Other Resources The Political Joe » Gun control - The Answer? Rss Feed  
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2013-09-30 10:47 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Gun control - The Answer?
Originally posted by Left Brain
Originally posted by Brit Abroad
Originally posted by Clempson
Originally posted by Brit Abroad
Originally posted by Justin86

This is one of the things I disagree with a lot of people with similar opinions to myself, I am quite liberal.  However I am a proud owner of a rifle, and a handgun, and I'll be a damned if the government is going to take them away from me.

Mental health, and strict punishments for the unlawful abiding people who have firearms is where the control is needed.  I don't see how my guns cause any issues.

I don't think strict punishments will have any deterrent impact. Nobody who breaks rules, regardless of what "rule" that is - speeding, shoplifting, fraud, rape, murder - ever expects to be caught, so the thought of the punishment isn't something which enters their mind until after the fact, when they're consumed with regret.

While I'm very anti-gun, I appreciate that the collective American psyche will never fully relinquish their desire to be armed to the teeth. I also believe that stricter gun control is absolutely necessary, with respect to legally being able to procure a weapon.

Alexis bought his gun 100% legally, in spite of his mental health issues, prior gun crimes, and armed forces discharge. The fact that literally anyone can go to a gun show, and purchase any gun they choose, no matter what their mental capacity, or criminal background seems ludicrous. 

In my opinion, purchasing a weapon should be almost prohibitively difficult, with multiple checks and balances along the way to ensure only the most capable members of society can be armed. If this results in permits costing $1,000, and requiring 60 days notice - so be it.

this may surprise you.. but gun ownership is a deterrent of crime.  there is actually a place in our country where it is required to purchase a firearm to own a home. guess how much crime they have compared to the rest of the area/country? much much much less.  you tend to think twice about committing a crime with a gun when the chances of the other person also having one are pretty much 100%.

but hey, maybe one day we wont have guns anymore like the UK, and we can move on to banning steak knives instead... and then who knows what... sticks? is that next over there?

That does surprise me, primarily because it's demonstrably untrue. There are plenty of guns in under-priveleged areas of every major urban area, and crime is rife. Pointing out statistically insignificant case studies isn't relevant.

My point was that restrictions around gun owndership should be tighter. People want to own guns, for a variety of reasons (hunting, safety, paranoia, etc...), that's just a fact of life, but I don't feel that guns should be handed out without proper due diligence.

I feel that your fixation on my nationality is muddying my message. Surely you can't disagree that appropriate due diligence is necessary.

The ONLY due diligence that is necessary is to actually enforce current laws and hand out very stiff sentences for violent offenders.  That's all. 

One of the biggest obstacles to that simple solution is that our prisons are full of non-volent offenders.  We can come up with other sanctions/penalties for those folks.  Prison shold be used to separate the truley violent people from the rest of us.

There...........let's move on to the next problem, that one is solved.

Haha. Sounds good.

What's next? Religion?

2013-09-30 10:53 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Gun control - The Answer?
Originally posted by Left Brain

The ONLY due diligence that is necessary is to actually enforce current laws and hand out very stiff sentences for violent offenders.  That's all. 

One of the biggest obstacles to that simple solution is that our prisons are full of non-volent offenders.  We can come up with other sanctions/penalties for those folks.  Prison shold be used to separate the truley violent people from the rest of us.

There...........let's move on to the next problem, that one is solved.

If you did that you would hurt the for profit prison industry.
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