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2018-06-19 8:43 AM

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Subject: The Deep State
The MSM is working hard on the illegal immigration story in hopes to distract from the revelations coming out of the IG report and the Senate questioning of IG Horowitz. The more that comes to light the more it points to corruption and a 'deep state'....which is a somewhat nebulous term IMO. There is simply no way to spin the new revelations that are coming out....so the MSM simply avoids the subject.

Some miscellaneous bits of info I find interesting.

Strozk has agreed to testify 'voluntarily' (after Congress said they were going to subpoena him). This should be interesting. I read that he wanted to 'clear his good name'. Ha! Fat chance of that.

Looks like LB was right a year ago when he said Boy Scout Comey was going down. Now Comey is being investigated by the IG for leaking classified info to his buddy in an effort to get a special counsel appointed.

The IG report only addresses the Clinton investigation. They have yet to look into the Mueller SC, unmasking, the FISA abuse, the use of an informant.

Looks like there might be another FBI operative that tried to set up Roger Stone and Michael Caputo. The Russian, Henry Greenberg, who worked for the FBI for 17 years, tried to sell Caputo dirt on Hillary for $2M. Caputo allegedly said, "Trump doesn't pay for nothing". This story, not widely covered, has the potential to blow up in the FBI's face. I find it interesting that when Caputo was interviewed about the contact, Mueller already knew about the contact. How the heck did Mueller know? My tin foil hat says because the FBI told them. They FBI knew because they are the ones that sent him as a set up!

A week after Bill Clinton met with AG Lynch on the tarmac, Hillary announced she planned to keep Lynch on as AG.

Strozk/Page texts about the "plan laid out in Andy's office" to ensure Trump does not get elected seems to put Strozk and Andy (McCabe) at odds.

Clapper recently suggested that Mueller should 'wrap up soon'. Interesting. Perhaps he is worried the more Mueller digs the more he will find ties to the WH and Clapper himself?

Rosenstein said that if he is tapped as witness in the Mueller 'obstruction of justice' investigation he would recuse himself. He has not done so. This suggest that, despite all the speculation, maybe Mueller is not working on the obstruction of justice allegation?

The IG indicated they are still investigating and it is believed he may issue criminal referrals.

We have heard nothing from the US Attorney Hubert hat Sessions assigned to investigate the issues raised by Congress about the FISA application and the SC. Total radio silence on that front.

It appears the whole Deep State CF seems to be coming unwound. It's like watching a slow motion demolition of Yankee Stadium or death by a thousand paper cuts. When criminal indictments start coming down, it's Katie bar the door, every man for himself! Dogs will be sleeping with cats, pigs will be flying, Trump will be texting, the media will be spinning, people will be turning on their best friends to keep from going under...it will look like the deck of the Titanic moments before she went down the chaos in the water after she sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic. Or maybe not. Maybe nothing will happen till after the mid-terms, the dems take both the House and the Senate and impeach Trump for...for....uh....because they really, really, really don't like him.

2018-06-19 8:56 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The Deep State

Comey's bizarre behavior leading up to the election was all I needed to see.  It was plain to me that he was eventually going to be fingered for playing politics with the law, and vice versa.  I didn't think it would take this long, but there's been a fairly masterful job of blowing smoke in different directions, especially since Mueller was appointed.

Every actor in this scene was working on the assumption that the election was in the bag for Clinton.....when that didn't happen, the rats were scurrying everywhere.  Looks like they have finally ran into a trap.

2018-06-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Deep State
Gowdy just hammered the IG. He brought up a good point. Why didn't Comey appoint a special counsel in the HRC investigation. Since the FBI, DOJ, State Department, WH and Clinton are all inextricably intertwined, there is an obvious conflict of interest. Also, since Clinton was going to be their inevitable or potential boss, then they (the FBI) absolutely have a C of I.
2018-06-19 10:21 AM
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Subject: RE: The Deep State

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Edited by Left Brain 2018-06-19 10:22 AM
2018-06-19 10:37 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Deep State
Originally posted by Left Brain

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Yes, he pushed for a special counsel for Trump but not for Clinton. How is that for bias?

