BT Development Mentor Program Archives » My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2017-12-01 10:10 AM

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
GROUP FOCUS: A home for those looking to make a positive change, just starting out, moving up distances or for those looking for support, encouragement and motivation

NAME: Sarah

STORY: 39yo professional horse trainer and riding instructor. I started my triathlon journey in 2011 after a painful end to a longterm relationship forced me to re-evaluate my life. In 6 short years I have gone from a depressed boarder-line alcoholic to a happy, healthy motivated athlete. To date I have done countless sprint and olympic triathlons, 4 70.3 triathlons, multiple century rides and even a 7 day cycling tour through WY and ID (Cycle Greater Yellowstone)

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged to an amazingly supportive man.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently focusing on strength training, will begin training for the 2018 triathlon season in January.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This was a huge year for me!
Platte River 13.1 (PR by 10 min)
CO Marathon 26.2 (PR by 20 min)
Boulder Peak
Boulder Sunset Olympic distance
Harvest Moon 70.3 (PR by 30 min)

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: With a wedding in the future, 2018 will be a lighter year
Elephant Rock cycling event - 40 mile ride w friends
CO Tri - sprint
Boulder Peak - olympic
Harvest Moon 70.3

WEIGHTLOSS: in 2011 I lost 50 lbs! Currently, I aim at maintaining a healthy BF percentage without sacrificing my lean mass

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am not an elite competitor, I'm a solid mid-pack, frequent back of the pack finisher. I know what it feels like to be alone on the course. I also know how triathlon and the endurance community can change your life for the better! While not an athletics coach, I have been coaching people professionally for over 20 years. I love nothing more than watching people find their strength, confidence and power!

2018-01-11 5:11 AM
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi Sarah,

I hope you're well!

A little about myself is that I'm a 23 year old male working 9-5 as a Mental Health Therapist in the UK! I find exercise a really useful outlet and am progressively working my way up the fitness ladder!

In 2015 I also lost 48lbs!

My experience:

- Completed 5 Half marathons
- Completed 1 Marathon
- Completed 1 Sprint Triathlon.

My running experience is relatively strong, yet I'm a particularly nervous and inexperienced cyclist but do feel my swimming is improving and so I feel some of your coaching and experience would be of great benefit for this! I'm not interested in being in the front of the pack, but essentially would like to enjoy my training as well as my race-day experience. I only ever compare myself to myself!

Current Training: 3x swimming per week (1000m each), 1x run (45 mins) and inconsistently 2x 30minute cycles on indoor trainer

Goals for 2018: To complete an Olympic Distance Triathlon in May/June. To complete another Olympic Tri in September beating the first experience time.

How would it be best to move forward in regards to this? Looking forward to working with you!

Edited by Suurealz 2018-01-11 5:21 AM
2018-01-11 6:47 PM
in reply to: Suurealz

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi! And welcome to the group! It sounds like you're coming from a solid fitness base and your goals sound very realistic. Congrats on your weight loss, that's awesome!

I would suggest aiming for 2-3 days per week for each sport plus strength training a couple of times per week. Beginner Triathlete has some wonderful training plans available to download. Make sure you plan on at least one and if possible 2 days a week of rest!

Do you have a local tri group or cycling group that could help you get more comfortable on the bike? Having an experienced cyclist talk you through shifting and proper cadence will make your ride much more efficient! Have you had your bike fit? Making sure that your bike fits you properly is essential! An improper bike fit can lead to instability and injury.

Once again, great to meet you!
2018-01-12 6:41 AM
in reply to: #5231786


Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
I’m looking to do the Beginner Olympic Balanced 2x 16 week plan! Getting my bike fitted is a must actually, I find i’m actually sat a bit too far forward which may be inhibiting me greatly!

In terms of cycling groups I have just moved to the area and it’s freezing here in the UK so I’ll have to look to see what is available!!

How’re you getting on??
2018-01-12 10:29 AM
in reply to: Suurealz

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Sounds like a good plan. This time of year, while the weather is still challenging, try looking for a bike trainer studio. These are places with bike trainers hooked up to a computer system that can simulate changes to terrain by increasing and decreasing tension on the fly wheel.

