General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Presistent side stitch/cramp Rss Feed  
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2016-07-17 5:23 AM


Subject: Presistent side stitch/cramp
Hello Everyone,

One week ago I competed in my first half-ironman (Muskoka 70.3). The race went very well up until the last 1/3 of the run. I unfortunately developed a bad right sided side stitch/cramp that caused me reduce my speed tremendously and sometimes even into a complete stop due to the intense pain. I eventually made it to the finish but was forced to walk part of the finishers chute the pain was so bad. My finishers picture shows me grimacing while holding my side haha. Post race cooldown was fine and I was only 6 minutes off the time I wanted (Finish time - 6:06). There is always next year.....

That's the story, now this is the issue. Everyday since the race I have continued to feel this side stitch/cramp. I felt it going up stairs, walking down stairs and anytime walking quickly. I decided yesterday that I would go for my first run since my race and it didn't go to well. The first 500m or so felt great. Then the identical side stitch/cramp hit me. I cut the run short and somehow ran with it for around 3km. The entire time I was running, I was constantly trying to stretch my abdomen. Either sucking my stomach in or pushing it out. Both helped, but the cramp persisted till the end.

I am getting quite frustrated about this. Does anyone know why this cramp keeps reoccurring? I read online that the reason why side stitches or cramps occur is still unclear but some may think its caused by ischemia in the diaphragm. Not sure how that would happen as I am constantly breathing. While training for my 70.3 I rarely ran with any fluids so maybe the introduction of fluids into my run during the race caused some sort of disturbance in my body? Im lost.

Now most importantly, does anyone know how I treat this persisting abdominal cramp? Is it a metabolism issue, abdominal strength issue, am I not breathing correctly when running, ect, ect? Just to be clear, I have been training 10-14 hours per week for the past 4 months and have never had this issue. I have an Olympic and another half iron booked for late August and Mid-September and would love for this issue to be resolved well before then. If anyone could help me out that would be greatly appreciated!!!!

I'm a 22 year old male if anyone is wondering for differential diagnosis purposes.

Thanks everyone,


2016-07-17 10:42 AM
in reply to: Naterv

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Subject: RE: Presistent side stitch/cramp
Not an expert, or a coach. I can only answer with what I do. It works well for me, and I am typically able to continue pace anytime a side stitch starts to crop up.

1. Give it a little more time to heal. A bad cramp can cause pain for weeks, muscle fibers are torn and damaged. Spend a lot more time on the bike and swim. Maybe use an elliptical to reduce impact and maintain some run fitness until no longer tender.

2. When running find a breathing pattern. I use a 2:2, that is 2 strides inhale, 2 strides exhale with a sharp inhale or exhale at each foot strike (sharp inhale- sharp inhale: sharp exhale-sharp exhale). Others use 3:2, etc...

3. When I start to develop a side stitch I adjust my breathing so the foot on the same side as the stitch strikes on my first (hardest) exhale. This engages the core muscles, and locks everything in place just as the foot is impacting.
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