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2018-04-09 7:26 AM

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Subject: Trade war with China
I think very few people know and understand the details of international trade policy....at least I don't. But that has never stopped me from opining on things. Everything I've read indicates we have been getting the short end of the stick for years with China. Why no former presidents have tried to remedy this is beyond me. My guess is because it is a difficult thing to do, risky and political. Trump seems willing to take on the issue and go head to head with China. This was one of the issues he ran on and Americans like the "America First" message. The alternative is to 'do nothing' and continue the flow of wealth to China.

Good article here in the WSJ:


Had to chuckle at this line: "Both sides are putting guns to their own heads and saying, “Give me what I want or the idiot gets it.”"

Fundamentally I think the US is holding the better hand and both sides know this. As the WSJ says, Trump has been a negotiator all his life and China needs to be careful playing leap frog with a unicorn.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-04-09 7:31 AM

2018-04-09 9:19 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
China holds 1.2T in US treasury notes. I think a nuanced approach is in order rather than the bull-in-a-china-shop approach that the President prefers as China could send us headlong into a world of hurt with a single sell order. I do agree that we need to find a way to adopt fairer trade with China and have them stop reverse-engineering American made goods and violating our intellectual property rights. However, this needs to be done delicately as we have continually cut taxes and spent like drunken sailors for decades now and China has financed our poor decisions. Because it is hard is why former Prez have so poorly addressed this issue, we'll see if the DJT approach works. I am dubious.
2018-04-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China

I'm all done with nuanced......where had that gotten us on the world stage?  I like the sledgehammer approach......let's take some lumps and get it over with.

2018-04-09 9:53 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.

The entire media, dems and reps all said Trump was out of his gord with how he was taunting/threatening NK. Read this morning that NK is willing to talk about denuclearization. Not much reporting on this as it doesn't fit the 'Trump is a loose cannon and gonna destroy the world' narrative.

People can agree or disagree with Trump's approach to China but I'm just glad to see he is attempting to move the dial. China is not going to shoot themselves in the foot over this. China is holding three of a kind.....we are holding a full house. And both sides know it.

I read an article critical of Trump saying he is 'playing to his base'. So I'm scratching my head and thinking, yeah that is what politics if all about! He is doing the things he said he'd do if he was elected. What a novel idea! At least he didn't do like papa Bush and run on "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then do exactly that. That is why he was a one-term president.

Anybody's guess what happens this November but if Trump keeps doing what he said he'd do, he will win in a landslide in 2020.

2018-04-10 10:20 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China

Well, well.....look who blinked.

Do you think the Left will ever just leave this President alone to do what WHAT HE WAS ELECTED TO DO????

This whole "russian collusion" crap and all it's trappings is starting to take on the look of a bloodless coup from the intelligence sector.  It's the most disgraceful thing I've ever seen from this country.  An entire party who just got so butt hurt that their candidate didn't win they decided to disregard the will of the people from the election.  There will be a reckoning for this......watch and see.

2018-04-10 10:24 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
Dup is currently up 477 pts.....2.04%


....and the MSM and democrats are cringing.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-04-10 10:25 AM

2018-04-10 11:05 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Trade war with China

Originally posted by Oysterboy China holds 1.2T in US treasury notes. I think a nuanced approach is in order rather than the bull-in-a-china-shop approach that the President prefers as China could send us headlong into a world of hurt with a single sell order. I do agree that we need to find a way to adopt fairer trade with China and have them stop reverse-engineering American made goods and violating our intellectual property rights. However, this needs to be done delicately as we have continually cut taxes and spent like drunken sailors for decades now and China has financed our poor decisions. Because it is hard is why former Prez have so poorly addressed this issue, we'll see if the DJT approach works. I am dubious.

This is an obviously dated joke:

When you owe the bank $10,000 and can't pay, you've got a problem.  

When you owe the bank $1,000,000 and can't pay, the bank's got a problem.  

