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2003-12-07 5:00 PM

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Elite Veteran
Northern Va/Metro D.C.
Subject: training and calories
How many calories do you shoot for during the off-season?

2003-12-08 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2368

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: training and calories
I never count calories. The closest I come to is counting grams of protein when working out heavy. I eat BFL style which is 6 meals a day with a good carb and protein each meal + 2 veggies a day and 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a day. In many ways counting calories can cause problems depending on what you eat. If you have a big meal at lunch, do you starve the rest of the day :-) What if I eat Doritos all day for my calories :-) I believe the main thing is find the ratios you want to eat (high carb, low carb, zone, etc) and eat healthy foods and try to stay away from processed food (including white bread and many wheat breads) and sugar (corn syrup, fructose, etc) as much as possible. Try to have lean meats (and fish for good fats) and good carbs that don't spike the insulin too high.
2003-12-19 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2368

Subject: RE: training and calories
i roughly count calories every day. after you figure out your basal metabolic rate - ie - how many cals your body burns in a day (by living, breathing, etc. not etc) it is easier to figure out how much you should eat. if you weigh 170 lbs you prob burn around 1600-1900 a day (everyone is different). you can get this measured if you want. so just take your bmr and add how many cals you burn exercising and you will have a rough idea of how much you can eat per day. 3500 cals = a lb just in case you werent aware. if im in a rest week or taking more than that off then i will only eat 1500-2000 cals a day. on a rest day during a week when im training i will prob eat 2000-2500 cals a day and if im working out i'll prob try to eat 300-500 cals less on a day then i am burning.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » training and calories Rss Feed