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2018-02-07 10:05 PM

Subject: Sprint tri - what to wear?
In a few weeks I will be attempting my first sprint tri. Ideally I would buy a try suit or at least tri shorts, but I don't really want to buy gear at this stage.

The event is a bit different, swim, run, ride, run. I want to wear my padded bibs and a jersey for the ride leg but I do not want to swim in padded bibs. Should I swim in speedos. And then put my bibs and jersey on over my speedos at transition 1? Usually clothing under bibs is a no go but maybe it will be alright as a one off? Will running in padded bibs be too uncomfortable?


2018-02-08 6:54 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?

It'll likely take an eternity to put those things onto your wet body.  Even if they go on relatively quickly, it'll still be an eternity in T1 for a sprint race.  And running in them sounds like torture to me.  YMMV.

A cheap pair of tri shorts would go a long ways here.  You can swim in them and grab a jersey in T1.  Since you are running first, you don't even need to have fully succeeded in getting the jersey onto your wet torso before you start the run -- you can sort that out as you run.

If you really can't get some tri shorts, then if it were me, I'd probably just bike in whatever I swam in (plus a jersey), assuming the bike legs were less than about 10 miles.  If I were worried about wanting the padding, I'd put regular bike shorts (the less padding the better, for running) over the swimsuit in T1.

2018-02-08 7:46 AM
in reply to: Experior

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?

EDIT:  Sorry, I misread and thought there were two bike legs but now I see, two run legs.  Anyway, what I said pretty much stands -- I'd go 10 miles or so in just the swim suit (lacking tri shorts) and more than that I'd probably put some lightly padded bike shorts on and deal with the 'diaper feeling' on the run.  I would not wear any bike-specific clothing in the pool.

2018-02-08 8:47 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?
I would either buy tri shorts or just wear jammers or whatever you swim in. Anything you try to put on when you’re wet will be comically difficult. You’ll be excited and rushing in T1 so it makes it more difficult. It can be done you’ll just have to take your time. Since it’s a sprint you should be okay just wearing swim suit. If you want to see what it will be like try putting them on after a shower before drying off. One thing to consider. Since you have cycling bibs it sounds like you ride. Tri shorts can be used as backups for cycling or go to for short rides. I don’t think you’ll regret getting a pair.
2018-02-08 9:15 AM
in reply to: B.K

Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?
These will work for less than $30 to your doorstep if you have Amazon Prime. I have a pair and have done a handful of sprints in them.
2018-02-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?

Hi BK - The perfect things to wear would be to swim in Tri shorts and a tri top but being your first sprint you should keep it simple.  My Australian coach had us all wear just that for our races last year and it was perfect.  Made for very easy transitions and wearing wet gear on the bike and run was no problem. 

the particular tri shorts we wore had zero padding and were easily comfortable on the bike for 20km.  For my longer races I had tri shorts with a bit more padding.

To accommodate your desire to keep things simple for your first race you should consider wearing jammers (as recommended above) for your entire race and then look for a cheap, tight(!!) jersey.  An old bike jersey might work.  As others have said, don't try to put on gear while you are wet.

But most important is you have to try swimming in your jersey/ tri top/ bib or whatever.  You don't want to find out that your tight top turns into a billowing parachute in the water.

Have fun and come back and tell us how you make out at your race.

2018-02-08 2:12 PM
in reply to: #5237510

Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?
Thanks for the responses. Cycling kit is out. $30 for tri shorts sounds great but here in Australia they all seem to be extremely expensive. I will be travelling to Sydney next week, there should be more options down there for tri gear so I will have a look around.
2018-02-08 2:43 PM
in reply to: B.K

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?

A lot of tri shorts (and other clothing) is overpriced, IMHO.  You do have to shop around and look for sales to get moderately priced stuff.  Good luck.

2018-02-08 6:15 PM
in reply to: B.K

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?

My advise to first-timers is to race in what you already have AS LONG AS IT WORKS.  

Try riding wearing your speedo under your bike bibs.  
Try running in your speedo-filled bike bibs.  
Try riding in your speedo.  
Try running in your speedo.  

If the first two work and the last two don't, you have a solution.  
If the last two work and the first two don't, you still have a solution.  
If all work, you have your choice of solutions.  

If none work (or not the right combination work), try something else.  

Lots of people ride for an hour (or more) without bike shorts and the extra padding.  It can be done but will take some training if you can't recall the last time you rode without bike shorts.  

As others have said, pulling on bike bibs after you get out of the water is harder than when you're dry.  Same with a bike jersey.  (Psst...they're also harder even when you're simply "rushing" them on and not wet...try it)

2018-02-10 10:18 AM
in reply to: HaydenHunter

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Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?
Originally posted by HaydenHunter

These will work for less than $30 to your doorstep if you have Amazon Prime. I have a pair and have done a handful of sprints in them.

I did my first Sprint in an Arena Jammer. I subsequently bought a pair of the Canari Tri-shorts mentioned above. They get the job done. My only "wish" is that they had a draw string. Haven't had them come down, yet, but I'd be worried about them ending up bunched up above my knees if I ever did a pool swim with a dive start, especially if it was off the blocks.
2018-02-12 11:20 AM
in reply to: B.K

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Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Sprint tri - what to wear?
I don't know your gender... For a guy, you should be able to get through a sprint distance bike with anything that holds your junk in place. Speedo, compressive boxer briefs, jammers, tri shorts; they should all work. I have seen both men and women do a fairly big local triathlon in underwear. Luckily, you'll be surrounded by a bunch of ridiculous looking people wrapped in spandex, so no one will really notice or care.

Some of the apparel may seem overpriced, but it depends on the vendor. I have been using my favorite pair of tri shorts for 6 years now and I bought them for $90. That's like $15/year which doesn't seem so bad. But again, if you are not sure if you are going to be triathlete-4-life, then just use what you have (not the padded bibs!) and have fun.

Good Luck!

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