Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Neighborhood kids & a back yard pool Rss Feed  
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2014-06-26 7:03 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Neighborhood kids & a back yard pool

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by idahocraig Great advise on this thread one quick note be sure the gates on the fence only swing out not in. That way if a small child pushes on the gate even if it is unlocked it will not open. Kids are much more likely to push on a gate then pull it open. Also all gates should be self closing and self latching. Latch should be up high on the gate and on the inside of the fence. Adults can reach over the fence to open the gate kids cannot. With this set up it is very hard for small children to accidentally enter the pool enclosure.


Yes! Thanks

2014-07-07 9:53 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Subject: RE: Neighborhood kids & a back yard pool
Originally posted by flip18436572

As an ex-aquatics director, I can tell you that I had many parents made at me, but I made them be in the pool at the YMCA with their child if they were too small and they had to be in arms reach.  It is amazing, how quickly things turn bad.  I am serious that if we have people over, there is a parent in the water with their child, unless I am in the pool and I said I will take care of it or another parent is in the water that will watch everyone.  And our pool is just a small pool that we basically float in and cool down in.  Just the standard red neck above ground pool.

When I was a lifeguard I would have some pissed off parents for the same reason. They would drop them off at the door to swim and come back 5o tind them sitting on the bench. Pool rule saud parents required to be there for anyone less than 16.
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Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Neighborhood kids & a back yard pool Rss Feed  
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