BT Development Mentor Program Archives » My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2018-03-25 7:27 PM
in reply to: #5240012

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Checking in for another week. Had a great week of training this past week, hit all of my planned workouts and had a proper rest day. I did a brick workout Sunday which I used to try out my tri suit for the first time. Quite comfortable for the run and ride. I need to make an effort to test it in the water.

Today is the first day of my last week of build period. Looking forward to heading up to the lake on Wednesday and previewing the course and getting some specific training done including my first open water swim.

My plan after this week is to maintain the same intensity but decrease volume by 30% each week for two weeks. The week after that will be race week and according to my trainingpeaks graph I should be right where I want to be for form come race day.

2018-03-26 8:10 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Sounds like a great plan. How do you feel about your nutrition?
2018-03-26 5:43 PM
in reply to: #5240349

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
I have been practicing my nutrition the last few weeks. I have found gels to be a pain on the bike, too much fiddling around. I have found the Clif Bloks easier for the bike and store them in a soft bento box for easy access. The recommendation is one serving per 30 min. One serve is 24g carbs and 50mg sodium.

For the run I was planning to have one or two gels. I don't have a race belt so was just planning to tuck the gel packets into the leg of my suit.
2018-03-26 9:00 PM
in reply to: B.K

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
I agree, gels on the bike are a pain! Cliff Bloks work well. I like Bonk Breaker Bars or mint Cliff bars, they are nutrient dense (about 250 - 350 cal per bar) don't tend to be as sweet at the bloks and have caffeine.

If you don't have a race belt, are you pinning your bib number? A simple race belt saves a lot of time and gives you a place for your gels.

Originally posted by B.K

I have been practicing my nutrition the last few weeks. I have found gels to be a pain on the bike, too much fiddling around. I have found the Clif Bloks easier for the bike and store them in a soft bento box for easy access. The recommendation is one serving per 30 min. One serve is 24g carbs and 50mg sodium.

For the run I was planning to have one or two gels. I don't have a race belt so was just planning to tuck the gel packets into the leg of my suit.
2018-03-27 7:26 AM
in reply to: #5240441

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
No number bib for this race, just ankle tag and numbers on calf and arm. Should I look into a belt?
2018-03-27 8:36 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Interesting. I've never done a race without a bib. A race belt is a cheap and easy investment if you plan on doing other races in the future

Originally posted by B.K

No number bib for this race, just ankle tag and numbers on calf and arm. Should I look into a belt?

2018-04-01 6:48 AM
in reply to: #5240461

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Happy Easter. I finished my build period today with a brick workout. It has been a big week both in terms of training and holiday. Looking forward to winding things down a bit over the next couple of weeks and getting a bit more rest.
2018-04-01 7:42 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN

Originally posted by B.K

Happy Easter. I finished my build period today with a brick workout. It has been a big week both in terms of training and holiday. Looking forward to winding things down a bit over the next couple of weeks and getting a bit more rest.
2018-04-07 4:26 PM
in reply to: #5240746

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Feeling good after my first week of taper.

I hit all of my workouts as planned and starting to feel like I know what I am doing with my run pacing. Until now I have been pacing my run on my HR which has resulted in paces all over the place. My HR seems to creep while running so my pace would slow and slow throughout the run.

I have now set my paces using the Joel Friel method and find it much easier to be consistent. My HR does tend to sit higher than my cycling HR for a similat perceived effort but I can maintain the pace just fine.

How is your ankle healing Sarah?
2018-04-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Congrats on a good week! HR training does take awhile. I had to run/walk my zone 1 for probably a year. Now I can comfortably jog zone 1-2 and zone 3 is a solid race pace for me. Your HR zones for the run and the bike should be different and require lactic threshold tests for both. For example my zone 3 HR on the run is 155 - 161 and 124 - 141 on the bike. I've never tried the Joel Friel method but I know of quite a few athletes that train that way very successfully. So much of triathlon is just finding what works for you.

