General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 3rd race breakdown help Rss Feed  
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2015-05-20 4:45 PM

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Subject: 3rd race breakdown help
As some of you know I'm trying to make it to world championships for 2016 and the only qualifier I can make is Edmonton in early Sept. All of your help so far has been great! So ill keep trying to learn from the great people on BT.

3rd race

I just found out how to put my new wheels on when I was setting up my bike in the transition so I drove home, got them and put them on (nothing new on race day). so setting up took a bit out of me as I was running around to find tools and driving the 20 min to my house and then driving the 15 min back to the race :P

730 meter swim time: 12:41, 1:42/100m, 28/172 gender, 44/311 overall
The person in front of me said they could do the swim in 13 flat and that they had done that in the same pool in training (she was wearing a team Canada tri suit so I trusted her :-). I thought if I could just catch her off the start then I could do my best to stay on her toes. we started 5 seconds apart and it was really easy for me to catch up. I stayed on her toes for the first 350 meters and it was easy. I thought about passing at this point but when we got out of the pool to start our 2nd lap I saw that my time so far was really fast for me so I stayed with it. I'm not sure If me staying within 3 inches of her toes helped her but after the race she said that was one of her fastest swim times. I got out of the swim feeling the best I have in my short racing career.

Time is not listed and I forgot to press lap when I was getting on the bike. my friends watching said that I was very fast and I passed about 4 people in T1 that started ahead of me. I still put socks on so that needs to stop for my next race.

17.6 km bike: 33:03 31.95km/h, 23/172 gender, 29/311 overall
my flying mount was good. there was a steep short hill right out of T1 so I climbed it before putting my bike shoes on. I had to put them in fast in a small flat space before another climb. this went ok and needs more practice. I was feeling great on the bike but I didn't have my speedo hooked up to my new wheels. as it turns out i was going to slow and should have picked it up. my gears were shifting really funny and it was impossible to find the right gear. I was told after that this was do to my shifter not being set for my new wheels.... this sucked! my guess is it cost me at least 30 seconds as I was never in the right gear and the course was all up and down hills so a lot of shifting was needed. also I didn't know how easy it was to lock up carbon wheels haha so I had some very hairy U turns (it was four laps of out and back).

T2 was fast with little room to go faster. It was my first time using my new zoot ultra race 4 shoes. they went on really fast and I was off to the races!

5 km run time 21:16, 4:15/km, 41/172 gender, 46/311 overall.
Started off a bit slow but legs were feeling like crap for the first 750 meters. I was right beside the only guy to pass me on the bike so I asked him what his run time was. when he said 23 min I thought it would be an ok pace to start and my goal was under 23. after 2 km we were passed by another racer so I thought I would try and stay with the faster guy..... I couldn't but I was still running faster then before. there was so many hills but hey everyone had to run them. I kicked with only 150 meters left and I thought I had run slow. I could have picked it up a bit more in the last 2 km. I should also kick with at least 300 meters to go.

Total time was 1:07 flat. age group place was 8/23, gender was 23/172 overall was 28/311. I was happy with that but I still see room to get better. I raced a smarter race and got two PR's (swim and run). It seems I'm not really FOP at the swim,bike or run. I think I should keeping going hard trying to get my bike and run faster. I just work to much to really try and ace the swim. I'm rebuilding my stroke right now from watching youtube and it seems to be working a bit. I was told about a drop in swim class with a really good coach just 2 blocks from my house so i'm going to try to get there once a week.

I feel like I am on the right track I just need to keep pushing my training. My next tri is on June 28th. it will be the first race that I don't have to do heavy construction work at home in the days leading up to the race. that being said i'm not really going to taper a lot as I have a bigger race on July 12

Any advice would be lovely (aside from nothing new on race day haha). I would like to try and get out of my MOP status by July 12.

Here is a link to the race results I'm Bib 523

Darcy Hinds
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