Other Resources Challenge Me! » BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016 Rss Feed  
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2016-01-01 8:19 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Although near your #'s Brad, you provided inspiration for my 5' test today. Managed a 296W KK VP for the test. Trainer Session-5' FT Test: Cad Avg-86, Max-93; Pwr Avg-296, Max-350. Just slightly under the goal of 300 but I cannot complain. So far the gains on the bike are going well. You guys are definitely pushing me harder than I did when I was doing this on my own last year. Now time to stop eating so many cookies & I will be good to go.

2016-01-01 9:05 PM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Originally posted by TTom

Another 20'FTP test not going as planned.  This time, was operator error, not mechanical error.

We've got a dog that is terrified of fireworks, so every 4th of July and New Years Eve we take a mini vacation someplace where they do not have fireworks.  I was supposed to do the test yesterday, but we were away so figured I'd just do it when we got home.  I discovered that riding for 3 hours in a car then getting on the bike for an FTP test is a bad combination.  I thought the legs would get less heavy once they were warmed up, but didn't turn out to be the case.  Then, to top it off, I targeted a 6% increase hoping that I'd be able to hold on and squeak it out, but realizing something in the 4-5% would be the more likely outcome.  Got on the bike and started the workout (Sufferfest Rubber Glove version) and 2 minutes in noticed the workout was set at 100%, not 106%.   So reset and restarted, not realizing that the 100% automatically had factored in an increase, so I was ending up with about a 10% increase.  10 minutes in I could see the combination of the two factors was untenable so bailed on the test, knowing that it means I have to do it again.  Poop.

What is the right way to handle a test when it is clear you've gone out too hard and are going to have to end up well below target.  Bail and retest or just hang on and live with the new number whatever it is.  My thinking is that this test is supposed to represent your ability to hang on at a given power for an hour so best to bail and rest.  Thoughts?

I guess I approach the test sessions from a different perspective. The results, good, bad or ugly are just a suggestion of where power is at that given time. I have had some tests session where it quickly becomes obvious that the end number is not going to hit what the target was before the session started. When the test session has gone bad, for whatever reason, I try to finish with the best effort I can give that day & let the number fall where it may. I don't bother stopping to repeat because, at least while following this program, in a few more weeks I will be doing a new test. If need be the numbers for the workouts can be adjusted. The big caveat however is that I do not use any of these power based applications. I only have a KK "Power Computer" that I look at during the sessions. So maybe someone who uses the power based applications would be better at giving an answer to your questions. Although I do see your approach could yield a more useful number. I just prefer to train rather than test.
2016-01-03 4:03 PM
in reply to: Donto

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Well finally recovered from the NYE party, darn tequila!  Did an afternoon ride to perform the 20' CP test, nice and cool today and took advantage of it. Started out feeling good so I bumped it up after 3 minutes which bit me at the end as I was hurting bad for the 1-2 minutes. Result was 239, almost the same as my 5' test 4 weeks ago!  New CP is 230, now the fun begins with the weekly 6x4' workouts. 


2015-01-03-20min-CP-test-239w.JPG (114KB - 54 downloads)
2016-01-03 5:41 PM
in reply to: Donto

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Nicely done, Don. Solid improvement!
I am a lil envious of everyone's purdy graphs

I did a 90-min ride yesterday. Not quite the listed optional 4th WOof 2 hours, but a steady effort .

Happy New Year to all!

2016-01-04 9:26 AM
in reply to: 5stones

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Originally posted by 5stones

Although near your #'s Brad, you provided inspiration for my 5' test today. Managed a 296W KK VP for the test. Trainer Session-5' FT Test: Cad Avg-86, Max-93; Pwr Avg-296, Max-350. Just slightly under the goal of 300 but I cannot complain. So far the gains on the bike are going well. You guys are definitely pushing me harder than I did when I was doing this on my own last year. Now time to stop eating so many cookies & I will be good to go.

