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2017-03-24 8:40 AM

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Subject: Russia - Trump connection
So the conspiracy theory the dems/media have concocted and kept alive with numerous suggestions and innuendos is somehow the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to defeat Hillary. Initially the narrative was that they Russians hacked the election. But that proved to be not true. So now the focus is on tying the Trump campaign to the Russian leaks.....even though it's never been proven that Russia was behind the leaks. So any possible tie they can make between the Russians and anyone associated with the Trump campaign makes news. So I will throw CNN a bone.....

Here is another Russian/Trump connection:

In 2010 I visited Russia during a Disney Cruise stop at St Petersburg RUSSIA. In 2016 I gave $100 to the TRUMP campaign!

Bada-bing! There is it!!

Oh, and I also read that the lounge in Trump Towers all serve RUSSIAN vodka! That's right! Russian vodka. You know, like the vodka that is made in RUSSIA! Sold in TRUMP Tower lounges and clubs all over the world!

2017-03-24 8:54 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

the russians did hack the DNC and release information.... all of our agencies have confirmed that....

2017-03-24 9:11 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection
Originally posted by dmiller5

the russians did hack the DNC and release information.... all of our agencies have confirmed that....

So what. You don't think we hack everything we can in Russia? Every intel agency in the world hacks everybody they can. It's what they do for a living! Supposedly they left 'fingerprints' in their hacking that led the FBI/NSA to believe it PROBABLY was the Russians. They never said they were 100% certain. The 'proof' has never been made public and probably never will.

I have a problem with the assumption that the Russians released the DNC emails to hurt Hillary's chances of getting elected. All indications were that she was gonna win and win big. I would think they would hold the emails and use it as blackmail or use it to discredit or delegitimize her after she became POTUS.
2017-03-24 10:56 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

you're delusional.

2017-03-24 11:01 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection
Originally posted by dmiller5

you're delusional.

Thank you for your assessment. I value your opinion. I believe you are very intelligent and insightful.
2017-03-24 12:42 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by dmiller5

the russians did hack the DNC and release information.... all of our agencies have confirmed that....

If you're curious about actual facts here's a good summary of the "Russia connection" to the DNC server breach.


I'm sure you also read up on the Vault 7 leaks by Wikileaks that mentioned that the CIA uses deception tactics to disguise their attacks as originating from Russian sources.  I'm not saying the CIA hacked the DNC, but when you look at the actual evidence and then know that our own government disguises attacks to originate from Russia it makes sense that other entities are doing the same.

I know you really want there to be a Russia connection, but this is no different than the people that really wanted Obama to be born in Kenya.  It doesn't matter how bad you want it, what matters is the evidence and the evidence isn't there.  

2017-03-24 2:31 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

you are also delusional

2017-03-24 2:41 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

, California
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

I think the way things currently stand, certainly is enough to justify more investigation.

If there was a connection to Trump's campaign, we deserve to know.  If Trump had no input into Russia's behavior, we should know that too and put it to rest.

Regardless of that, we still need to know the extent of Russia interference in our computer systems (government, plus DNC and RNC) so we can get these hacked systems properly locked down and protect ourselves in the future.

I'm not particularly convinced that Trump had anything to do with the Wikileaks stuff on any more than an incidental level.  But I believe it is very likely that he is financially obligated to Russia through his businesses and that cloud is going to hang over him until he's more forthcoming with his investments, and until he fully divests.

2017-03-24 2:45 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Here's what I think........I think those who make up our  "intelligence community" are a bunch of idiots. 

Furthermore, I think they've crossed the line of legality with regard to spying on their own citizens (of both parties) and they are now just a bunch of rats trying to save themselves from drowning. 

It's disgusting. 

Edited by Left Brain 2017-03-24 2:52 PM
2017-03-24 3:31 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by Left Brain

Here's what I think........I think those who make up our  "intelligence community" are a bunch of idiots. 

