything diet-wise that needs fixing.

Glorious weather today!! Mid-70s and sunny, low humidity.

Edited by melanfi 2013-05-25 10:04 AM

2013-05-25 10:59 AM
in reply to: melanfi

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Thanks, guys... I'm definitely taking it easy. There hasn't been any real training since the taper for the first HIM, between events has just been easy rides, swims and runs. I'm not pushing it at all except for the "events." I sleep well since the race, not really waking up early ... getting at least 7-8 hours each night. Today I went for an easy 40 mile ride...... another ride tomorrow and will do some distance swimming this weekend also, but I'm taking it really easy.

The diet is off, - I'm not putting on weight, I'm just eating some junk. For example...My son's Marching Band fundraising caramel corn came in the other day.... as a good father, I had to sample some.... and some more..... and would be just wasteful if i didn't finish the whole bag... I drank two coke's this week and had a beer.

I begin a ten day fast after the next race. I have included the link below. It is a natural and very healthy program. I've done it before and it is amazing.

Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend everyone ... and remember all those who gave their lives in service....
“For those who fight to protect it, freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know.”- Unknown

2013-05-25 12:28 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
I have never done a detox fast - looks hard core!

I really do have a little bit of a sleep deficit right now. I have had a busy couple of weeks with some late nights but I just can't sleep past 5:30, at least not any quality sleep. Getting to bed early is really the only way I can fix that ... and that calls for discipline. Everything seems easier after a good night's sleep :-)

Now I'm going to wrap up my work and take the bike out for an hour or so. Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!
2013-05-25 5:42 PM
in reply to: melanfi

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Mmmmm Carmel corn and beer that is my Sunday diet during the NFL season.

I did a short swim this afternoon in my pool with a bungy cord system I bought last year. It actually works pretty well I just put my ipod on and said I was going to swim for 5 songs ended up only being about 17/18min. Next time I will have to make my swim a few songs longer.
2013-05-25 7:14 PM
in reply to: EKH

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
One of the women I ride with on the weekends posted a video of our ride today. It's a short bit, but will give you an idea of one of the locations I ride... There's usually many more of us, but it's a holiday weekend.....

2013-05-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Cool video with good song. You deserve the knickname Ironman 3 HIM's in 1 month is very impressive.

2013-05-25 8:24 PM
in reply to: mjewen

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Name: Tom

Story: 29 years old and creeping up on 30. Allthough active through High School I became less active in College and especially after college. Last summer I said it is time to change. Ever since I have changed my daily life to incorporate healthy eating and exercise. It was not until about Nov. when I decided to try Triathlon. I have learned to swim and purchased a road bike. I have always been able to run but never really did much outside of a year ago.

Family: Married no kids

Training: While I do not follow a specific plan I tend to do what my body tells me to. I get 4 solid days of training sometimes 6. I use my garmin to track data on the bike and run. I am new to the specific interval training since I am new to the sport so I have been just trying to get my time in.

This years races: Fargo Half marathon 5/18/2013. read my report, Buffalo tri, lifetime tri MPLS, Looking for Sept event and hoping for the TC 10 miler in Oct.

No weightloss goals

Looking for positive feedback for my training and how to improve and be a well balanced triathlete. I see myself doing this long term. I have no desire at the moment to do anything longer than Oly distance but by the end of 2014 I would like to be competitive in my age group.

Location: Minneapolis MN
2013-05-26 7:26 AM
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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome Tom! My name is Emile glad to have you aboard. The Fargo marathon has always been one I would really like to run. I have a soft spot in my heart for the town of Fargo. We've spent several of our summer vacations up in Fargo watching my oldest son wrestle in the National freestyle and Greco roman wrestling tournament. It is a really nice area and I wouldn't mind living around there if the winters weren't so dang cold. Also, I think Running World voted it the best bang for your buck marathon(I think).

I noticed you don't use your training log. I've found the training log to be a very useful tool for me not only to stay motivated but you can easily see trends in your training with all of their cool graphs.

