Subject: RE: training and caloriesI never count calories. The closest I come to is counting grams of protein when working out heavy. I eat BFL style which is 6 meals a day with a good carb and protein each meal + 2 veggies a day and 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a day. In many ways counting calories can cause problems depending on what you eat. If you have a big meal at lunch, do you starve the rest of the day :- ) What if I eat Doritos all day for my calories :- ) I believe the main thing is find the ratios you want to eat (high carb, low carb, zone, etc ) and eat healthy foods and try to stay away from processed food (including white bread and many wheat breads ) and sugar (corn syrup, fructose, etc ) as much as possible. Try to have lean meats (and fish for good fats ) and good carbs that don't spike the insulin too high. |