Subject: RE: VO2 test and setting HR ZonesDo you mean VO2 max? If so, then yes. Your heartrate when you were at 100%VO2 should be your maximum HR to within a small error. It is generally thought that %MHR and %VO2max are linearly related. Approximately, %MHR = 0.65 x %VO2max + 37 So for example if you want to do a workout targeting 60% VO2max then you'd be at %MHR = 0.65 x 60 + 37.2 = 39 + 37 = approximately 75% of maximum heartrate. Obviously the formula above is approximate because at 100% VO2max you'd be at 102% max heartrate... So it's probably a good idea to 'fudge down' a little (which I also did in the calculation above). (The formula above is based on a regression analysis of experimental data, not on theory, so it is bound to be a little 'off', assuming there is even such a thing as 'the correct' 'formula, which is doubtful.)
[edited for poor formatting] Edited by Experior 2018-08-27 2:32 PM