Ken - How is your swimming going? I was reading over some old posts that I had missed and read you were using ankle straps and pull buoy. I'll throw one more piece of equipment at you. Snorkel (swimmers snorkel not dive snorkel). I watched a pretty good swim video on youtube by Gerry Rodriquez who stated if you could only buy one piece of swim equipment(besides goggles) it should be a snorkel. I was a little skeptical but let me tell you I'm a firm believer after buying one. I use it with pull buoy and ankle strap but when using the snorkel you can put all of your concentration on a perfect catch and pull because you are not having to worry about breathing. I have been adding in 8-10x50 w/snorkel, strap, and PB every workout. After doing them I swim 100's with no equipment. My swimming has really started improving since using them. I've dropped about 15 sec off my 100 times and I really think it is because of a better catch and pull due to the snorkel.

Edited by EKH 2013-05-26 7:33 AM
2013-05-26 7:56 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Emile: I had a little extra time yesterday (at least I pretended to) so went for an extra swim workout. I went for a run first (about an hour) and then met up with my family at the pool. It was probably my best workout yet, 1000 yards and quite a good mixture of 3-4 laps with nothing, 3-4 with PB, 3-4 with paddles/straps/PB. When I first started attempting to learn to swim, I used a snorkel my kids had. It was too small but was able to make it work well enough. Then I bought one from swimoutlet and it was leaky. I'll try another one, probably when I order my own pull buoy. Need to keep adding things to my swim bag.

Anyways, there were moments that I felt like a real swimmer during yesterday's workout. I think part of is is that you can really fly across the pool with the paddles when you start using decent form with your arms. I'm pretty excited about how quickly the 3 times per week and everyone's tips are helping.

I'm looking forward to my swim workouts now, I might have to change my username soon.

BTW, any tips on gear I should buy for open water swimming? I guess a wet-suit would be nice, but anything cheaper? We've just bought a new house and I'm on a tight budget until our old one sells, but I'm curious if there is some simple safety related gear or something that I should have.
2013-05-26 8:03 AM
in reply to: Landmammal

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Oh yeah... that other sport that is part of our sport... biking. The derailleur on my 1980's Cannondale from Craigslist had a problem on my first sort of long bike ride a week or two ago. The hi-lo pin was a bit stripped and came loose so I had to ride home about 10 miles in a pretty high gear. It was sort of a good workout Anyways, I took it to the local bike shop and they were very snooty about it "Well, if you brought that in here 20 years ago we could have helped you but they don't make that hi-lo pin anymore." So I found a guy locally who works on bikes (again Craigslist) and he's doing an overall tune-up of my old beast and is confident he can fix the derailleur. I'm supposed to get it back in time for a Memorial Day ride, so I'm pretty excited about that.

My bike is just a little younger than Ironman triathlon.... the previous owner actually rode it in a HIM last year. Its actually got pretty good quality components and is very light so I think as long as I can keep it maintained it should be a good all around bike for me. The fact that its a functioning antique is just gravy
2013-05-26 8:22 AM
in reply to: Landmammal

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Oh yeah... that other sport! My afternoon bike workout was interrupted by some neighborhood friends ... but it was a fun interruption. Still, now I need to get out there today.

Ken, I think having an older bike is something special and cool. From what I understand, the older bikes are often also more sturdy and practically hand-built, as opposed to the more mass produced bikes out there today.

Welcome Tom! Those are some solid goals - and glad you are learning to love the swim. That seems to be a common theme around here, so you are in the right place. Congratulations on a very strong race in Fargo!

2013-05-26 8:25 AM
in reply to: Landmammal

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Ken - I bought the Finis swim snorkel and it works really well. On your OWS gear question when it is to warm to wear a wetsuit I made my own safety device for OWS practice. I bought a surfers leash from (I just looked they have one for $9.95 Dakine Fin Leash) and a boat bumper from Wal-Mart for less than $10. I tied the bumper to the leash and drag it behind me when I swim. It works perfect if you ever get into trouble as soon as you get into a tread water position it pulls the bumper right up to you. I posted a picture of the bumper in my album if you want to take a look at it. It's cheap, easy to make, and effective.
2013-05-26 8:26 AM
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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
If it were me that LBS would lose my business forever. By the way I love Cannondale's!

Edited by EKH 2013-05-26 8:46 AM
2013-05-26 9:17 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
I will start adding training logs. I have not used the feature before but I am planning on a run in a few hours so I will upload it then. I placed my bike from yesterday on there.
2013-05-26 9:43 AM
in reply to: EKH

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Thanks... that looks like a good setup for OWS. Placing my order now
2013-05-26 6:17 PM
in reply to: Landmammal

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Welcome, Tom.... workout logs are very beneficial. I never thought much about them until last year, But having spent time using them, I can see a difference and a significant progression in workouts.