My training is going pretty well. I've been focusing on strength training for the last 3 months, mainly correcting strength imbalances and developing power. I just started back to structured tri training this month. My first race isn't until June and my A race isn't until Sept so I will have a long, slow build period.
2018-01-12 5:02 PM
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN

I'm Dan. I'm 39, and a have two amazing boys (half time).

I (like many folks here) am pretty new to triathlon. I have been a runner for many years (nothing over marathon distance, and certainly not really fast). About 4 years ago I injured my right foot training for a marathon. While I've always enjoyed mountain biking, I had never done any road riding. During the time I was not able to run I bought a road bike and realized I really enjoyed it!

1 sprint Tri
4 Half Marathons
1 Full Marathon
1 mile open water swim (no wet suit)

This coming year I hope to complete 2 XTERRA tri's, and possibly a half IM in August (if not the half then I'll do an Olympic). I also plan to do my first 100k MTB race (just want to finish), and possibly a 50k trail race. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment!

Most of all, I just want to have fun!

Currently I'm swimming 3 days per week, and strength training 1-2 days per week (body weight stuff and core). I plan to start biking 2-3 days per week next week. I'm still recovering from a stress fracture in my left foot, so no running until mid Feb. (walking boot came off last week, no pain, I'm following my Dr's orders to the "T"). My first XTERRA is at the end of March, but the run is only 4 miles so I'm not to worried about it.


I'm looking for someone to bounce training ideas off of, and general questions that I know will come up.

Edited by danfrink 2018-01-12 5:39 PM

2018-01-12 9:24 PM
in reply to: danfrink

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Welcome to the group, Dan! Sounds like you've got a good plan. Will you be working with a more organized training plan (BT has some really good plans available for download)? Sorry to hear about your stress fracture! Pool running might be a good option as you return to running.

Looking forward to helping you!
2018-01-12 11:18 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi gang!

Totally new to the tri scene, and just got my first mountain bike together 10 days ago : ) Three rides in: what a workout!

I'm super outdoorsy and love hiking, paddleboarding, snowboarding, anything really.. I'm in limbo career wise and waiting to apply to a second bachelors Registered Nurse program this year.

No kids, no hubby, quite a bit of free time at this point in life and I've been making the best of it. Last year I got bored and one half-marathon turned into seven. Now I feel like I needed something new to work on, and when I saw that TBF offered MTB races I was iN!!!

I blindly signed up for the MTB Tri @ Granite Bay on March 24th- the day before my 33rd birthday, I am absolutely stoked and afraid of the long bike ride!

I was fortunate enough to find a used Xterra wetsuit on Ebay for $50 and can't wait for a warmer day to go test it out on the lake. I think I'm most nervous about the noise and splashing and other people. So much adrenaline at the start I bet...

I'm not a fast runner, or a great biker, but I just keep going- it's the only way to get better...

Hope everyone is well- Karen
2018-01-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: Jencine

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hey Karen! Welcome to the group and congrats on your new challenge!

What are the distances of each leg of your tri? Are you planning on working with a training program like the ones here on BT? How is your training going so far? This is a great time of year to be focusing on your swim (In the pool of course)! How's that going?

The chaos of the swim start can be pretty intimidating. I have lots of tips and tricks to help avoid the crowds and deal with the pack once you get going. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to get out there and swim as much as possible!

Hope you're having a great weekend and I look forward to helping you!
2018-01-14 6:20 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Happy Sunday athletes! I hope you're enjoying a productive weekend! I'm suffering through the end stages of an upper respiratory infection but still made it to the pool at 7am to swim with my tri club.

Swimming, more than any of the three sports of triathlon, is heavily technique driven. There is simply nothing natural or instinctive about a human being moving through the water. The key to becoming a strong and efficient swimmer lies in moving through the water with as little resistance as possible. This means traveling with our hips and shoulders and head on the same vertical plane, arms working in line with the shoulder and feet assisting in proper body position without creating drag. We achieve all of this through drills! Lots and lots and lots of drills!

