Subject: RE: Wetsuit - yay or nay? Hi,
Most if not all UK openwater swims will be wet suit mandatory. Some are based on tempreture, but some of the larger ones just make it compulosry.
I looked to rent, but then you only get it a couple of weeks at most before the race, then you have to go through the same hassle for each race.
I bought one from aTri Shop in St Albans it cost about £150-200 about three years ago.
To rent at the time was around £50 for a month, so once you've raced three times you get your money back.
If you are going to race more than a couple of times I suggest buying. If you dont use it you can always sell it on to get some money back.
What race are you entered for in July? I'm racing the Sunday at the London tri at the Excel.
Tony. |