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2017-04-13 8:36 AM

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Subject: Dead Cat Theory
This is what Bob Schieffer said about how Trump got elected. I like it. It is not why he won but it's may very well be how he won.

"Whether he knew it or not, he was practicing the political strategy that was first identified by an Australian political consultant named Lynton Crosby. He called it the 'dead cat theory.' And the way that works is no matter what the conversation people are having at a dinner party if you threw a dead cat in the middle of the table the conversation turns to the dead cat. Donald Trump threw cats dead and alive on the table. Every time the narration went this way and suddenly the attention was back to what he was talking about and was on him."

2017-04-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #5218289

New user
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory
Yep and the Dems will figure this out eventually and will quit the global warming narrative.
2017-04-14 12:52 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory

Another beautiful thing was his ability to change the narrative.  Things that have been long standing politically correct "group thinks" were exposed and everyone was outraged.  Then after a few days people started saying... You know, there might be something to this...  Dang, Trump is right...

I gave Obama a ton of credit for his brilliant campaign strategy, but Trump took it to a whole new level. 

2017-04-17 11:06 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory
Originally posted by tuwood

Another beautiful thing was his ability to change the narrative.

Another example of this is when Trump was asked about comments made by the Pope were in direct opposition to many of Trumps positions. Instead of answering the question, Trump started talking about ISIS bombing the Vatican. So instead of discussing the role of wealthy countries in dealing with refugees, people are thinking about the poor old Pope being killed by ISIS.
2017-04-17 11:59 AM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory

He's also the master of using humor.  Most of the younger generations truly appreciate good $hit (parity/joke) posts like this one from this morning:

2017-04-17 12:00 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory

The other important thing of note.  The Democrats have been completely silent.  They bet the farm on the "Russian narrative" which has blown up in their faces pretty bigly.  They don't appear to know what to do now other than try to obstruct in Congress, but they can't even do that.


2017-04-17 2:31 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory
Originally posted by tuwood

The other important thing of note.  The Democrats have been completely silent.  They bet the farm on the "Russian narrative" which has blown up in their faces pretty bigly.  They don't appear to know what to do now other than try to obstruct in Congress, but they can't even do that.


I'm lump the media into the bucket with the dems by pressing the "Russian stole the election story and claiming Trump was delusional with his baseless wiretap" claims and the have it all blow up in their faces like a poorly configured IED blowing up on the guy planting it. Couple that with the Gorsuch victory and the bipartisan support for action in Syria, illegal border crossing way down and Trumps approval ratings way up.

What's a liberal 'journalist' to do? Oh....Trumps tax returns! I got new for them, they are locked up in the same draw as Obama's college transcripts/records. Trump got elected having NOT released them. The only people who want to see them are his political opponents intent on doing him harm. There is no up side to releasing them. The election is over.
2017-04-18 12:07 AM
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Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by tuwood

The other important thing of note.  The Democrats have been completely silent.  They bet the farm on the "Russian narrative" which has blown up in their faces pretty bigly.  They don't appear to know what to do now other than try to obstruct in Congress, but they can't even do that.


I'm lump the media into the bucket with the dems by pressing the "Russian stole the election story and claiming Trump was delusional with his baseless wiretap" claims and the have it all blow up in their faces like a poorly configured IED blowing up on the guy planting it. Couple that with the Gorsuch victory and the bipartisan support for action in Syria, illegal border crossing way down and Trumps approval ratings way up. What's a liberal 'journalist' to do? Oh....Trumps tax returns! I got new for them, they are locked up in the same draw as Obama's college transcripts/records. Trump got elected having NOT released them. The only people who want to see them are his political opponents intent on doing him harm. There is no up side to releasing them. The election is over.

Yeah, exactly what are they thinking will be in Trumps '16 tax returns?  A deduction for travel miles to Russia?  BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Dear Libs,

Pay attention here......Donald Trump is the President of the United States.  Practice saying it until you stop acting stupid. I realize you spent a year of your life telling all of us that it would never happen.  You can't have that time back......I feel your pain (I lived through it with President Obama), but you wasted your time and you can't get it back. LOL 

Edited by Left Brain 2017-04-18 12:11 AM
2017-04-18 12:21 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory
I'm one of the people who is disappointed that Trump won't share his taxes. I'm not concerned with what is actually in them, but it is shady as hell that he won't do it. Trump is obviously not an up front and honest kinda guy, but every time he does things like this I have less ability to be proud of my President. He may be able to make great progress for the American people, but at no point can I ever tell my children they should respect him as a person.
2017-04-18 12:51 PM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory

Originally posted by jmcconne I'm one of the people who is disappointed that Trump won't share his taxes. I'm not concerned with what is actually in them, but it is shady as hell that he won't do it. Trump is obviously not an up front and honest kinda guy, but every time he does things like this I have less ability to be proud of my President. He may be able to make great progress for the American people, but at no point can I ever tell my children they should respect him as a person.

Meh - the guy I work for doesn't have to show his Income tax return, and neither do I.....both public employees.  My salary is your business, what I do with it is not.

2017-04-18 1:04 PM
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Subject: RE: Dead Cat Theory
Originally posted by jmcconne

I'm one of the people who is disappointed that Trump won't share his taxes. I'm not concerned with what is actually in them, but it is shady as hell that he won't do it. Trump is obviously not an up front and honest kinda guy, but every time he does things like this I have less ability to be proud of my President. He may be able to make great progress for the American people, but at no point can I ever tell my children they should respect him as a person.

I can certainly see your reasoning. I guess I'm willing to cut him some slack. I would not want my income tax to be made public. I don't want people seeing that I made $300k in 2007 but only gave $12 to charity (not real numbers) because it paints a distorted picture of me. It does not show the number of hours I spent sweating in the kitchen in the downtown rescue mission or the time I stopped in the rain to pull some your black kid's car out of the ditch with my pick-up or the time I picked up a Mexican hitch hiking and drove him 12 miles out of my way and gave him food and gas money. The car I gave to my niece was not considered 'charity' but she needed one and so I gave her mine.

There is virtually no good that can come out of him showing his returns. It would just be giving his haters ammunition to say, "See, we told you he didn't pay his fair share of taxes!" and "Look, the guy made a billion dollars and only gave $21.50 to charity."

Obama went 8 years with this college records 'sealed'. Who does that? And why? I would be willing to show my college transcript even through it shows I made a D in thermodynamics the first time I took it and had to repeat the course. My records show the time I had a bad semester and got put on academic probation. So what?! I did better the next semester. The transcript doesn't show I was working two jobs and working 60 hrs a week. I just can't image why anyone would have their college transcript/records sealed.

The tax return issue is a dead horse. The left can continue to try to ride that dead horse but after a while they just look like stupid and the dead horse start to stink. Trump also looked stupid RE the birth certificate thing even after Obama's first term.

Tell your children that politics is an ugly business and the 'other side' will use any means (right or wrong) they can to try to make you look bad. Trump made a calculated decision to not show his returns before the election. He won. He did not show them and he still got elected.

Having said all this.....I would not put it past Trump to set up the media and some day dump his tax returns....he might just be holding this dead cat for maximum distraction on a day he really needs it!

Did you like how I circled back to the OP? :-)

Edited by Rogillio 2017-04-18 1:07 PM

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