China can cut back on future purchases, but they'll be quite reluctant to do anything that that whacks their $1.2T in "dollar-denominated assets."  


2018-04-10 1:29 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Oysterboy China holds 1.2T in US treasury notes. I think a nuanced approach is in order rather than the bull-in-a-china-shop approach that the President prefers as China could send us headlong into a world of hurt with a single sell order. I do agree that we need to find a way to adopt fairer trade with China and have them stop reverse-engineering American made goods and violating our intellectual property rights. However, this needs to be done delicately as we have continually cut taxes and spent like drunken sailors for decades now and China has financed our poor decisions. Because it is hard is why former Prez have so poorly addressed this issue, we'll see if the DJT approach works. I am dubious.

This is an obviously dated joke:

When you owe the bank $10,000 and can't pay, you've got a problem.  

When you owe the bank $1,000,000 and can't pay, the bank's got a problem.  

China can cut back on future purchases, but they'll be quite reluctant to do anything that that whacks their $1.2T in "dollar-denominated assets."  


Who knows what they'll do if we pizz them off bad enough.
2018-04-10 1:33 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China

Originally posted by Oysterboy
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Oysterboy China holds 1.2T in US treasury notes. I think a nuanced approach is in order rather than the bull-in-a-china-shop approach that the President prefers as China could send us headlong into a world of hurt with a single sell order. I do agree that we need to find a way to adopt fairer trade with China and have them stop reverse-engineering American made goods and violating our intellectual property rights. However, this needs to be done delicately as we have continually cut taxes and spent like drunken sailors for decades now and China has financed our poor decisions. Because it is hard is why former Prez have so poorly addressed this issue, we'll see if the DJT approach works. I am dubious.

This is an obviously dated joke:

When you owe the bank $10,000 and can't pay, you've got a problem.  

When you owe the bank $1,000,000 and can't pay, the bank's got a problem.  

China can cut back on future purchases, but they'll be quite reluctant to do anything that that whacks their $1.2T in "dollar-denominated assets."  


Who knows what they'll do if we pizz them off bad enough.

Yeah, and who cares?  I'm tired of this country's leaders worrying about who they might off......that's how we got here!! 

I'm more concerned about the Left in this country who won't let a duly elected President do his job.....just get the hell out of the way.  Your guy had 8 years and did NOTHING.

I guess collusion is out now and it's on to obstruction of justice or whatever else the stupid bastards can do to try to undermine a presidency. 

Edited by Left Brain 2018-04-10 1:34 PM
2018-04-10 1:35 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
Seems to me that Trump has been able to execute many of his long-held plans in the last couple of weeks. What is holding him back?
2018-04-10 1:47 PM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China

Originally posted by Oysterboy Seems to me that Trump has been able to execute many of his long-held plans in the last couple of weeks. What is holding him back?

Nice.....let's pretend the Left hasn't been acting like a bunch of sniveling children......at best.

2018-04-10 4:31 PM
in reply to: #5241241

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
It is the political left that has been the source of DJTs problems? No, I would say he is his own worst enemy.
2018-04-10 4:43 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
I don't see it at all....in fact, I see the only President in my lifetime who is working to accomplish what he campaigned for and WON on. It's damn refreshing to me. The left needs to get over it and let the man do what he was elected to do without the constant noise and harrassment.....they LOST. The only fight should be in congress against the other duly ELECTED members. If you don't like it use your vote to change it....thats how it works.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-04-10 4:47 PM
2018-04-10 6:24 PM
in reply to: #5241241

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Subject: RE: Trade war with China
The dems have little power and can only slow things down. The media reports news, provides their commentary, but has no real political power. Thus, DJT has no solid opposition to instituting his agenda. What he lacks is solid public support, IMHO he hasn’t earned it yet. Democracies are not dictatorships, there is always opposition and give/take.
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Other Resources The Political Joe » Trade war with China Rss Feed