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2017-02-17 11:37 AM

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Subject: Obama's Mess
Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush.

Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!

2017-02-17 11:42 AM
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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
He's trying to fix it. He keeps running into the 'Party of No'...

Edited by mdg2003 2017-02-17 11:43 AM
2017-02-17 11:56 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by mdg2003

He's trying to fix it. He keeps running into the 'Party of No'...

Yeah, that was always part of the deal. He knew going in they were not going to roll over when he took over.

I think they are spending way too much political capitol on crap that doesn't matter......like the war with the media and voter fraud.
2017-02-17 1:47 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

He's all about ego, so voter fraud - real or imagined - is always going to nag in the back of his mind.  Same with "sticking it to the press".

If he wanted a smooth transition, he'd be focused on nominations and policy the Democrats can't really object to like General Mattis, foreign policy (other than Russia), and building a solid trade agenda to compete with China.

2017-02-17 2:00 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by spudone

He's all about ego, so voter fraud - real or imagined - is always going to nag in the back of his mind.  Same with "sticking it to the press".

If he wanted a smooth transition, he'd be focused on nominations and policy the Democrats can't really object to like General Mattis, foreign policy (other than Russia), and building a solid trade agenda to compete with China.

Well I guess you have to take him warts and all. He has already done a lot of what he was elected to do:

1.Order a wall along the Mexican border and actually start enforcing existing laws against illegal immigration? Check.

2.Revoke federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities that offer illegal immigrants charged with crimes refuge from deportation? Check.

3.Squelch for good the job-killing, secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership? Check.

4.Ask the State Department and the Army Corps of Engineers for quick approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines that reduce dependency on foreign oil? Check and check.

5.Freeze the metastasizing tumor of the federal bureaucracy and its death-dealing regulatory tendrils? Check, check and check.

I stole that but I will add

6. Nominated a solid conservative to the SCOTUS Check!!

2017-02-17 5:14 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

He's all about ego, so voter fraud - real or imagined - is always going to nag in the back of his mind.  Same with "sticking it to the press".

If he wanted a smooth transition, he'd be focused on nominations and policy the Democrats can't really object to like General Mattis, foreign policy (other than Russia), and building a solid trade agenda to compete with China.

Well I guess you have to take him warts and all. He has already done a lot of what he was elected to do: 1.Order a wall along the Mexican border and actually start enforcing existing laws against illegal immigration? Check. 2.Revoke federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities that offer illegal immigrants charged with crimes refuge from deportation? Check. 3.Squelch for good the job-killing, secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership? Check. 4.Ask the State Department and the Army Corps of Engineers for quick approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines that reduce dependency on foreign oil? Check and check. 5.Freeze the metastasizing tumor of the federal bureaucracy and its death-dealing regulatory tendrils? Check, check and check. I stole that but I will add 6. Nominated a solid conservative to the SCOTUS Check!!

#4 is complete and total bull, we export oil, those pipelines are for export of fracking oil and canadian oil, eff that.

2017-02-17 7:34 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

He's all about ego, so voter fraud - real or imagined - is always going to nag in the back of his mind.  Same with "sticking it to the press".

If he wanted a smooth transition, he'd be focused on nominations and policy the Democrats can't really object to like General Mattis, foreign policy (other than Russia), and building a solid trade agenda to compete with China.

Well I guess you have to take him warts and all. He has already done a lot of what he was elected to do: 1.Order a wall along the Mexican border and actually start enforcing existing laws against illegal immigration? Check. 2.Revoke federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities that offer illegal immigrants charged with crimes refuge from deportation? Check. 3.Squelch for good the job-killing, secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership? Check. 4.Ask the State Department and the Army Corps of Engineers for quick approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines that reduce dependency on foreign oil? Check and check. 5.Freeze the metastasizing tumor of the federal bureaucracy and its death-dealing regulatory tendrils? Check, check and check. I stole that but I will add 6. Nominated a solid conservative to the SCOTUS Check!!

#4 is complete and total bull, we export oil, those pipelines are for export of fracking oil and canadian oil, eff that.