Furthermore, I think they've crossed the line of legality with regard to spying on their own citizens (of both parties) and they are now just a bunch of rats trying to save themselves from drowning. 

It's disgusting. 

Did you read into the Vault 7 stuff form Wikileaks?  Absolutely crazy and puts the Snowden stuff to shame. 

Even if difinitive proof comes out of Russian involvement the CIA is admitted to faking Russian attacks.  Remember when Homeland Security attempted to hack GA election machines?
The funny part is our government and especially the CIA has a very long track record of hacking elections and trying to manipulate results throughout the world.  I don't doubt for a minute that Russia tries to manipulate ours as well, but it's not the hacking that cost Hillary the election.  It's who she and the people she employed were that lost her the election.  If there was nothing but boring political stuff in the emails then it wouldn't have had any effect, but what was in them was wrought corruption, child exploitation, and arrogance.  They're a bunch of very sick people and that's why She lost the election. 


2017-03-29 3:05 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Judas Priest...this thing gets uglier by the day. I don't think the public will ever know the whole truth. "We can't handle the truth!"

2017-03-29 4:11 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

You see this one yet?

Full context of video is there, but the link is to the important stuff:

Still think Obama didn't spy on Trump and his staff?  What's even weirder is that she quit the Obama administration in Sep of 2015 to join the Hillary campaign as a foreign policy advisor and still knows about all the spying that was going on and openly encouraged the administration to violate the law and disseminate classified information.  #lockHerUpToo

2017-03-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Like I said......just sit back and watch the rats start scurrying.  It's not going to even get good until they start doing what rats do.....pointing fingers at each other.  The best thing Trump can do is just shut the hell up and let it play out.  He got the ball rolling.......let it gather steam.  

The best part of all of this is that the liberals think they got HIM.  BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 

2017-03-29 6:04 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

This made me chuckle:

Rob Schneider: 2010 Dems lost the House; 2012 Dems lost the Senate; 2016 Dems lost the White House; 2017 Dems lost ability to reason; It's not Russia, it's YOU.

2017-03-29 6:41 PM
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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by tuwood

This made me chuckle:

Rob Schneider: 2010 Dems lost the House; 2012 Dems lost the Senate; 2016 Dems lost the White House; 2017 Dems lost ability to reason; It's not Russia, it's YOU.

You know, that's funny......but there is alot of truth to that.  My own ENTIRELY liberal side of the family.....my wife's Bizerkely, Ca. side (how can you get more liberal than that??), has abandoned the Democrat party because of it.  I swear I never thought I'd see it......it's like I live in an alternate universe now.  LMAO

For the love of god....when Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi are making your party's case you're finished.  Those two idiots couldn't lead a horse to water. But hey.....if THAT's your best foot forward......no problem. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Edited by Left Brain 2017-03-29 6:46 PM
2017-03-30 7:00 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by tuwood

This made me chuckle:

Rob Schneider: 2010 Dems lost the House; 2012 Dems lost the Senate; 2016 Dems lost the White House; 2017 Dems lost ability to reason; It's not Russia, it's YOU.

You know, that's funny......but there is alot of truth to that.  My own ENTIRELY liberal side of the family.....my wife's Bizerkely, Ca. side (how can you get more liberal than that??), has abandoned the Democrat party because of it.  I swear I never thought I'd see it......it's like I live in an alternate universe now.  LMAO

For the love of god....when Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi are making your party's case you're finished.  Those two idiots couldn't lead a horse to water. But hey.....if THAT's your best foot forward......no problem. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

I was thinking exactly that about those two yesterday. If those two are the voice the DNC, the DNC will become a footnote in the history books. I feel embarrassed for democrats whenever I hear either of these two ramble on incoherently. MW calling for impeachment? Someone get that woman a copy of the constitution.....

2017-03-30 10:19 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

C'mon guys, lets get some perspective here.  If the shoe was on the other foot and Clinton was in the Whitehouse with this cloud of foreign intervention in the election, the republicans would be having an aneurism right now.