Careful with that 5' test. Trying to hang on to something like 85% of that for the 20' test is brutal! I was able to do it yesterday though. 284w average for my 20' test. Feet and were really bothering me again. Had to loosen the shoes twice and retighten one of the once.. lol. Other than that, it went pretty good.
2016-01-04 12:37 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Originally posted by Bradleykd

Originally posted by 5stones

Although near your #'s Brad, you provided inspiration for my 5' test today. Managed a 296W KK VP for the test. Trainer Session-5' FT Test: Cad Avg-86, Max-93; Pwr Avg-296, Max-350. Just slightly under the goal of 300 but I cannot complain. So far the gains on the bike are going well. You guys are definitely pushing me harder than I did when I was doing this on my own last year. Now time to stop eating so many cookies & I will be good to go.

Careful with that 5' test. Trying to hang on to something like 85% of that for the 20' test is brutal! I was able to do it yesterday though. 284w average for my 20' test. Feet and were really bothering me again. Had to loosen the shoes twice and retighten one of the once.. lol. Other than that, it went pretty good.

No worries, I do the 20' test first so I have no % that I target. I just attempt to go all out for both. Maybe I should try the tests in reverse order next time. Might give me a number to shoot for on the 20' test.

Nice job on your 20' test.

2016-01-05 1:59 AM
in reply to: 5stones

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Did Week 3 -WO 1 . Bumped the effort to 4x1' @335, and 1@340/345 (last week was done at 326) , as well as spinning easy for 20 min for a total of 1hr.

2016-01-06 9:14 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Am I the 1st one to do the dreaded wk6wo1 6x4'  workout !?!  Man this one was hard, physically due to being at the new CP and mentally as the neighbor came over during the WU and told me our neighbor across the street died from a massive stroke overnight. I really lost focus and had to work to get it back. Have to admit I took some 30-60" longer on the 1' breaks for the 1st four. Last two 4' intervals I felt focused and kept it moving shifting gears.  Who's next!


2016-01-06-wk6-wo1-6x4m.JPG (122KB - 51 downloads)
2016-01-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Great job Don!

I did about 30 minutes of it and couldn't keep the power up or consistent at all. I gave it up and will try again after a rest day. I think the increase in running and cycling at the same time got me. I have been increasing running intensity and volume went up a little this week too. I think the 20 minute test on Sunday, then the hard run Monday really put a damper on this ride Tuesday.

If I do this one Thursday, I'll skip workout 2 for the week and do workout 3 Saturday. Maybe this will give me Sunday to rest and start next week better.
2016-01-06 10:47 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Well done Don!

Bad news for me.  That hamstring I've been rehabbing started acting up during the last ride.  Went to my PT yesterday and have been told to back of intensity for the next 4-6 weeks to keep things from going south.  My typical pattern of pushing too hard biting me on the butt again.  So, I'm out of the challenge this time around.  Bummer as it was really a motivator and fun (in a slightly masochistic way).  I guess it'll be the L1/L2 rides again for a while.

I'll be checking in to see how it is going though, so no slacking off!!

2016-01-06 11:39 AM
in reply to: TTom

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Originally posted by TTom

Well done Don!

Bad news for me.  That hamstring I've been rehabbing started acting up during the last ride.  Went to my PT yesterday and have been told to back of intensity for the next 4-6 weeks to keep things from going south.  My typical pattern of pushing too hard biting me on the butt again.  So, I'm out of the challenge this time around.  Bummer as it was really a motivator and fun (in a slightly masochistic way).  I guess it'll be the L1/L2 rides again for a while.

I'll be checking in to see how it is going though, so no slacking off!!

Tom sorry to hear it, injuries, especially nagging ones suck.  Why not do some of the WO2's and/or WO3's with us.  They are the "easier" rides and you can also back off on the CP threshold value to lower the intensity.  Keeps some structure to the riding.  Just a thought.

2016-01-06 11:42 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Originally posted by Bradleykd Great job Don! I did about 30 minutes of it and couldn't keep the power up or consistent at all. I gave it up and will try again after a rest day. I think the increase in running and cycling at the same time got me. I have been increasing running intensity and volume went up a little this week too. I think the 20 minute test on Sunday, then the hard run Monday really put a damper on this ride Tuesday. If I do this one Thursday, I'll skip workout 2 for the week and do workout 3 Saturday. Maybe this will give me Sunday to rest and start next week better.
Yeah bad double whammy there!  I did the 20' test on Sat and swear I could still feel the legs from it today.  Not a good idea to have this workout which is basically the 20' test broken up in 4' segments after the test!  I nee dto catch up too and will be skipping WO2 for WO3 this week.  I was also going to try and start riding outdoors on Sat mornings with the group so need to get my WO's back to Monday and Wed/Thur.