Melissa.... I usually fast twice a year, normally for 3-5 days.....but it's not a fast where I don't eat anything..... usually juicing and veggie soups...ten days is actually deceiving. after 4 days, the whole body begins to transform and by days 7-10 there is so much energy and a completely different outlook a=on nutrition and how the body react to certain foods. The first day or two is usually headaches because all the toxins and sugars are leaving the body, but after that it's usually a pleasant experience. Yes, i can still train during that time....

2013-05-26 6:46 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Originally posted by tmoons

Yes, i can still train during that time....

That was going to be my next question!
2013-05-27 9:27 AM
in reply to: melanfi


Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
just finished my second sprint tri.

no punctures !!!!
6.51 swim.
not a great transition.
47 minute bike - v windy and lots of hills (a refuse truck and a tractor also conspired against me)
26 minute run - but, due to a competitor crash (super fast cyclist meets fence - OK though), the run became 5.5k.

all combined to a time of 1hr 23min. (will say 1hr 21 re the extra 500m)

I think 1.15 is the target for next time. definitely a minute to shave off transition and with another months training, hopefully better legs in the cycle / run.

I am going to try and design my training programme for the next month (whilst motivated by today's lack of legs).

once posted, any feedback would be appreciated.

Lee (42 minutes quicker than last week!!! but no puncture)
2013-05-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: Lee Geraghty

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Great job... sounds like you're getting a good idea already about your pacing and how to keep setting goals for next time out.

I'm interested in your training plan and what the others have for feedback on it.... I'm about 7 weeks from my first sprint triathlon and interested in the discussion about training plans. I'm starting to try to mix some biking into my training... it seems easy to get a nice long bike ride in on the weekend but not sure how to approach the weekdays yet.
2013-05-27 12:45 PM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Terry, looks like your rides are much more beautiful than where I bike! Loved the video. Riders can really be a mixed breed.
I chuckled at the "3 feet? really?" in reference to the van that was about 2 feet from your riders. Most of the people in my city are fairly decent to bikers, and I try very hard to ride on trails or open roads with shoulders whenever possible, however the other day, I just wanted a simple ride on the trail without having to throw my bike in the car, drive a few miles to the trail and then unload, so I decided to ride the streets to the trail. I was being extremely cautious and following all the rules of riding on the street. Some starts honking and yelling at me about why I don't ride on the sidewalks. I was so pissed off at that guy. It wasn't like he even had to follow me for more than about 50 feet! I wasn't even in his lane! He was on the off ramp! GRRRRR! I ended up having a nice ride despite the road rage I encountered early on in the ride.

I went with a friends for a bike/run brick workout yesterday. I felt great. Granted it was a light ride, and moderate run, but I was so inspired by how good I felt! I was so glad I didn't have the same cramping as the last brick workout. I felt so good, and had some extra time, so I went swimming, too. After I got done, I had a gal come over to me and ask if I was an Ironman triathlete! Ha! I laughed and said, "no, but who knows, maybe someday." She said I had really good form. I was blown away. She had no idea how much those few words just made my whole day! Even she is wrong, I feel much more confident! Maybe it was because I was wearing my tri suit!

Only 5 days, 19 hrs til my tri on Sunday! I am getting super excited. Although, I was so worried last week that I would even be able to do the tri, because while at a baseball game, I got hit by a line drive foul ball right behind my shoulder. It really was sore for a few days, which kept me from swimming, but now it seems to be ok. Still sore to the touch, but I just am so relieved that I didn't break anything, or that I wasn't hit in the head! Note to self, keep your eye on the ball AT ALL TIMES!

It is so great to hear about everyone's races and amazing finish times. Keep up the great work!

2013-05-27 12:58 PM
in reply to: themomma03

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Congratulations Lee! That sounds like an excellent race, well executed.

Denise - I love the compliment you got! And that things are going so well in your training. You sound so ready for this tri.

I am mulling over going for a run today. I have been resting my knee after a little inflammation earlier this week. Just trying to err on the side of caution so that it doesn't turn into a bona fide injury. Still, I feel good and I have the time, so... maybe I will go for a little run.

2013-05-27 7:44 PM
in reply to: melanfi

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Going for my first OWS tomorrow with the new wetsuit. Water temp is hovering around 60. Race day is 6 days away so I am going to the lake where the race is and then to bike the course for familiarity.