My ankle is doing great! As long as I don't run on it. Surgery is scheduled for Weds. A major stabilizing ligament is sprained and partially detached which has allowed excessive movement in the Tibiotalar joint leading to the formation of bone spurs. Doc will remove bone spurs and repair the ligament. Putting me in a walking boot for 6 weeks. If all goes as planned, I should be 100% in 12 weeks.

Originally posted by B.K

Feeling good after my first week of taper.

I hit all of my workouts as planned and starting to feel like I know what I am doing with my run pacing. Until now I have been pacing my run on my HR which has resulted in paces all over the place. My HR seems to creep while running so my pace would slow and slow throughout the run.

I have now set my paces using the Joel Friel method and find it much easier to be consistent. My HR does tend to sit higher than my cycling HR for a similat perceived effort but I can maintain the pace just fine.

How is your ankle healing Sarah?
2018-04-15 9:42 PM
in reply to: #5241180

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
I came down quite sick in the second half of the week just gone which derailed my taper a bit. It is Monday here now and although I am feeling better I had a preplanned rest day which I am taking advantage of to get back to full health.

My plan for the rest of the week is in line with Joe Friel's race week plan so short, high intensity interval training with decreasing reps as the week goes on. Another rest day on Friday which will be my travel day.

Sunday is raceday and the weather is forecast to be fine with a maximum of 25C.

2018-04-16 2:39 PM
in reply to: B.K

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Sounds like a good plan

Originally posted by B.K

I came down quite sick in the second half of the week just gone which derailed my taper a bit. It is Monday here now and although I am feeling better I had a preplanned rest day which I am taking advantage of to get back to full health.

My plan for the rest of the week is in line with Joe Friel's race week plan so short, high intensity interval training with decreasing reps as the week goes on. Another rest day on Friday which will be my travel day.

Sunday is raceday and the weather is forecast to be fine with a maximum of 25C.
2018-04-22 5:12 AM
in reply to: #5241753

Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Today was my day to tri and tri I did. Completed the olympic distance course in 3:30. Quite slow and it put me at back of pack but I had a great time and learnt a lot of lessons.

The swim was a real eye opener. I have never swum in a pack like that before and it was quite daunting with limbs flying everywhere.

The ride was pretty straight forward. That is certainly the leg I am most experienced in. There was a bit more climbing than I had expected which made it slow going at times and also caused a few HR blowouts but I managed my HR well at all other times.

The run went smoother than I thought. I haven't been running long and the longest training run I've done was 8.5km and that was without a swim and ride beforehand. Nevertheless, I managed to stick to my target pace. I found it quite challenging to take on water at the aid stations. They had water in plastic cups and I think I managed to wear more of it than I actually consumed. Next time I think a race belt and a couple of little bottles might be a better idea.

I think I did quite well with nutrition throughout the day. I will have to go back and add up the calories and carbs I took on but I stuck to my plan and never felt that awful bloat.

Thank you for all of your advice Sarah. A great help.
2018-07-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: #5242090

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi Sarah & all!
Is this group still open?

I'm a 38 yo. husband & father of 2, who works 1.5 jobs and somehow finds some time for Sprint triathlons. (Or I'm trying to, that's part of why I'm here)

I did my first triathlon last August and have done 2 more this spring. I was planning on doing one this Saturday, but I don't feel like my fitness is up to it... I'm looking for some help with motivation and keeping on task.
2018-07-05 8:37 AM
in reply to: riles32807

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hey! The group has been inactive for awhile but I am more than happy to help you in any way that I can!
2018-07-05 5:03 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Thanks Sarah.
I feel like consistency in training is my biggest problem at the moment. I'm looking to find a support group or mentor , to see if that will help me with with sticking to my training schedule. I'd love help in all aspects, nutrition, training plan, goal setting, etc.

Here's a rundown of where I am or where I think I am.