Heard last night that the initial Clinton email investigation was being run at one of the FBI field offices.....and Comey pulled the investigation into DC. Of course. That way 'they' (the deep state) could control the investigation and make sure they got the 'right' outcome.
2018-06-19 10:43 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The Deep State

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Yes, he pushed for a special counsel for Trump but not for Clinton. How is that for bias? Heard last night that the initial Clinton email investigation was being run at one of the FBI field offices.....and Comey pulled the investigation into DC. Of course. That way 'they' (the deep state) could control the investigation and make sure they got the 'right' outcome.

They were absolutely positive Clinton would win.....and like any good govt. employee, they were making sure they took care of their future boss.  When she didn't win,  and he was subsequently on the outs with his new boss, Comey did all he could to save his resume and legacy.......too many i's to dot and t's to cross at that point.  This has been a long time coming....and it's just getting rolling.

2018-06-19 11:55 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Deep State
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Yes, he pushed for a special counsel for Trump but not for Clinton. How is that for bias? Heard last night that the initial Clinton email investigation was being run at one of the FBI field offices.....and Comey pulled the investigation into DC. Of course. That way 'they' (the deep state) could control the investigation and make sure they got the 'right' outcome.

They were absolutely positive Clinton would win.....and like any good govt. employee, they were making sure they took care of their future boss.  When she didn't win,  and he was subsequently on the outs with his new boss, Comey did all he could to save his resume and legacy.......too many i's to dot and t's to cross at that point.  This has been a long time coming....and it's just getting rolling.

I have a much more cynical, tin-hate theory. Here is my lil bedtime story....

Obama/Clinton/Rice/Brenan/Clapper/Lynch/Comey started the Russian/Trump collusion narrative in order to actively say votes away from Trump by making it look like he was in bed with the evil Russians! The FBI and intel community (Brennan and Clapper) worked up a sting operation for the Trump campaign. They used one of their Russian operatives to try to get the Trump campaign to pay $2M for dirt on Clinton from the Russians. They used another FBI operative to lure Papdopolis in a meeting in London. The FBI and Intel guys knew the Russians were meddling in the election (as they have always done) so all they needed to do is tie Trump to the meddling. Should be easy enough to tie an international billionaire businessman to Russia in some way. Sooner or later they were bound to find activities that looked like a Trump/Russian conspiracy. They used existing FBI investigations of Manaford to surveil/spy/wiretap his calls. Susan Rice used her office to unmask everyone she could in hopes of finding someone talking on the Trump team talking to a Russian. She wrote a email to herself telling herself that Obama said the Clinton email investigation was to be "by the book". Who sends themselves an email like that? The FBI use the Clinton/Steele dossier as a excuse to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Listen in on everyone's calls. Aha, we got Flynn talking to a Russia! Gotcha!! Found Sessions didn't mention meeting with Russians as part of his senatorial duties that he did not disclose. Aha! Need him out of the way. Obvious C of I. He is pressured to recuse himself in the interest of a fair investigation. He is naïve enough to do it. Clapper used Comey to set up Trump in order to get the Steele dossier into the headlines. They found the Trump Tower meeting and spun that as a smoking gun. Simultaneously they worked to exonerate Clinton.

When Trump won it was a total "oh sh*t!" moment! Now what? The only defense was good offense. So they double-down! Obfuscating. Leaks. It was now a full blown CYA operation. If/when it came out that the deep state was working to frame Trump heads would roll and people would go to prison. Comey was on thin ice. He was scared and knew his days were numbered. So he started to take 'contemporaneous note' to make himself look like an innocent victim. Comey writes a book exonerating himself! [great line from Raising Arizona: We released ourselves on our own recognizance.) But time was running out. Soon he would be fired and all the dirty laundry would fall out of the washing machine before they ever put their quarters in the slots. So plan B......take it out of the hands of the FBI director. Leak information about Trump trying to obstruct justice by him questioning the BS investigation of Flynn so there would be a special counsel appointed.

Who to appoint to head the SC? If the FBI wants to protect the FBI who better the lead the investigation than a former head of the deep state FBI?! Mueller! If Mueller started to uncover some of the misdeeds of the FBI he would steer clear of that in order to not scuttle the good name of the FBI. As the former head of the FBI he would understand the it is the FBI that is necessary to preserve the Republic at all cost even if you have to bury good people to do it. There is a higher loyalty than the truth, the republic must be preserved and only the FBI can do it. Who to assign to the Mueller team to lead the investigation? The one man at the FBI besides Comey that knew where all the bones were buried, Strozk! All was going swimmingly...until it was discovered that Strozk had been thinking with his little head instead of this big head! He'd been boinking Lisa Page and left a unfortunate trail of breadcrumbs. Another "Of sh*t" moment for the deep state.