A serious allegation has been made that a foreign power intervened in the US election and that the President (or his team) may have been involved.  Why wouldn't that call for an investigation?

How may millions are being spent on the investigation of the Obama wiretap allegation, simply based on one of Trump's delusional tweets?

Remember, Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary's emails - Drumpf.  Oh yeah, he was kidding.

2017-03-30 10:24 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by Scott71

C'mon guys, lets get some perspective here.  If the shoe was on the other foot and Clinton was in the Whitehouse with this cloud of foreign intervention in the election, the republicans would be having an aneurism right now.

A serious allegation has been made that a foreign power intervened in the US election and that the President (or his team) may have been involved.  Why wouldn't that call for an investigation?

How may millions are being spent on the investigation of the Obama wiretap allegation, simply based on one of Trump's delusional tweets?

Remember, Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary's emails - Drumpf.  Oh yeah, he was kidding.

You mean like everyone investigated when Hillary sold 20% of our Uranium to Russia and was paid hundreds of millions of dollars into her "charity" for it?  Or are you talking about how they investigated Podesta being paid 100's of thousands of dollars by the Russians?  Oh that's right, that's because nobody investigated any of that and covered it all up...

There is not a serious allegation against Trump, it's a complete joke.

BTW, back to my original hypothesis that Trump's tweet was more about making Obama back off could have some validity to it.  
2/28: stories started popping up about Obama being "ready to roll" and come back into the public resistance of Trump.
3/4: Trump's famous tweet about being wire tapped. 
Obama has been non-existent ever since and is currently "writing his memoirs" on a non extradition island.  lol

2017-03-30 10:34 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by Scott71

C'mon guys, lets get some perspective here.  If the shoe was on the other foot and Clinton was in the Whitehouse with this cloud of foreign intervention in the election, the republicans would be having an aneurism right now.

A serious allegation has been made that a foreign power intervened in the US election and that the President (or his team) may have been involved.  Why wouldn't that call for an investigation?

How may millions are being spent on the investigation of the Obama wiretap allegation, simply based on one of Trump's delusional tweets?

Remember, Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary's emails - Drumpf.  Oh yeah, he was kidding.

I have YET to hear a single shred of evidence, or a single source to verify or substantiate that this occurred.  On the other hand.......did you see the Farkas interview?   I'll be stunned if the Libs don't have egg all over themselves when this is said and done.  They haven't got anything right yet.  LOL

2017-03-30 11:13 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection
Here is my analysis and theory.

DNC email hacked.....maybe by Russia. So what?! That is what countries do. They spy on other countries.

So Obama/NSA/FBI/CIA/Mouse investigate....with their own spying/hacking of Russians. They have 'sources' that Evelyn Farkas didn't want disclosed....like maybe they had Putin's cell phone taped or the Russia embassy phone lines bugged?

They 'stumble' across phone conversations between Flynn and Russia.

Someone leaks this to the media and the left/media/dems Russian Connection neo-McCarthyism conspiracies theories explode. The media/left/dems now think they've got him. If they can just prove Trump colluded with the Russian and 'stole' the election that would make everything right in their world again! It would mean they didn't lose the election, Trump stole it. It would mean they could impeach that bat rastard Trump!

So the FBI launches an investigation of Flynn and, by association, Trump and the campaign. They get a FISA warrant to search Flynn's communications, which we all know the NSA already has on file but they just don't look at it until there is 'probable cause'. So they pull the records on Flynn and they see that he has been talking to Trump! Aha!!

Someone take a printed copy of the transcript of a private phone conversation between Flynn and Trump while he was in Trump Tower. Trump learns reads the transcript given to him by a spook and, being a little ignorant in current spy technology, assumes they must have taped his phone line in Trump Tower to have the conversation on file. He tweets this out.

The whole world calls it baseless for 3 weeks. Then the same spook who showed Trump the transcript, shows it to Nunes. Nunes said it was a 'legal, incidental surveillance'. Legal because they had the warrant to investigate Flynn. Incidental because Trump and Flynn happened to talk on the phone and they had a transcript of the phone call(s).

