Subject: RE: Crappy Winter Weather Challenge 2014 - 2015Originally posted by ErikaMitter
OKay I am in! To start off, today I rode up Donner Pass (from Truckee, CA up Old 40) in 20 degree, windy (at least 10mph winds with some gusts) weather and so let's see...that's what 6 points?
50min X 6 = 300 Suckitude
Yeah that seams about right...wasn't too I get an extra point for taking beanie (under my helmet) off on an incline without stopping and holding it the whole way?
Welcome to the challenge. I took the liberty of adding your name to the tracking spreadsheet (link below ). Feel free to fill in past activities if you have enough information to guesstimate your score.
Based on what you have said I get 5 points per minute rather than 6. Although if you give yourself the benefit of the doubt and say the wind was 11 mph instead of 10 mph you can add another point for wind. Of course I don't know if there was any snow or rain which will also increase your points per minute.
Cycling bonus - 1 point
20 degrees F - 3 points
10 mph wind - 1 point |