Yep. Not sure exactly how the pipeline benefits the US long term. Plus if I recall the numbers, it only marginally increases the amount of Canadian only already flowing south. It's become so politicized that I think both sides have lost focus on the actual pros and cons. It's just become another political football to hump. Consider how many pipelines are already running all over this country. There are a lot of them... I mean a lot, look it up. Will one more destroy the country? Nope. Will it make us energy independent? Again, nope. This makes a small group of investors a lot of money with out benefiting the rest of us. Besides the short term jobs created to build this thing, the impact on our lives is neutral. With or without it.
2017-02-17 7:56 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

I'm against fracking......anywhere. 

Drill the ocean or the Arctic, I don't care.....rip the Earth apart, nah....unnecessary and not worth it.

2017-02-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #5213815

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Ok, he hit a bunch of singles with EOs, but he was elected to help the working class rise. It is not going to happen if he doesn't get his act together. Sad.
2017-02-18 1:13 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by spudone

He's all about ego, so voter fraud - real or imagined - is always going to nag in the back of his mind.  Same with "sticking it to the press".

If he wanted a smooth transition, he'd be focused on nominations and policy the Democrats can't really object to like General Mattis, foreign policy (other than Russia), and building a solid trade agenda to compete with China.

Well I guess you have to take him warts and all. He has already done a lot of what he was elected to do: 1.Order a wall along the Mexican border and actually start enforcing existing laws against illegal immigration? Check. 2.Revoke federal funding for so-called sanctuary cities that offer illegal immigrants charged with crimes refuge from deportation? Check. 3.Squelch for good the job-killing, secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership? Check. 4.Ask the State Department and the Army Corps of Engineers for quick approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines that reduce dependency on foreign oil? Check and check. 5.Freeze the metastasizing tumor of the federal bureaucracy and its death-dealing regulatory tendrils? Check, check and check. I stole that but I will add 6. Nominated a solid conservative to the SCOTUS Check!!

#4 is complete and total bull, we export oil, those pipelines are for export of fracking oil and canadian oil, eff that.

That is debatable. You can move crude oil by rail, by ship, by truck or by pipe and by pipe is by far the least environmentally damaging and the teast risky. That oil will end up in our refineries in Houston not in China refineries.

What is not debatable is Trump did exactly what he said he would do RE Keystone!
2017-02-18 2:09 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Smithtown, New York
Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by Rogillio

Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush.

Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!

It upsets me that we have a man who lived the American dream, came from nothing to become our nations first black president. He worked tirelessly for our country yet still had to deal with racism and idiocy. You know what happened, those very racist idiots who tried to delegitimize our former president now leads this country. It's very disheartening tbh

2017-02-18 5:42 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by Rileyvb91

Originally posted by Rogillio

Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush.

Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!

It upsets me that we have a man who lived the American dream, came from nothing to become our nations first black president. He worked tirelessly for our country yet still had to deal with racism and idiocy. You know what happened, those very racist idiots who tried to delegitimize our former president now leads this country. It's very disheartening tbh

What racism and idiocy is it we are referring to? We talking about the same obama that responded to being called 'my ni**ah' at an official WH event with a fist bump to the heart? Yep, he worked tirelessly…. PEBH

Edited by mdg2003 2017-02-18 5:46 PM
2017-02-18 9:46 PM
in reply to: Rileyvb91

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by Rileyvb91

Originally posted by Rogillio

Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush.

Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!

It upsets me that we have a man who lived the American dream, came from nothing to become our nations first black president. He worked tirelessly for our country yet still had to deal with racism and idiocy. You know what happened, those very racist idiots who tried to delegitimize our former president now leads this country. It's very disheartening tbh

He was elected twice as POTUS and yet people still claim we are a racist country. Doesn't matter what we do there will always be people who say we are racists.