While it can be very tempting, especially in the beginning, to focus on as much yardage as possible. Your time in the pool (especially this time of year) is best spent working on your form. Each swim set should be broken into a warm-up, a drill set, a main set and a cool down. Drills are designed to train your brain (muscle memory) the most efficient way to move through the water. They are slow going and they are frustrating but oh so worth it! There are a ton of drills but some of my favorites are; kicking on my side, single are pulls, streamline kicks, six change kick (or shoulder, hip, head), catch-up, fingertip drag and swimming with fists. Each drill set I do my drills 25 meters and swim back focusing on the purpose of the drill. You can find lots of good drills through Total Immersion swimming and Triathlon Taren

What are some of your favorite swim drills? What are some of your least favorite? Any swim drill questions??

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Happy swimming!

2018-01-15 4:58 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi Sarah!

  • .. so for right now I'm still looking for a pool to swim in - no fancy gym with a pool for me at the moment, but I'm looking to see what's around me on a month-to-month payment basis.

  • It's hard when you love to be outdoors and the weather is working against you; that's always been my biggest problem. I'm going for a run today, but several of the next days are going to be rain, so biking is out... however I may go snowboard or to yoga- something else for sure!

    I haven't honestly looking at any of the "plans" for training and I probably should. I'm sure they work well for a reason!

    I got out on the mountain bike twice in four days and also got two runs in... so I just try to alternate stuff and perform at a good pace where it feels like work.

    2018-01-16 11:57 AM
    in reply to: Jencine

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Planning your workouts around the weather can be a struggle, I am so very tired of the bike trainer and the treadmill right now! It's still early in the season though, so you have plenty of time. An 8 week base period and then a 12 week build before your race should be plenty. That said, you can never swim too much! Have you looked into local rec centers? Many community rec centers offer inexpensive punch cards, that way you're not paying for a membership that you're not using when the weather is good.
    2018-01-17 4:47 PM
    in reply to: Jencine

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Hi Karen,

    How funny! I live in Auburn, and am doing to XTERRA at Granite Bay as well. Are you on facebook? Rocklin Endurance Sports has a group page that I will be soliciting / looking for others to do brick workouts on a couple weekends starting next month. Best of luck!


    Originally posted by Jencine

    Hi gang!

    Totally new to the tri scene, and just got my first mountain bike together 10 days ago : ) Three rides in: what a workout!

    I'm super outdoorsy and love hiking, paddleboarding, snowboarding, anything really.. I'm in limbo career wise and waiting to apply to a second bachelors Registered Nurse program this year.

    No kids, no hubby, quite a bit of free time at this point in life and I've been making the best of it. Last year I got bored and one half-marathon turned into seven. Now I feel like I needed something new to work on, and when I saw that TBF offered MTB races I was iN!!!

    I blindly signed up for the MTB Tri @ Granite Bay on March 24th- the day before my 33rd birthday, I am absolutely stoked and afraid of the long bike ride!

    I was fortunate enough to find a used Xterra wetsuit on Ebay for $50 and can't wait for a warmer day to go test it out on the lake. I think I'm most nervous about the noise and splashing and other people. So much adrenaline at the start I bet...

    I'm not a fast runner, or a great biker, but I just keep going- it's the only way to get better...

    Hope everyone is well- Karen
    2018-01-17 4:53 PM
    in reply to: SrhJarvis

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN

    I have taken the 2x3 training plan that BT has and kind of modified it. I feel good for the swim (not fast, but good) as I do 2800 yard workouts regularly 3-4 times per week. I just started biking again this week. I did a 40 minute ride and a 70 minute ride. I should be getting in 3 rides per week. I won't start running until a month before my first race (the run for the XTERRA is only 4 miles). In November I was running up to 55 miles per week, and had planned to do a 50k trail race in February. I'm hoping the bike will carry over some. I just don't want to rush the return to running from the stress fracture.

    What do you think?

    P.S. I have a friend who is a certified tri coach, and my GF is an ultra runner. So between the two of them I've kinda came up with this plan. I don't really train at all when I have my two boys (half time), so I have to squeeze things in between.