This season
Cocoa Beach Triathlon - 4/8 1:20:45
Clermont Summer Series #1 - 6/2 1:24:06
Ft. De Soto Series #1 - 7/7
Clermont Summer Series #3 - 8/3
Ft. De Soto Series #3 - 9/15
Maybe find another?
Challange Daytona - 12/8

Ideal training plan
Sun - swim (lake) 45-60 min
Mon - bike 1-1.5 hr
Tues - 15 min strength HIIT or 30 min yoga or off
Wed - run 45-60 min
Thurs - 15 min strength HIIT or 30 min yoga or off
Fri - Pick a workout
Sat - Brick

I've been swimming religiously but the other workouts have been hit or miss. WHEN I was hitting this schedule, I'd alternate weekly so one discipline would focus on endurance, and another on intensity, the third would be medium effort/medium distance.

2018-07-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
wow! That's a very ambitious season! When I first got into triathlon, I raced once a month too and suffered serious burnout. Your training should build gradually (usually about 10% per week with one "easy" week every 4 weeks) up to a race. After a race it's important to give yourself some time off to recuperate both mentally and physically. When you're racing monthly it's almost impossible to do that. Are you tapering your training 2-3 days before your race? Are you taking any time off afterwards?

Your training schedule also looks rather ambitious but not impossible. BT has some great training plans that will give you specific workouts working on specific skills building your fitness gradually and giving you that necessary "easy" week every 4 weeks. As a busy dad with 1.5 jobs I would definitely build at least 1 and if possible 2 rest days per week. One of these needs to be a real rest day not a "I'm just too busy to train" day. Fitness adaptation takes place not while we're doing the work but instead while we're resting and giving our bodies a chance to adapt to the work.. How often are you taking rest days? Are you using a program?

Originally posted by riles32807

Thanks Sarah.
I feel like consistency in training is my biggest problem at the moment. I'm looking to find a support group or mentor , to see if that will help me with with sticking to my training schedule. I'd love help in all aspects, nutrition, training plan, goal setting, etc.

Here's a rundown of where I am or where I think I am.

This season
Cocoa Beach Triathlon - 4/8 1:20:45
Clermont Summer Series #1 - 6/2 1:24:06
Ft. De Soto Series #1 - 7/7
Clermont Summer Series #3 - 8/3
Ft. De Soto Series #3 - 9/15
Maybe find another?
Challange Daytona - 12/8

Ideal training plan
Sun - swim (lake) 45-60 min
Mon - bike 1-1.5 hr
Tues - 15 min strength HIIT or 30 min yoga or off
Wed - run 45-60 min
Thurs - 15 min strength HIIT or 30 min yoga or off
Fri - Pick a workout
Sat - Brick

I've been swimming religiously but the other workouts have been hit or miss. WHEN I was hitting this schedule, I'd alternate weekly so one discipline would focus on endurance, and another on intensity, the third would be medium effort/medium distance.
2018-07-06 12:55 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
It is pretty ambitious; the Cocoa Beach Tri last year was my friend's first, and the one that got me interested so weve decided that were going make a point of doing that one yearly. The Clermont Tri series is close to home and it's nice to see improvement (or not) on the same course. I'm excited to try the Ft. De Soto race, De Soto is one of my favorite State parks with beautiful beaches. And Daytona I'm not crazy about, but my friend really wants to do it.
Next year I think I'll scale back a bit and look for a Aug/Sept international distance to try.
I took advantage of the July 4th holiday to do a longish bike ride in the morning, and have been resting since. I'll do some stretching/yoga tonight. Sunday I'll do a good long yoga session, Monday I have an easy, short bike planned and do more stretching. In general on my tapers I try to keep a similar workout time schedule, but do easy bikes, walks, & stretching.

So all that is in a perfect world. What actually happens is more like:
My wife goes to the gym in the morning, I workout at night after the kids go to bed.
Sun - swim (early AM)
Mon - I'm kicking myself for not staying on schedule the previous week. Its a new week, let's rock it!
Tues - I work until 10 PM, probably a 50/50 chance I do a quick HIIT routine.
Wed - I have good intentions, but probably fall asleep on the couch before I workout. (I realized last week that this is a habbit, I'm not going to sit on the couch before I workout any more.)
Thurs - work to 10, probably too tired to workout.
Fri - becomes family or date night.
Sat - becomes family time.