The only group of people you can still discriminate against now are white males. Look at TV shows now. It's always the white men who are depicted as bafoons. In my profession we celebrate black engineers, Hispanic engineers, Asian engineers and female engineers. But ther is no white male engineering society. Ther is no white male history month. I am told I am privileged. I grew up on welfare and I joined the Army national guard when I was 17 to help with college. I worked all thru college and got student loans that took me 10 years to pay back. I don't what my white privilege was. Maybe it was working 2 jobs in college?

2017-02-18 10:08 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

yeah one man is elected racism is over!

you are freakin delusional man

2017-02-19 1:25 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by dmiller5

yeah one man is elected racism is over!

you are freakin delusional man

Why are liberals so naive? No one said racism is over. Racism will never be over for SOME people. You can be a racist till you die. I am not and never have been. And with 50 + million Americans voting for him twice I'd venture to say they are not racist either. I believe most Americans are NOT racist. You obviously have a much more negative, cynical view of America and that is typical of liberals.
2017-02-19 8:14 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
"The only group of people you can still discriminate against now are white males. "

As a white male who has not felt the headwinds of job, housing, or legal discrimination I am embarrassed by this statement.

2017-02-19 9:28 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by Oysterboy

"The only group of people you can still discriminate against now are white males. "

As a white male who has not felt the headwinds of job, housing, or legal discrimination I am embarrassed by this statement.

If you get embarrassed by statements random strangers you don't know post on Internet forums you should probably turn the computer off. LOL

If you've never worked in corporate America you have no idea what I'm talking about. Many companies have quotas of people the need to keep. A certain percentage of engineers and managers need to be female, some need to be black, some need to be disabled, some need to be Hispanic, some need to be Asian.....there is no quota on white men. So when it comes time for hiring, firing and promoting performance takes a back seat. So while you may be fortunate enough to have never been legally discriminated against do not assume all white men share your privilege.
2017-02-19 9:33 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rileyvb91

Originally posted by Rogillio

Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush.

Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!

It upsets me that we have a man who lived the American dream, came from nothing to become our nations first black president. He worked tirelessly for our country yet still had to deal with racism and idiocy. You know what happened, those very racist idiots who tried to delegitimize our former president now leads this country. It's very disheartening tbh

What racism and idiocy is it we are referring to? We talking about the same obama that responded to being called 'my ni**ah' at an official WH event with a fist bump to the heart? Yep, he worked tirelessly…. PEBH
Around the 52 second mark- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jUabaMX20o. Pretty much an endorsement of said behavior IMO. In public, in front of cameras at an official WH event. Our potus letting the world know it's OK to use the n word so long as you're in the club? How'd that have played if Dennis Miller had done the exact same thing? We tolerate none of it or all of it. Anything in the middle is just hypocrisy. That's why you have a guy like Trump in office now. Hypocrisy and double standards lost this election for the D's.
2017-02-19 5:07 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

2017-02-21 11:24 AM
in reply to: Rileyvb91

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obama's Mess

Originally posted by Rileyvb91
Originally posted by Rogillio Just had to laugh as I passed the TV in the break room and saw a banner on the news "Trump says Obama left a mess" or words to that effect. I had to chuckle thinking of how long Obama use the "It's Bush's fault" mantra. I think he used it his entire first term. After that it got harder to blame Bush. Hate to hear Trump already sounding like a politician! Yeah we know Obama left a mess, that is why we elected you. Now shut up complaining and fix it!!
It upsets me that we have a man who lived the American dream, came from nothing to become our nations first black president. He worked tirelessly for our country yet still had to deal with racism and idiocy. You know what happened, those very racist idiots who tried to delegitimize our former president now leads this country. It's very disheartening tbh

I respectfully disagree.  He was elected overwhelmingly in both 2008 and 2012 and had tremendous support from both Whites and Blacks.

The problem is, he has spent his entire career hustling in race and for whatever reason used his position to drive wedges in between the races.  He wasn't a victim of racism and idiocy, he threw gas on it and aided in the divide of America that we have today.  He never spoke out against anti-White hate groups and violence and even embraced them.  He always blamed the cops and emboldened frustrated minorities to the point that they're openly execute police all across the country.  

Here's a snapshot of where our country felt we were before Obama and where we feel we are now:

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