But then Congress started to dig....and dig...and they dug up bones that still had rotting flesh on them and it really started to stink! And the more they dug the more bones they found. It was like an architectural find and each piece of brick, each fragment of pottery, was documented. By themselves the pieces were meaningless.....just a little piece of pottery. But the more the dug the more pieces the found and soon they started to realized they has not just found an ancient campsite there was an entire village buried!

So now what? They have to run out the clock. Like and every other coach know, time management is key to success. Right now they were winning. They had managed to keep the offense out of the end zone and the clock was running. All they need to do is run out the clock! But the republican offense was relentless! They kept pressing and were moving the ball. The crowd had slowly turned to their side slightly. If November gets here the new owners will fire Nick Saban!

2018-06-19 12:00 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The Deep State

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Yes, he pushed for a special counsel for Trump but not for Clinton. How is that for bias? Heard last night that the initial Clinton email investigation was being run at one of the FBI field offices.....and Comey pulled the investigation into DC. Of course. That way 'they' (the deep state) could control the investigation and make sure they got the 'right' outcome.

They were absolutely positive Clinton would win.....and like any good govt. employee, they were making sure they took care of their future boss.  When she didn't win,  and he was subsequently on the outs with his new boss, Comey did all he could to save his resume and legacy.......too many i's to dot and t's to cross at that point.  This has been a long time coming....and it's just getting rolling.

I have a much more cynical, tin-hate theory. Here is my lil bedtime story.... Obama/Clinton/Rice/Brenan/Clapper/Lynch/Comey started the Russian/Trump collusion narrative in order to actively say votes away from Trump by making it look like he was in bed with the evil Russians! The FBI and intel community (Brennan and Clapper) worked up a sting operation for the Trump campaign. They used one of their Russian operatives to try to get the Trump campaign to pay $2M for dirt on Clinton from the Russians. They used another FBI operative to lure Papdopolis in a meeting in London. The FBI and Intel guys knew the Russians were meddling in the election (as they have always done) so all they needed to do is tie Trump to the meddling. Should be easy enough to tie an international billionaire businessman to Russia in some way. Sooner or later they were bound to find activities that looked like a Trump/Russian conspiracy. They used existing FBI investigations of Manaford to surveil/spy/wiretap his calls. Susan Rice used her office to unmask everyone she could in hopes of finding someone talking on the Trump team talking to a Russian. She wrote a email to herself telling herself that Obama said the Clinton email investigation was to be "by the book". Who sends themselves an email like that? The FBI use the Clinton/Steele dossier as a excuse to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Listen in on everyone's calls. Aha, we got Flynn talking to a Russia! Gotcha!! Found Sessions didn't mention meeting with Russians as part of his senatorial duties that he did not disclose. Aha! Need him out of the way. Obvious C of I. He is pressured to recuse himself in the interest of a fair investigation. He is naïve enough to do it. Clapper used Comey to set up Trump in order to get the Steele dossier into the headlines. They found the Trump Tower meeting and spun that as a smoking gun. Simultaneously they worked to exonerate Clinton. When Trump won it was a total "oh sh*t!" moment!

Bro - you're giving a lot of stupid people quite a bit of credit here.   These people are idiots......they didn't come up with that.  They're where they are because they can't think past the first dumb idea that pops into their head.  It's their self-righteousness that got them where they are....not some grand plan.

2018-06-19 12:08 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The Deep State
True. It does seem like there was a lot of ready-fire-aim! marksmanship going on.
2019-01-03 10:42 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The Deep State
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

Comey pushed for a special counsel so that there would be an appearance of no conflict of interest.  Like I said before.....it doesn't appear that the guy is very smart.  Hell, he's been so busy covering his tracks and blowing smoke that he forgot how dumb he is. LOL

Yes, he pushed for a special counsel for Trump but not for Clinton. How is that for bias? Heard last night that the initial Clinton email investigation was being run at one of the FBI field offices.....and Comey pulled the investigation into DC. Of course. That way 'they' (the deep state) could control the investigation and make sure they got the 'right' outcome.