When I DO stick to my schedule, I find that I have more energy, but that's usually when I realize "oh crap, I have a race in 2 weeks and I haven't been sticking to my schedule!"
2018-07-06 4:02 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Do you work with a program like the ones here on BT or are you just winging it? I find having a plan and scheduling my workout times helps me stay consistent.

Originally posted by riles32807

It is pretty ambitious; the Cocoa Beach Tri last year was my friend's first, and the one that got me interested so weve decided that were going make a point of doing that one yearly. The Clermont Tri series is close to home and it's nice to see improvement (or not) on the same course. I'm excited to try the Ft. De Soto race, De Soto is one of my favorite State parks with beautiful beaches. And Daytona I'm not crazy about, but my friend really wants to do it.
Next year I think I'll scale back a bit and look for a Aug/Sept international distance to try.
I took advantage of the July 4th holiday to do a longish bike ride in the morning, and have been resting since. I'll do some stretching/yoga tonight. Sunday I'll do a good long yoga session, Monday I have an easy, short bike planned and do more stretching. In general on my tapers I try to keep a similar workout time schedule, but do easy bikes, walks, & stretching.

So all that is in a perfect world. What actually happens is more like:
My wife goes to the gym in the morning, I workout at night after the kids go to bed.
Sun - swim (early AM)
Mon - I'm kicking myself for not staying on schedule the previous week. Its a new week, let's rock it!
Tues - I work until 10 PM, probably a 50/50 chance I do a quick HIIT routine.
Wed - I have good intentions, but probably fall asleep on the couch before I workout. (I realized last week that this is a habbit, I'm not going to sit on the couch before I workout any more.)
Thurs - work to 10, probably too tired to workout.
Fri - becomes family or date night.
Sat - becomes family time.

When I DO stick to my schedule, I find that I have more energy, but that's usually when I realize "oh crap, I have a race in 2 weeks and I haven't been sticking to my schedule!"
2018-07-14 9:44 AM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
I've been winging it. The plans I've seen seem to either be couch to Tri or, 20 hr per week. Few intermediate plans. That and my schedule make it hard to follow a pre-made plan. The past two weeks I've been scheduling out my week's training, settingreminders, and reading up on how to properly set up a training plan. That's been helping a lot. I've got my week's scheduled out until my next race, with some rest/family/makeup time built in.

I did the race I was worried about. The Fort De Soto series in St Pete, FL. If sprints or international interest you, I'd suggest putting it on your bucket list. Beautiful course. Crystal clear water in the Gulf, flat bike, and I can't promise, but we had a rainbow at the run turnaround.
2018-07-14 1:52 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Glad to hear your race went well! I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Glad to hear you're getting your schedule worked out. When you should do what within a training cycle is important but more important than anything is simply consistency. Finding a schedule that works for you is key!

Originally posted by riles32807

I've been winging it. The plans I've seen seem to either be couch to Tri or, 20 hr per week. Few intermediate plans. That and my schedule make it hard to follow a pre-made plan. The past two weeks I've been scheduling out my week's training, settingreminders, and reading up on how to properly set up a training plan. That's been helping a lot. I've got my week's scheduled out until my next race, with some rest/family/makeup time built in.

I did the race I was worried about. The Fort De Soto series in St Pete, FL. If sprints or international interest you, I'd suggest putting it on your bucket list. Beautiful course. Crystal clear water in the Gulf, flat bike, and I can't promise, but we had a rainbow at the run turnaround.

