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2018-04-05 11:23 AM

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Subject: Trun in your guns

"Violators will face a hefty fine. If the owner of an assault weapon lives in the town does not voluntarily turn over their banned weapon, he will be fined $1,000 a day until the weapon is confiscated."

This is how it starts. Well, that is how Hitler did it.....

2018-04-05 11:29 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
"Semiautomatic rifles with a fixed magazine and a capacity to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition are banned."

I agree with this.
2018-04-05 11:39 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Fixed magazine. Doesn't that exclude most ARs? Fixed is built in like on the M1 or am I needing schooling on this?
2018-04-05 11:44 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
2018-04-05 11:57 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Originally posted by Oysterboy

"Semiautomatic rifles with a fixed magazine and a capacity to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition are banned."

I agree with this.


I guess this would be legal since in only hold 10 (plus one in the chamber).

The problem as I see it is the confiscation. That is a dangerously slippery slope. They seems to be asking people to 'surrender' their $900 AR-15 or be fined $1000/day. Is the city council going to compensate people for their financial loss? What's to stop them from declaring all semiautomatic weapons illegal next week?

Punishing responsible gun owners is NOT the answer. It will blow up in the left's face just like shooting your 12 gauge to get the mud out of the barrel.
2018-04-05 12:08 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
This comes to mind:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

My version:

First they came for the AR-15 and I did not speak out-

Because I did not own an AR-15.

Then they came for shotguns with revolving magazine and I did not speak out-

Because I did not own a shotgun with a revolving magazine.

Then they came to my house.....

And I shot them!

Ok, so I'm no poet

2018-04-05 1:24 PM
in reply to: #5241031

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Fixed magazines, and correct me Lefty, are the internal mags that like M1 Garands have. In these rounds are loaded in 8 round clips. An AR15 would have a removable magazine. I am 100% in favor of limiting round capacity of this type of magazine, 10 seems like a workable number. Confiscating people’s property is pretty draconian, should be some common sense way to deflate numbers of high capacity mags out there. Note that none of this includes confiscating AR15 or any other weapon.
2018-04-05 1:33 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Originally posted by Oysterboy

Fixed magazines, and correct me Lefty, are the internal mags that like M1 Garands have. In these rounds are loaded in 8 round clips. An AR15 would have a removable magazine. I am 100% in favor of limiting round capacity of this type of magazine, 10 seems like a workable number. Confiscating people’s property is pretty draconian, should be some common sense way to deflate numbers of high capacity mags out there. Note that none of this includes confiscating AR15 or any other weapon.

kind of what I thought. The AR receiver can be modified to a fixed configuration to be compliant with some local laws. Here's the kit, https://www.brownells.com/rifle-parts/receiver-parts/magazine-parts/... . I guess they already have an ordinance in place that outlaws the removable magazine and now they're going after all those modified AR platform guns.
2018-04-05 1:37 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Originally posted by Oysterboy

Fixed magazines, and correct me Lefty, are the internal mags that like M1 Garands have. In these rounds are loaded in 8 round clips. An AR15 would have a removable magazine. I am 100% in favor of limiting round capacity of this type of magazine, 10 seems like a workable number. Confiscating people’s property is pretty draconian, should be some common sense way to deflate numbers of high capacity mags out there. Note that none of this includes confiscating AR15 or any other weapon.

I'm not a machinist but I bet you dimes to donuts I could make a trip to Lowes and buy some materials and come home and make a 20 rd magazine in my shop in under an hour. A magazine is not a high precision part of a gun.

Better yet, just buy a 3-D printer and print you high capacity magazines....there are u-tube videos of how to do this. And this:


2018-04-05 1:45 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns

Originally posted by Oysterboy Fixed magazines, and correct me Lefty, are the internal mags that like M1 Garands have. In these rounds are loaded in 8 round clips. An AR15 would have a removable magazine. I am 100% in favor of limiting round capacity of this type of magazine, 10 seems like a workable number. Confiscating people’s property is pretty draconian, should be some common sense way to deflate numbers of high capacity mags out there. Note that none of this includes confiscating AR15 or any other weapon.

It's hard to say what these idiots are talking about.  Usually fixed mags are for bolt action rifles.  I guess what they are doing here is basically "banning" semi-auto rifles.  Certainly the AR platform doesn't have a fixed mag, but I suppose that is covered by the "over 10 round capacity"......or whatever.  Gun laws are typically written by people who have no knowledge of guns, so who knows?

I have no problem with high capacity magazines either.  Look man, you can give responsible gun owners a nuclear bomb and not have anything to worry about.  The problem is criminals and crazy people.....NOT guns.  Of course there is not even a point in discussing this stuff......it's been discussed and discussed. 

Nobody is taking any guns....watch and see.  And if confiscation becomes the government's stand...well.....  count on civil war. 

2018-04-05 3:24 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
To my point of view, the high capacity magazine is what makes those rifles into "weapons of war" not the mechanics of the rifle itself. I think responsible gun owners, and I count myself among them although I am a scattergun guy, could get behind that idea. Of course if you want to see the ownership of high capacity mags as a freedom issue then we will never find common ground.

2018-04-05 4:01 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns

Originally posted by Oysterboy To my point of view, the high capacity magazine is what makes those rifles into "weapons of war" not the mechanics of the rifle itself. I think responsible gun owners, and I count myself among them although I am a scattergun guy, could get behind that idea. Of course if you want to see the ownership of high capacity mags as a freedom issue then we will never find common ground.

I am simply not for banning any weapon or mechanism of a weapon from law abiding citizens.....period. I admit that bump fire stocks and the like are silly to me....but some folks have fun with them.  The fact that ONE idiot out of 400,000,000 people used one in an illegal manner means nothing to me. 

And yeah, I agree those magazines ARE weapons of war.  I hope I never have to use them that way.....but I surely will if needed.....and in a formidable manner.

Do you see no irony in the fact that the Left has called our President "Hitler" and then a faction of the Left has demanded that people turn in their weapons that can inflict the most damage to an entity trying to control us?  No bro.....NO DAMN WAY. Especially under the current political climate......I will not give a single inch.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-04-05 4:03 PM
2018-04-05 4:15 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Two schools of thought on the magazines

Ban them to throw the left a bone so they will think they are safer

Or, take position the left has done on abortions and not give up any ground including late term and partial birth abortions.

I figure laws are like women, give them an inch and they think they are the ruler. Ouch! Ok who threw that? Prolly my wife!
2018-04-05 4:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

You turn in your guns, high capacity magazines, etc.....don't even think of telling me to.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-04-05 4:20 PM
2018-04-05 7:29 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
The lunacy goes both directions Lefty.


download.jpg (5KB - 8 downloads)
2018-04-05 8:37 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns

Nah, nobody on the right called for guns......we just bought more.

Your side calls "Hitler", and turn in your guns......THAT'S lunacy.

2018-04-05 10:26 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Originally posted by Rogillio

Two schools of thought on the magazines

Ban them to throw the left a bone so they will think they are safer

Or, take position the left has done on abortions and not give up any ground including late term and partial birth abortions.

I figure laws are like women, give them an inch and they think they are the ruler. Ouch! Ok who threw that? Prolly my wife!

The problem with giving an inch to the anti-gun crowd is the fact that they are playing the long game. They know damned well that repealing the 2A won't happen in their life time; so they have settled on taking it bit by bit. They've resolved to eat the elephant one bite at a time, however long that takes.
2018-04-05 10:27 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trun in your guns
Originally posted by Oysterboy

The lunacy goes both directions Lefty.

Yeah, that kind of shiite aint fair to nazis.. .... .
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