So when Flynn was about to be confirmed, someone dropped dime on him and said he was under investigation by the FBI for talking to the Russians. Before leaving office, Obama pay-back for the birther issue was to release this 'incidental surveillance' of Trump/Flynn to a dozen agencies guaranteeing it will be leaked by someone and almost impossible to find the leaker. The FBI then acknowledged that there is an ongoing investigation of Trump/Russian connection but said, and rightly so, that Trump's phone was not taped. That's because Trump was not the target of their surveillance, it was Flynn they had a warrant on.

So the question is, what is on the transcript of the phone call with Trump/Flynn? Maybe Trump told Flynn that he was going to undo the sanctions that Obama had imposed on the Russians?

Occam's Razor!
2017-03-30 11:22 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

C'mon guys, lets get some perspective here.  If the shoe was on the other foot and Clinton was in the Whitehouse with this cloud of foreign intervention in the election, the republicans would be having an aneurism right now.

A serious allegation has been made that a foreign power intervened in the US election and that the President (or his team) may have been involved.  Why wouldn't that call for an investigation?

How may millions are being spent on the investigation of the Obama wiretap allegation, simply based on one of Trump's delusional tweets?

Remember, Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary's emails - Drumpf.  Oh yeah, he was kidding.

You mean like everyone investigated when Hillary sold 20% of our Uranium to Russia and was paid hundreds of millions of dollars into her "charity" for it?  Or are you talking about how they investigated Podesta being paid 100's of thousands of dollars by the Russians?  Oh that's right, that's because nobody investigated any of that and covered it all up...

There is not a serious allegation against Trump, it's a complete joke.

BTW, back to my original hypothesis that Trump's tweet was more about making Obama back off could have some validity to it.  
2/28: stories started popping up about Obama being "ready to roll" and come back into the public resistance of Trump.
3/4: Trump's famous tweet about being wire tapped. 
Obama has been non-existent ever since and is currently "writing his memoirs" on a non extradition island.  lol

If you are so outraged that politicians got a free pass before, then why aren't you supporting an investigation in this case?  Fine, Clinton and Podesta are both scum, so does that justify letting this one slide as well?

From what I know, the investigation is centered on the unmasking of intercepted phone calls between trump's team and a monitored Russian diplomat.  The intelligence committee feels that an investigation is warranted so why oppose it?

Do you also feel that investigations into the Obama wiretap and the 3-5 million illegal voters are outrageous as well.  Because from what I've seen, there is no evidence for either of those investigations but Republicans are hell bent to get to the truth.

At the end of the day, its the partisan politics that drives me nuts.  I'm not shocked when the Party yells fake news every time someone tries to slam Trump, but I can't understand why the everyday Republican isn't more than a little concerned that there may be truth to this.

And for the record, I would be saying the same thing if the situation was reversed and the Democrats were resisting an investigation of Hillary's team colluding with a foreign power.

Can we at least agree on this, IF there is evidence that any member of Trump's team was involved in colluding with the Russians to sway the election, that it is treason?


2017-03-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

C'mon guys, lets get some perspective here.  If the shoe was on the other foot and Clinton was in the Whitehouse with this cloud of foreign intervention in the election, the republicans would be having an aneurism right now.

A serious allegation has been made that a foreign power intervened in the US election and that the President (or his team) may have been involved.  Why wouldn't that call for an investigation?

How may millions are being spent on the investigation of the Obama wiretap allegation, simply based on one of Trump's delusional tweets?

Remember, Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary's emails - Drumpf.  Oh yeah, he was kidding.

You mean like everyone investigated when Hillary sold 20% of our Uranium to Russia and was paid hundreds of millions of dollars into her "charity" for it?  Or are you talking about how they investigated Podesta being paid 100's of thousands of dollars by the Russians?  Oh that's right, that's because nobody investigated any of that and covered it all up...

