General Discussion Triathlon Talk » anyone doing augusta Rss Feed  
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2018-09-24 6:32 PM
in reply to: #5249684

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Those are great times! I lost a bottle of my infinit on the railroad crossing early in the bike and had to use Gatorade endurance instead. I’m sure that played a part along with cumulative fatigue and heat.

Already planning for next year with my 2 brothers.

2018-09-24 8:14 PM
in reply to: Parkland

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
hey park, i picked that bottle up, lol. jk. i was having the race of my life, not good for real athletes, but i am slow. anyway, everything was going amazing. until mile 6 of the run when the bowel problems hit. i stopped for 15 minutes in a pot and when i started again the leg cramps hit. i literally could not run. i tried, but could not. i walked the last 7 and finished with a 7 23 17.
2018-09-24 9:27 PM
in reply to: #5249723

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Nice job bnsafe! It’s humbling how quickly a race can go south. Having the determination to carry on once bad things start happening is what defines us. Great finish!
2018-09-25 4:42 PM
in reply to: Parkland

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
thanks, it was a great race. we were waiting on my cousin to come in (hes always faster than me but got 2 bacterial diseases this summer and needs a knee replacement so hasnt trained since may, and he finished) and some of the folks that finished were just awe inspiring. those folks are the ones that keep me going, not the ones that finish in 5 hours then go look for another race. i talked to one lady on the second loop. she was still on her first, and she said this was her fourth time and this was as far as she had gotten. i dont know if she finished or not but my cousin said some lady was taken off the course with heat that sounded exactly like her. but what perserverance.
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