2018-08-07 7:36 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
So it's been a couple of weeks and I've only missed a hand full of workouts. I'm feeling good, except I think I've developed planter fasciitis in my right foot... Taping seems to help a lot, I've been stretching & massaging daily. I skipped my run last week (needed the rest anyway) and I'm going to try a low impact alternative for this week.
2018-08-07 7:54 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Congrats on the consistency, that's awesome!

PF can be a tough thing to manage. My first recommendation would be to have it looked at just to confirm that what you're dealing with is PF and not something more series like a stress fracture. If it is diagnosed by a professional as PF, you can either manage it with ice, anti-inflammatories, and rolling out your feet. Glad to hear taping helps. The long term solution is actually strength training for your feet and lots of calf stretching, rolling and strengthening. A lot of PF is actually caused by weak glutes, hamstrings and calves that lead to tension in the back body that pulls on the PF. You can find a ton of info online.

If it's a stress fracture however, the only solution is immobilization.

How far out are you from your next race?

Originally posted by riles32807

So it's been a couple of weeks and I've only missed a hand full of workouts. I'm feeling good, except I think I've developed planter fasciitis in my right foot... Taping seems to help a lot, I've been stretching & massaging daily. I skipped my run last week (needed the rest anyway) and I'm going to try a low impact alternative for this week.
2018-08-11 5:36 PM
in reply to: SrhJarvis

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Queens/Nassau County
Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hi all!
My name is Sarah too, and I live in NYC.
I'm 47 yrs of age and am scheduled to compete in my FIRST EVER triathlon on sept 22, the Zoot westchester super sprint. I have yet to practice OWS. I'm also scheduled to do the NYC duathlon (Run/Bike/Run) in september. these two will be my first multisports.

I'm married to an amazing man (10 years this November) and we have two kids, ages 6 and 5.

I am a NYC public school music teacher and also juggle a side job as a harpist for weddings and healing music.

I'm a pretty slow runner at this point, unsure why. I've completed many 5 an 10 ks and two half marathons (all slowly) and I'm 105 lbs and 5 foot. But I just can't speed up yet.

I have a brompton 6 speed that I love for work commuting that is currently my only bike.

Also a certified yoga teacher.

Anyone in the NYC tri state area interested in doing some open swims with what's left of the summer? I am so squeamish about OWS I seriously need someone to talk me down.

2018-08-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: shaptavajra

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Aurora, Colorado
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Subject: RE: My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN
Hey Sarah! Welcome to the amazing journey that is triathlon. Have you tried looking into local triathlon groups? Or open water swim clinics? It wouldn't be a bad idea to even hire a coach to help you. How are you feeling in the pool? Are you able to swim 1,000 meters continuously? Do you get anxious when you share a lane with someone? I would strongly recommend you buy or borrow a wetsuit for OWS training and racing. The added buoyancy and warmth makes a huge difference but the compression takes some getting used to.

The keys to becoming a faster runner are not intuitive. Speed specific work, running drills and functional strength training are the basis for becoming a faster runner. A body gets used to moving a certain way in a certain cadence and it takes specific training to change that.

Again, welcome to the group and I look forward to helping you any way that I can!

Originally posted by shaptavajra

Hi all!
My name is Sarah too, and I live in NYC.
I'm 47 yrs of age and am scheduled to compete in my FIRST EVER triathlon on sept 22, the Zoot westchester super sprint. I have yet to practice OWS. I'm also scheduled to do the NYC duathlon (Run/Bike/Run) in september. these two will be my first multisports.

I'm married to an amazing man (10 years this November) and we have two kids, ages 6 and 5.

I am a NYC public school music teacher and also juggle a side job as a harpist for weddings and healing music.

I'm a pretty slow runner at this point, unsure why. I've completed many 5 an 10 ks and two half marathons (all slowly) and I'm 105 lbs and 5 foot. But I just can't speed up yet.

I have a brompton 6 speed that I love for work commuting that is currently my only bike.

Also a certified yoga teacher.

Anyone in the NYC tri state area interested in doing some open swims with what's left of the summer? I am so squeamish about OWS I seriously need someone to talk me down.

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