There is not a serious allegation against Trump, it's a complete joke.

BTW, back to my original hypothesis that Trump's tweet was more about making Obama back off could have some validity to it.  
2/28: stories started popping up about Obama being "ready to roll" and come back into the public resistance of Trump.
3/4: Trump's famous tweet about being wire tapped. 
Obama has been non-existent ever since and is currently "writing his memoirs" on a non extradition island.  lol

If you are so outraged that politicians got a free pass before, then why aren't you supporting an investigation in this case?  Fine, Clinton and Podesta are both scum, so does that justify letting this one slide as well?

From what I know, the investigation is centered on the unmasking of intercepted phone calls between trump's team and a monitored Russian diplomat.  The intelligence committee feels that an investigation is warranted so why oppose it?

Do you also feel that investigations into the Obama wiretap and the 3-5 million illegal voters are outrageous as well.  Because from what I've seen, there is no evidence for either of those investigations but Republicans are hell bent to get to the truth.

At the end of the day, its the partisan politics that drives me nuts.  I'm not shocked when the Party yells fake news every time someone tries to slam Trump, but I can't understand why the everyday Republican isn't more than a little concerned that there may be truth to this.

And for the record, I would be saying the same thing if the situation was reversed and the Democrats were resisting an investigation of Hillary's team colluding with a foreign power.

Can we at least agree on this, IF there is evidence that any member of Trump's team was involved in colluding with the Russians to sway the election, that it is treason?


One minor correction.  The Democrats on the intelligence committee want to investigate, not the committee itself.  

In all seriousness I could care aless about them investigating this or anything else, but it's laughable at the attempts to make up evidence.  Even the head of the FBI was citing news stories as his evidence.  seriously?  It's like a big circle jerk.  Anonymous sources say...  newspaper prints... congress investigates... fbi testifies...  well I read it in the newspaper...  newspaper confirms fbi agrees...  

The media well deserves their fake news title because they are printing and reporting on outrageous lies.  I could give you numerous examples of outright partisan lies that they make up to try and hurt Trump.  The sad part is that they've lied so much that even when they are genuinely telling the truth nobody believes them anymore.

2017-03-30 11:30 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by tuwood

Hillary sold 20% of our Uranium to Russia and was paid hundreds of millions of dollars into her "charity" for it? 

FFS. You see, here's the problem with the internet. A "news story" that has been thoroughly debunked continues to be thrown around like facts because FoxNews and MSNBC (not to mention the ridiculously bad ones like Breitbart and Occupy Democrats) keep pushing their right/left agenda. Some extremely partisan website throws together a story based on rumors and half-thruths, that turns in to uninformed tweets, and social media runs with it turns in to a fact. Fork it, let's investigate. Everyone. Investigate the whole damn lot of them. Clinton, Trump, Obama, Kushner, Podesta, Flynn. They can all share a jail cell together.


2017-03-30 11:41 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection

Originally posted by Rogillio http://circa.com/politics/barack-obama-changed-how-nsa-intercepts-o... Judas Priest...this thing gets uglier by the day. I don't think the public will ever know the whole truth. "We can't handle the truth!"

This is the most important part of the story linked above:

"Before the Russia election scandal catapulted scrutiny of the NSA monitoring of Americans to new heights, red flags were being raised by civil liberties experts, but given little media attention.

The ACLU, an ally of Obama on many issues, issued a statement a few months ago warning that the president’s loosened procedures governing who could request or see unmasked American intercepts by the NSA were “grossly inadequate” and lacked “appropriate safeguards.”

If Trump really wanted to do something helpful to the broader issue of NSA's monitoring of Americans, he could reel back the Obama's loosening of procedures that allegedly snagged conversations of his people.  I doubt he will - power is only bad in someone else's hands.

2017-03-30 12:06 PM
in reply to: #5216663

New user
Subject: RE: Russia - Trump connection
I say investigate it and do it now. Then move on. Sick of hearing about it.
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