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2003-12-04 8:24 PM

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Elite Veteran
Northern Va/Metro D.C.
Subject: bike to run
For the past two weeks, I have been unable to run due to a pinched nerve in my lower back. In lieu, I've been biking 6 days out of the week solely. This week, I did two brick workouts with a very short run and my legs felt amazing. I'm not talking fresh because I simply haven't ran in quite some time, but stronger and leaner. Has anyone experienced this?

2003-12-05 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2300


Subject: RE: bike to run
I did a mini brick myself last night. Rode 15 miles on the bike and then ran 1 mile. I was surprised at how well I did. I just knew my legs would feel weak but they didn't.
2003-12-06 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2300

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Walla Walla, WA
Subject: RE: bike to run
I'd say that about 80% of my runs are bricks. My legs always feel good off the bike, and nothing prepares you for the early part of the run like doing bricks. It can be a very tough transition for your body to make, espically if you're not used to doing it. Leading up to the first olympic distance race I did I hadn't done any bricks. After a great swim and a stellar bike, I cramped up on the run so bad that I had to walk it for miles.

The first 10 minutes of the run are always unpleasant for me in any triathlon I do, but at least now I can keep a steady pace until I fully adjust.

2003-12-06 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2300

NC Illinois
Subject: RE: bike to run
When I first started training I did all my runs following the bike because I figured it'd be "no big deal" going from the bike to the run in the actual race.

I stopped doing this b/c I read it shouldn't be done that frequently (whether or not it's true, I have no idea).

With my limited training time, I often do 2 events back to back.

The only times my legs have felt funny coming off the bike was [1] my very first brick, and [2] if I bike for more than 1.5 hours.

I would say it really depends on how long the bike is. I'm sure there's a difference in riding 13-miles, or 56-miles. That just seems like common logic.

2003-12-08 5:58 AM
in reply to: #2360

Rutland Ohio (South Eastern Ohio)
Subject: RE: bike to run
Last year when I started the multisport thing, the first event I performed was a duathon. I had done a few bricks before, but my legs were really cashed out until about 3/4 mile into the second run. I think the difference was that with the bricks I had never gone full out effort and in the race I did. My legs felt like jello after the bike in the race. The race was 2.2 mile run, 22 mile bike and 2.2 mile run.
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