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2006-07-26 10:30 AM

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Little Rock, AR
Subject: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
My buddy had a flat during our ride last night. As he was fixing it, no fewer than 30 cyclist rode by. Of those, only 1 asked/verified that we were OK. Most avoided eye contact. I was amazed - good grief, this is the South!

I always - even if someone looks to have the situation totally in control - give at least a courtesy "you OK?".

Am I the exception? What's your response when you pass someone having technical difficulty?

2006-07-26 10:43 AM
in reply to: #493623

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?

I always ask. ALWAYS.

I ask if they are ok or if they need anything.

2006-07-26 10:44 AM
in reply to: #493623

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
What Comet said.  Always.
2006-07-26 11:06 AM
in reply to: #493623

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New York
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
Without a doubt ask. Even if I don't have any sort of tools, I could lend a hand. NEVER hurts to ask.
2006-07-26 11:07 AM
in reply to: #493623

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?

Comet's right on. 

I've also loaned tubes, levers and CO2 cylinders on occasion.  What goes around comes around.  Plus it's good way to make new friends.


2006-07-26 11:10 AM
in reply to: #493623

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Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
ALWAYS ask.  No doubt there will be a day when I will need someone's help.  Hopefully karma will be on my side that day and someone will ask ME!

2006-07-26 11:26 AM
in reply to: #493623

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Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
i always ask.. it seems around here in Seattle, most people will ask.

2006-07-26 11:49 AM
in reply to: #493623

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2006-07-26 12:57 PM
in reply to: #493623

Vancouver, WA
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
i was thinking about this last night as i passed about 5 other cyclists on my ride, and always say hi by lifting my left hand up off the handlebar, just enough to acknowledge them as a "hey, we're cool because we're both out here" kind of thing, but not as some drastic wave.

i make eye contact and rarely get so much as a nod back. maybe i'm a bit too friendly, maybe i don't look that good because i have a shoddy bike and go kinda slow...is it not really in the cycling culture to acknowledge other riders?

in reference to this thread, on my first sprint tri, i had a van pull up next to me on the bike route and ask if i was ok; i was going up a really steep hill and barely going anywhere, but i didn't think i looked THAT bad.

though that's a bit extreme, i hope i'd do the same if i see someone in distress. karma has given me a lot of free meals to eat and free couches to sleep on.
2006-07-26 1:45 PM
in reply to: #493623

Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
the minimum I owe to others would be the maximum I could hope for from others....
2006-07-26 1:52 PM
in reply to: #493623

state of denial
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
so far....i havent been on the side of the road, but i am sure my day will come. I always ask people if they need help. i could at least call someone if i didnt have anything to help with repairs. I even try to make a habit of keeping a spare tube in my car.

I also acknowledge others that out riding in 90+ heat. It seems like a brotherhood of sorts. Most give the nod or lift a few fingers, but the few that ignore me i wonder about. are they that focused they didnt see me? do they know so many people it would hurt them to acknowledge one more? are they above me b/c my bike costs less or i dont ride as fast?

2006-07-26 3:06 PM
in reply to: #493623

Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?

I ask how much it's worth to them for me to help...$$$$$

LMAO!!  Sometimes I amuse myself.


2006-07-26 3:20 PM
in reply to: #493623

Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?

Vonrunner, if you have Aerobars on, I have found that generally you won't get too much of a wave back from Roadies.  But other Triathlete's will wave back.  That's what I've found.  I've been accused of being too friendly too.  I get laughed at a lot because I wave at everyone and their brother that is riding the other way.

I always ask when I ride by.  I don't care if there a gaggle of other riders there.  It can't hurt to ask.  If I've got it, it's yours.  I also hope if I'm on the other end, I'll get asked as well.

2006-07-26 4:30 PM
in reply to: #493623

portland, or
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
I always ask, even if they're going the opposite direction on a busy road. Always. I have no idea how many tubes I've given away, or how many CO2 cannisters I've used on others tires. I've also changed a few tires for people, and made some mechanical adjustments on a couple of occasions.

I've only been on the receiving end once, and it was well worth everything I had "banked" prior.

2006-07-26 4:40 PM
in reply to: #493808

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2006-07-26 7:02 PM
in reply to: #493623

Extreme Veteran
Niagara Falls, Ont
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?

I gotta echo what was said earlier. If you're on your tribike on the side of the road and a group of roadies goes by, you probably won't dignify much of a response from them as you are merely a "triathlete", spreading your time between three disciplines instead of just riding your inpronouncable italian road bike.

But, if you are on the side of the road with your road bike, fellow purist! To the rescue they will come.

So do what I do. Always ask if they need help, and do what you can. If they don't offer help to you (roadies), fine, fix your damn tire, hammer up the road, and pass their pretty little peleton with your freaky handlebars! That is the best type of revenge out there.


2006-07-27 4:47 PM
in reply to: #493623

Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: What's your minimum Karma obligation to other bikers?
I always ask.  Being a mountin biker in a younger life, I know what it's like to be trapped, 5 miles in the woods with a broken chain and the wrong size tool to fix it.  What goes around comes around!
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