Any tips on applying body glide for running sockless during the race. I have been running sockless with no problems but I am nervous come race day after the swim and bike that the body glide may wear off.
2013-05-27 8:31 PM
in reply to: trying2swim

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Originally posted by trying2swim
Any tips on applying body glide for running sockless during the race. I have been running sockless with no problems but I am nervous come race day after the swim and bike that the body glide may wear off.

What container of body glide do you have? the cream type or the one that looks like a deodorant stick?
For the wetsuit, Body glide around the wrists, and ankles up to the calf. around the neck and around the arm pit area. It helps when the suit is taken off, "glides" over the joints.....

on your feet, run the body glide under and on top of the toes, rub as you see fit. I found that it takes too much time in transition to actually grease up all the little piggys. i quickly run a finger between each toe and that's usually good enough for at least an HIM- not to worry.... the body glide will remain on your body throughout the event.

I also put body glide on my tri shorts on the "pad" where I sit. It will keep the area lubricated and remains on all day.

What distance is your race?

Denise... You're a rock star It's always nice to be complemented... and you should not be embarrassed, and if someone notices you have good form, it's because you have good form. .... you're doing something most people cannot even imagine and taking the time to do it consistently and with good form.

You guys have worked hard, and its only a few days away...... ooh rah.....
2013-05-28 9:37 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, MN
Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
I must apologize for my long absence. Just had a lot going on it seems. I've been reading your posts but not always in a timely manner. I will be busier this summer than in the winter but will do my best to keep up with the group. You have been doing fine without me, good job.

Weclome to Tom, another Minnesotan! I'm doing Buffalo this coming Sunday and have done Lifetime in the past.

Lee - Nice to see your 2nd race went better than the 1st. Amazing what racing with air in your tires will do to your times. Great job!

Denise - Another one with a race coming up on Sunday. Keep your eye on the ball and you'll have a great race. Good to hear no lasting ill affects from your baseball game incident.

Terry - You inspire me!

Melissa - How's the knee?

Ken - Biking is the key discipline for any distance race. It is always the longest leg timewise and therein lies it's importance. (Time In The Saddle) is key, the more you ride the better. Long rides are good for endurance. Speed work such as intervals on the trainer or on the road help you learn to go hard. Hills build leg strength. Riding in poor conditions teaches you to be ready for anything on race day. You will get faster the more you ride. Unfortunately there are few shortcuts. Did you get your bike fixed and a Memorial Day ride in? Many of my fast swim friends have the Finis swim snorkel and train with it. I've considered getting one but just haven't done it yet.

All - I'm a big fan of workout logs and race reports. They both allow you to track your progress and see long term what has worked for you in the past. Before a race I go back and read my previous race reports for any reminders about the course or anything else related specifically to that race. It helps get me in the right mind set. I'll be posting my latest RR from a duathlon last Saturday.

Weather here has been terrible. Cooler than normal, very wet. It's putting a damper on my non-tri related activities like golf and trout fishing. I did do both over the holiday weekend but both were done in the rain.

I will be away next week after my first tri of the year on a camping trip to the Boundary Water Canoe Area (BWCA). It's a primitive wilderness area accessible only by canoes. You pack in/out everything you need. This is our annual spring trip, we normally do another later in the year.

It's good to be back and I'll do a better job of checking in.
2013-05-28 9:58 AM
in reply to: tmoons

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Subject: RE: MJEWEN Summer 2013 Mentor Group - OPEN
Originally posted by tmoons

Originally posted by trying2swim
Any tips on applying body glide for running sockless during the race. I have been running sockless with no problems but I am nervous come race day after the swim and bike that the body glide may wear off.

What container of body glide do you have? the cream type or the one that looks like a deodorant stick?
For the wetsuit, Body glide around the wrists, and ankles up to the calf. around the neck and around the arm pit area. It helps when the suit is taken off, "glides" over the joints.....

on your feet, run the body glide under and on top of the toes, rub as you see fit. I found that it takes too much time in transition to actually grease up all the little piggys. i quickly run a finger between each toe and that's usually good enough for at least an HIM- not to worry.... the body glide will remain on your body throughout the event.

I also put body glide on my tri shorts on the "pad" where I sit. It will keep the area lubricated and remains on all day.

What distance is your race?

I have the deodorant type body glide. My distance is sprint so a 3 mile run. Anything longer and I will be wearing socks.
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