    Originally posted by SrhJarvis

    Welcome to the group, Dan! Sounds like you've got a good plan. Will you be working with a more organized training plan (BT has some really good plans available for download)? Sorry to hear about your stress fracture! Pool running might be a good option as you return to running.

    Looking forward to helping you!
    2018-01-17 4:57 PM
    in reply to: SrhJarvis

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN

    I'll have to look at the streamline kicks and six change kick drills you mentioned (haven't heard of those). I've only been swimming for a year. I feel kinda stuck at the 1:40/100yd pace right now. I'm sure it's form related, because I feel like I'm in decent enough shape. Anyways, I'll check these out, thanks!


    Originally posted by SrhJarvis

    Happy Sunday athletes! I hope you're enjoying a productive weekend! I'm suffering through the end stages of an upper respiratory infection but still made it to the pool at 7am to swim with my tri club.

    Swimming, more than any of the three sports of triathlon, is heavily technique driven. There is simply nothing natural or instinctive about a human being moving through the water. The key to becoming a strong and efficient swimmer lies in moving through the water with as little resistance as possible. This means traveling with our hips and shoulders and head on the same vertical plane, arms working in line with the shoulder and feet assisting in proper body position without creating drag. We achieve all of this through drills! Lots and lots and lots of drills!

    While it can be very tempting, especially in the beginning, to focus on as much yardage as possible. Your time in the pool (especially this time of year) is best spent working on your form. Each swim set should be broken into a warm-up, a drill set, a main set and a cool down. Drills are designed to train your brain (muscle memory) the most efficient way to move through the water. They are slow going and they are frustrating but oh so worth it! There are a ton of drills but some of my favorites are; kicking on my side, single are pulls, streamline kicks, six change kick (or shoulder, hip, head), catch-up, fingertip drag and swimming with fists. Each drill set I do my drills 25 meters and swim back focusing on the purpose of the drill. You can find lots of good drills through Total Immersion swimming and Triathlon Taren

    What are some of your favorite swim drills? What are some of your least favorite? Any swim drill questions??

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Happy swimming!

    2018-01-17 8:05 PM
    in reply to: danfrink

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    Aurora, Colorado
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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Sounds like a good plan! Given your previous running background, you should be able to work up to a strong 4 miles easily with 4-6 weeks before the race. I've known athletes recovering from stress fractures to do all of their run training right up until race day in the pool! Mentally exhausting but it worked! I think the biggest challenge for you will be getting your body used to running off of the bike. Once you're cleared to run again, start incorporating little 10min runs after each bike ride just to get your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors into the habit of working off of the bike.

    Sounds like you're in very good hands!

    Originally posted by danfrink


    I have taken the 2x3 training plan that BT has and kind of modified it. I feel good for the swim (not fast, but good) as I do 2800 yard workouts regularly 3-4 times per week. I just started biking again this week. I did a 40 minute ride and a 70 minute ride. I should be getting in 3 rides per week. I won't start running until a month before my first race (the run for the XTERRA is only 4 miles). In November I was running up to 55 miles per week, and had planned to do a 50k trail race in February. I'm hoping the bike will carry over some. I just don't want to rush the return to running from the stress fracture.

    What do you think?

    P.S. I have a friend who is a certified tri coach, and my GF is an ultra runner. So between the two of them I've kinda came up with this plan. I don't really train at all when I have my two boys (half time), so I have to squeeze things in between.


    2018-01-17 8:14 PM
    in reply to: danfrink

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    When you search for streamline kick drills, the ones that come up have your arms overhead, I prefer to do the drill with my arms down by my side. Here's a youtube video:

    Six change kick:

    Originally posted by danfrink


    I'll have to look at the streamline kicks and six change kick drills you mentioned (haven't heard of those). I've only been swimming for a year. I feel kinda stuck at the 1:40/100yd pace right now. I'm sure it's form related, because I feel like I'm in decent enough shape. Anyways, I'll check these out, thanks!