They were absolutely positive Clinton would win.....and like any good govt. employee, they were making sure they took care of their future boss.  When she didn't win,  and he was subsequently on the outs with his new boss, Comey did all he could to save his resume and legacy.......too many i's to dot and t's to cross at that point.  This has been a long time coming....and it's just getting rolling.

I have a much more cynical, tin-hate theory. Here is my lil bedtime story....

Obama/Clinton/Rice/Brenan/Clapper/Lynch/Comey started the Russian/Trump collusion narrative in order to actively say votes away from Trump by making it look like he was in bed with the evil Russians! The FBI and intel community (Brennan and Clapper) worked up a sting operation for the Trump campaign. They used one of their Russian operatives to try to get the Trump campaign to pay $2M for dirt on Clinton from the Russians. They used another FBI operative to lure Papdopolis in a meeting in London. The FBI and Intel guys knew the Russians were meddling in the election (as they have always done) so all they needed to do is tie Trump to the meddling. Should be easy enough to tie an international billionaire businessman to Russia in some way. Sooner or later they were bound to find activities that looked like a Trump/Russian conspiracy. They used existing FBI investigations of Manaford to surveil/spy/wiretap his calls. Susan Rice used her office to unmask everyone she could in hopes of finding someone talking on the Trump team talking to a Russian. She wrote a email to herself telling herself that Obama said the Clinton email investigation was to be "by the book". Who sends themselves an email like that? The FBI use the Clinton/Steele dossier as a excuse to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page. Listen in on everyone's calls. Aha, we got Flynn talking to a Russia! Gotcha!! Found Sessions didn't mention meeting with Russians as part of his senatorial duties that he did not disclose. Aha! Need him out of the way. Obvious C of I. He is pressured to recuse himself in the interest of a fair investigation. He is naïve enough to do it. Clapper used Comey to set up Trump in order to get the Steele dossier into the headlines. They found the Trump Tower meeting and spun that as a smoking gun. Simultaneously they worked to exonerate Clinton.

When Trump won it was a total "oh sh*t!" moment! Now what? The only defense was good offense. So they double-down! Obfuscating. Leaks. It was now a full blown CYA operation. If/when it came out that the deep state was working to frame Trump heads would roll and people would go to prison. Comey was on thin ice. He was scared and knew his days were numbered. So he started to take 'contemporaneous note' to make himself look like an innocent victim. Comey writes a book exonerating himself! [great line from Raising Arizona: We released ourselves on our own recognizance.) But time was running out. Soon he would be fired and all the dirty laundry would fall out of the washing machine before they ever put their quarters in the slots. So plan B......take it out of the hands of the FBI director. Leak information about Trump trying to obstruct justice by him questioning the BS investigation of Flynn so there would be a special counsel appointed.

Who to appoint to head the SC? If the FBI wants to protect the FBI who better the lead the investigation than a former head of the deep state FBI?! Mueller! If Mueller started to uncover some of the misdeeds of the FBI he would steer clear of that in order to not scuttle the good name of the FBI. As the former head of the FBI he would understand the it is the FBI that is necessary to preserve the Republic at all cost even if you have to bury good people to do it. There is a higher loyalty than the truth, the republic must be preserved and only the FBI can do it. Who to assign to the Mueller team to lead the investigation? The one man at the FBI besides Comey that knew where all the bones were buried, Strozk! All was going swimmingly...until it was discovered that Strozk had been thinking with his little head instead of this big head! He'd been boinking Lisa Page and left a unfortunate trail of breadcrumbs. Another "Of sh*t" moment for the deep state.

But then Congress started to dig....and dig...and they dug up bones that still had rotting flesh on them and it really started to stink! And the more they dug the more bones they found. It was like an architectural find and each piece of brick, each fragment of pottery, was documented. By themselves the pieces were meaningless.....just a little piece of pottery. But the more the dug the more pieces the found and soon they started to realized they has not just found an ancient campsite there was an entire village buried!

So now what? They have to run out the clock. Like and every other coach know, time management is key to success. Right now they were winning. They had managed to keep the offense out of the end zone and the clock was running. All they need to do is run out the clock! But the republican offense was relentless! They kept pressing and were moving the ball. The crowd had slowly turned to their side slightly. If November gets here the new owners will fire Nick Saban!


They must have read my post 6 months ago.....

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