2016-01-06 5:12 PM
in reply to: Donto

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, Washington
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

I was traveling over the holidays so I didn't get my tests in.  I did however manage a few outdoor rides on a borrowed bike.

Did the 20' CP test today and updated the spreadsheet. I'll need to get the 5' done soon!


2016-01-07 2:09 AM
in reply to: RandyP

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
did wk3 wo2 (ms of 8x5)
using the spreadsheet from Don, it looked a bit different than the wo listed on the btwcp page.
alternating 5' @220+ and 5'@240+
completed this after an outside run of 4.7km

You are all inspiring me

2016-01-08 8:17 AM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Originally posted by triosaurus did wk3 wo2 (ms of 8x5) using the spreadsheet from Don, it looked a bit different than the wo listed on the btwcp page. alternating 5' @220+ and 5'@240+ completed this after an outside run of 4.7km You are all inspiring me
Yeah I was hoping it was 100% accurate.  Keep up the good work!

2016-01-08 8:20 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Did Wk6 (8) wo3 this morning, felt great doing this one, pleasant 3x8' at the Sweetspot. Wish it had another interval so I threw in a 2' 100%+ interval during the cooldown.


2016-01-08-wk6-wo3-3x8m.JPG (105KB - 60 downloads)

2016-01-08 6:47 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Not a workout in the BT WC program but I did a short interval session tonight, 10x45"(1'30"). Rode earlier this week without a computer just a watch to time the intervals. That tends to work better when riding outside. Inside I need to stick with the computer. Plan on completing the 4' intervals tomorrow.
2016-01-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
6x4' WO completed this morning. Still need to work on being able to ride at a higher cadence. At one point I was riding a cadence in the upper 60's.
2016-01-09 4:07 PM
in reply to: 5stones

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Originally posted by 5stones 6x4' WO completed this morning. Still need to work on being able to ride at a higher cadence. At one point I was riding a cadence in the upper 60's.
Yeah low cadence can lead to knee issues creeping up on you.  Been there done that!

2016-01-09 4:09 PM
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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

Afternoon workout, wk6wo2 build, legs felt a bit tired from yesterday morning's ride. This gives me a few days off to rest up and tackle the next 6x4' workout!

Have a great weekend everyone, next up pizza and football!

Edited by Donto 2016-01-09 4:10 PM


2016-01-09-wk6-wo2-5m-builds.JPG (109KB - 55 downloads)
2016-01-10 1:19 AM
in reply to: Donto

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Did WK 3. wo3, held 315-320 for the 2-min repeats. Rode 20 min @185 for CD.
Really would like a real power meter

2016-01-11 8:59 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Watching Clemson v. Alabama at the moment. Competed a 2x4x1' set on the trainer today at maximum effort for the work set. Will look to complete the 6x4' WO later this week. Also looking to get a swim in each day during the week. Carry on.
2016-01-12 1:56 AM
in reply to: 5stones

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Did the Wk 4 WO 1 today - tough session. Held 311-320 with 200 for the recovery. Added a bit to the Cool Down -20 min, for a total of one hour

Also, realized that my grey hair is showing ... It looks like I messed up and did wk 4 workouts 2 and 3 last week, rather than wk 3 workouts 2 and 3...
Ah well, legs are tired and heavy, so must be getting some work done

What do you all think? Should I just repeat them this week, or sub wk 3 wo 2 and 3?? Repeat a few weeks? Do not Pass GO?
slide down the ladder and go back to square one?

How is everyone progressing?

2016-01-12 11:15 AM
in reply to: triosaurus

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016

I have to admit I cold weather pussed out this morning. last week we were in the heat now we're in the cold and I'm now a cold weather weenie!  Was thinking I could run home this afternoon and get in the WO, we'll see how work goes.

2016-01-12 4:54 PM
in reply to: Donto

Subject: RE: BT Winter Cycling Program Challenge 2015 - 2016
Wait, aren't you in FL? You can join me in my unheated garage here in PA. No fan needed for trainer sessions right now.

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