    2018-01-18 6:57 PM
    in reply to: #5231786

    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    STORY: I'm in my mid 30s. I've been mountain biking for several years now and do a couple of mountain bike races each year in the 35km to 50km range. I'm definitely a middle of the pack mountain biker. Last year I started swimming just to increase my fitness and slowly built up to swimming 1km non stop. I also bought a road bike for commuting in order to get more time in the saddle. At the end of the year I put the swimming and cycling together and decided to set a goal to do a triathlon. The only problem was that I hadn't run any real distance in 12 years and when I had tried running in recent years I ended up with painful tib ant compression syndrome. So I started a long rehab process to get myself ready to try running again and after a lot of strengthening work I finally started a returning to run program just before Christmas.

    FAMILY STATUS: wife, 1yo daughter and another child on the way. This really limits when I can train so that I can balance training with family and work.

    CURRENT TRAINING: Swim twice a week at lunch time, one 1200m swim and one short or medium length interval swim.
    Ride 3 days per week usually two morning rides at least 1:30 duration on the commute into work and two afternoon rides :35 duration on the way home and then one mountain bike ride around 1:15 duration. Commute rides are used for specific training following Joe Friel training plan, currently doing Base 3 phase. Mountain bike ride is more just get out and have fun.
    Run twice a week. Still building up very slowly. I just finished a pre couch to 5km plan and will begin couch to 5km next week.

    LAST YEAR'S RACES: 35km and 42 km mountain bike races. Middle of the pack finishes. My training was fairly poor.

    UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: Wife is expecting in July so the goal is to complete a triathlon before then. Currently planning for 22 April. I would love to do Olympic distance but not sure that I can get to 10km run in that time. I am also considering doing a local sprint tri in March to get a feel for the whole thing.

    WEIGHTLOSS: 10kg in the last 6 months. Didn't olan to lose weight but with the big increase in cardio is just happened.
    2018-01-18 9:55 PM
    in reply to: B.K

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    Aurora, Colorado
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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Welcome! Sounds like you're in a really good spot with your training! Unless your race in April sells out, you should be able to see where your run training is after your sprint in March and decide if your body will hold up for the 10k.

    Congrats on the upcoming new addition!!

    Originally posted by B.K

    STORY: I'm in my mid 30s. I've been mountain biking for several years now and do a couple of mountain bike races each year in the 35km to 50km range. I'm definitely a middle of the pack mountain biker. Last year I started swimming just to increase my fitness and slowly built up to swimming 1km non stop. I also bought a road bike for commuting in order to get more time in the saddle. At the end of the year I put the swimming and cycling together and decided to set a goal to do a triathlon. The only problem was that I hadn't run any real distance in 12 years and when I had tried running in recent years I ended up with painful tib ant compression syndrome. So I started a long rehab process to get myself ready to try running again and after a lot of strengthening work I finally started a returning to run program just before Christmas.

    FAMILY STATUS: wife, 1yo daughter and another child on the way. This really limits when I can train so that I can balance training with family and work.

    CURRENT TRAINING: Swim twice a week at lunch time, one 1200m swim and one short or medium length interval swim.
    Ride 3 days per week usually two morning rides at least 1:30 duration on the commute into work and two afternoon rides :35 duration on the way home and then one mountain bike ride around 1:15 duration. Commute rides are used for specific training following Joe Friel training plan, currently doing Base 3 phase. Mountain bike ride is more just get out and have fun.
    Run twice a week. Still building up very slowly. I just finished a pre couch to 5km plan and will begin couch to 5km next week.

    LAST YEAR'S RACES: 35km and 42 km mountain bike races. Middle of the pack finishes. My training was fairly poor.

    UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: Wife is expecting in July so the goal is to complete a triathlon before then. Currently planning for 22 April. I would love to do Olympic distance but not sure that I can get to 10km run in that time. I am also considering doing a local sprint tri in March to get a feel for the whole thing.

