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2018-05-11 7:52 AM

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Subject: Tax cuts

"Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong About Trump's Tax Cuts?"

I doubt it. This is going to be an issue for the much anticipated 'blue wave'. How do dems talk about the economy and the tax cuts when they seem to be working as planned? Some dems have talked about 'repealing' the tax reform bill. Good luck with that. Even if they won both houses they will not have a super majority to overcome a veto.

Another article on same issue:


"Democrats' Economic Quandary in 2018 Messaging"

2018-05-11 11:11 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Tax cuts
Pelosi came out the other day saying she's repealing the tax cuts when she gets back the gavel. How does this help the democrat cause? I get that she's uber wealthy and doesn't understand the positive impact those crumbs have on so many families. But how does her outraged base feel about that? Suddenly theres more money coming in and the financial strain has been lessened on your family. Are you still so financially inept that you're going to toss that extra money in the trash so that Nancy can tax the "rich" at a rate she feels is acceptable?

Aren't these people capable of standing back and having a 'wait a minute' moment; deciding that the plan has made it easier for your own family and WGAF how much someone wealthier than you pays or doesn't pay in taxes? Does the deficit spending that wasn't an issue under obama, trump your concerns about he well being of your own family?

2018-05-11 11:19 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tax cuts

keep the tax cuts for middle class and down, fix the loopholes in the corporate code that were left gaping wide open

2018-05-11 12:10 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Tax cuts
Originally posted by dmiller5

keep the tax cuts for middle class and down, fix the loopholes in the corporate code that were left gaping wide open

If that were the message, I think it would sell. But I don't think that is what they pushing.

The dems are making the same mistake reps made with Obamacare. They ran on 'repeal' Obamacare. But when it came down to it, that was just not feasible. There were actually some good things in Obamacare....and some bad things like the individual mandate forcing people to buy health insurance or pay a fine. So in the end, they ended up trying to fix what is broken instead of repealing the entire ACA.

Dems would be wise to put out a plan stating pretty much what you said. Like, "If you make less that $500k you will keep your tax cut but we will fix the loopholes in the Corporate tax codes...."
2018-05-11 7:38 PM
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Subject: RE: Tax cuts
Trouble being what do we define as middle class or where do they draw the line? 500K isn't going to be considered middle class by most. 150? 200? 225?

But she didn't say that, she wanted to repeal the whole thing. I get that, the evil republicans tried to repeal the only thing she accomplished during her tenure. Teat for tat, again, term limits puts a stop to a bunch of this kind of BS.

Edited by mdg2003 2018-05-11 7:38 PM
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