    WEIGHTLOSS: 10kg in the last 6 months. Didn't olan to lose weight but with the big increase in cardio is just happened.
    2018-01-18 11:27 PM
    in reply to: #5235515

    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Thanks. I don't think the April Tri sold out last year so I'm going to hold off as long as possible before signing up.
    2018-01-19 11:38 AM
    in reply to: SrhJarvis

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Okay, this is super interesting. I hadn't thought of running in the pool, but I'm going to look into it! I'll keep you posted, and thanks!


    Originally posted by SrhJarvis

    Sounds like a good plan! Given your previous running background, you should be able to work up to a strong 4 miles easily with 4-6 weeks before the race. I've known athletes recovering from stress fractures to do all of their run training right up until race day in the pool! Mentally exhausting but it worked! I think the biggest challenge for you will be getting your body used to running off of the bike. Once you're cleared to run again, start incorporating little 10min runs after each bike ride just to get your hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors into the habit of working off of the bike.

    Sounds like you're in very good hands!

    Originally posted by danfrink


    I have taken the 2x3 training plan that BT has and kind of modified it. I feel good for the swim (not fast, but good) as I do 2800 yard workouts regularly 3-4 times per week. I just started biking again this week. I did a 40 minute ride and a 70 minute ride. I should be getting in 3 rides per week. I won't start running until a month before my first race (the run for the XTERRA is only 4 miles). In November I was running up to 55 miles per week, and had planned to do a 50k trail race in February. I'm hoping the bike will carry over some. I just don't want to rush the return to running from the stress fracture.

    What do you think?

    P.S. I have a friend who is a certified tri coach, and my GF is an ultra runner. So between the two of them I've kinda came up with this plan. I don't really train at all when I have my two boys (half time), so I have to squeeze things in between.


    2018-01-19 12:10 PM
    in reply to: SrhJarvis

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Okay, I do the streamline kick drill pretty regularly (just didn't call it that). I REALLY like the looks of the six kick change drill! I"ve been trying to work on my kicking recently so I'll be incorporating this in my next workout.



    Originally posted by SrhJarvis

    When you search for streamline kick drills, the ones that come up have your arms overhead, I prefer to do the drill with my arms down by my side. Here's a youtube video:

    Six change kick:

    Originally posted by danfrink


    I'll have to look at the streamline kicks and six change kick drills you mentioned (haven't heard of those). I've only been swimming for a year. I feel kinda stuck at the 1:40/100yd pace right now. I'm sure it's form related, because I feel like I'm in decent enough shape. Anyways, I'll check these out, thanks!


    2018-01-19 2:37 PM
    in reply to: danfrink

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    Aurora, Colorado
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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Here's a fun video on deep water pool running from Triathlon Taren

    Originally posted by danfrink

    Okay, this is super interesting. I hadn't thought of running in the pool, but I'm going to look into it! I'll keep you posted, and thanks!


    2018-01-23 12:02 AM
    in reply to: #5235528


    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    NAME: Kevin

    STORY: Two years ago I was 240 pounds and I was out of breath climbing a story of stairs. Friends convinced me to join a Tri relay in Penticton BC. My portion was the 3km swim. I managed to drop 30 pounds and finished the swim in 57 minutes. I also got hooked on the energy and comradery surrounding a tri. This summer I got down to 190 and did a 16km trail run, an Olympic tri, a sprint tri, and a 10km run.

    FAMILY STATUS: Married with a 13 year old son.

    CURRENT TRAINING: I am doing a slightly modified version of the 7 to 10 hour off season plan on this sight. I also play racquetball ball once a week to keep things fun. In April I will do a half iron plan, again from this site.

    UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: I am doing the Whistler half ironman Canada in July. I am also doing a tough mudder in Whistler in June to warm up for the season. I will finish things off with the Super Series in Penticton, though I may do that with a team for fun. I also plan on a half marathon in June to gain confidence for the run distance, but I still haven't picked which one yet.

    WEIGHTLOSS: I dropped from 240 to 190 in the last year in a half, though I put on some weight over Christmas. I hope to be at 170 come race season. Here is hoping. Workouts are strong but diet is definitely a weak point. Working on it!
    2018-01-24 7:24 AM
    in reply to: kehatch

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    Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
    Welcome to the group, Kevin!!
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