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2018-11-19 2:28 PM

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Subject: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
....the rest of them are scarily paranoid"


I try to stay open minded on things....not that I ever change my opinion or beliefs but I like to understand what/why people believe as they do.

This sort of belief above just boggles my mind. It indicates to me someone who has lived a very limited life. I don't mean that in a derogatory sense, I just mean they probably grew up in the big city and have very little experience outside of that world. They surround themselves with like-minded people who would rather go to the art museum or to the theater than to go to the lake or camping.

I would guess that just seeing a gun in real life scares her. It comes from lack of knowledge.

I do not own an AR-15 so I guess I'm not paranoid. Guess my arsenal of other guns don't qualify me as paranoid. I'd like to take this person to the range with an AR-15 and a .30-06, show them the .223 and .30-06 rounds and then shoot both of them and ask them which rifle/bullet she would rather be shot by.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-11-19 2:29 PM

2018-11-19 2:42 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....

In my state this past week over 250,000 people walked into the woods somewhere carrying a high-powered semi-automatic rifle, a full magazine, and extra ammo....they almost all certainly carried a large knife as well. Most of those people were the scary white male types.  Most of them were conservative. 

The funny thing is, there was not a single mass shooting involving any of them.

2018-11-20 9:09 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
Originally posted by Left Brain

In my state this past week over 250,000 people walked into the woods somewhere carrying a high-powered semi-automatic rifle, a full magazine, and extra ammo....they almost all certainly carried a large knife as well. Most of those people were the scary white male types.  Most of them were conservative. 

The funny thing is, there was not a single mass shooting involving any of them.

Tell that to them deer.. … .
2018-11-20 12:23 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....

We put three up this year.  We cut the steaks and roasts ourselves along with grinding about 60 lbs. of burger.....the rest goes to the butcher to make sausage sticks.

20 duck breasts came home last weekend as well.....and found a place we can work on some rabbits.

Life is good!

2018-11-20 1:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
Originally posted by Left Brain

We put three up this year.  We cut the steaks and roasts ourselves along with grinding about 60 lbs. of burger.....the rest goes to the butcher to make sausage sticks.

20 duck breasts came home last weekend as well.....and found a place we can work on some rabbits.

Life is good!

What? No deer jerky?

I hunted when I was a kid - deer, squirrels, rabbits, robins and ducks but didn't kill much....never did killed a deer....lacked the patience I think. As I got older and I would go camping or trekking in the woods or just sit in the woods on our property and I realized how much more I enjoy seeing deer in the wild and watching squirrels and rabbits play and seeing ducks and geese fly over than I do killing them. Occasionally when I'm sitting outside on the patio I will see a few deer come across our pasture. Certain times of the year ducks and geese fly over on their way to my neighbor's pond flying so low I could hit them with a baseball - very cool to see IMO.

About the only animal killing I enjoy is Yotes - cause we've lost several cats to the vermin bat rastards. Actually, I don't 'enjoy' killing them....but it's necessary and I don't mind.

War story. When I was about 17 I visited a cousin in CT. We went to a local bar and were drinking some beers and talking to some girls. They were very curious about what my life in Louisiana was like. I told them I enjoyed fishing and hunting. When they asked what I hunted for and I said I started hunting robins when I was 9 or 10 - they were shocked and stopped talking to us after they heard that! Turns out the robin is the CT state bird!
2018-11-20 1:53 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....

Sure.....we'll make jerky out of some of the deer roasts.  I enjoy the act of hunting and I enjoy eating wild game.  The actual killing is just a necessary part of it.  I won't kill an animal I won't eat, unless it's causing someone problems or they need to be thinned out....but that's rare.  I killed 6 beavers this past Spring and left them to be eaten by turtles or coyotes.  I would have been fine to leave them in a damn ditch.

2018-11-20 2:31 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
Originally posted by Left Brain

Sure.....we'll make jerky out of some of the deer roasts.  I enjoy the act of hunting and I enjoy eating wild game.  The actual killing is just a necessary part of it.  I won't kill an animal I won't eat, unless it's causing someone problems or they need to be thinned out....but that's rare.  I killed 6 beavers this past Spring and left them to be eaten by turtles or coyotes.  I would have been fine to leave them in a damn ditch.

I was out biking one time and saw a road killed beaver on the side of the road in a ditch. I decided on the way back I would stop and take his teeth. I thought it would be cool to make something out of those big front teeth. I did my out and back ride and when I got back to where the beaver was, it was gone. My guess is coyotes took him. Another reason I don't like coyotes. Sumbeaches stole my teeth! :-)

Only time I regretted NOT killing an animal was two pit bulls that broke into our chain link fence. They literally broke in...they pressed and pressed on the gate so hard that the latch spun and the gate opened. My male Golden Retriever, Jake the Wonder Dog, was fighting them both. I stepped inside the house, grabbed a 12 gauge with 00 buck and went back out. They were fighting tooth-and-nail. I had a couple of good shots of the intruders without hitting Jake but decided just to shoot close and run them off. It worked but it was a mistake, I should have killed them both. The left our place and went down the street to a neighbors house and broke into their yard and killed one of their dogs and severely mauling another. The owner called animal control and they came out and killed one of the dogs....and captured the other one. These pits belonged to another neighbor and I suspect he raised them for fighting. I felt really bad I did not kill the danm things.

OK, on a lighter note. A hunting joke.....

Two guys are out driving in the country looking for a place to hunt. They see this farm and decide to stop and ask the farmer permission to hunt on his property. One of the guy goes to ask the farmer while his buddy waited in the truck. The farmer told the guy they could hunt on his property if he would just do him a favor. He said his old mule needed to be put down but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The hunter says, no problem, I'll take care of it for you. He goes back to the truck and decides to play a prank on his buddy. He grabs his rifle and says, "The old coot said we could not hunt on his property! I'll show him...." BOOM. He shoots the old mule dead. Right afterwards he hears BOOM! BOOM! And his buddy said, "Let's get the hell out of here, I just shot two of his cows too!"

2018-11-21 8:49 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by Left Brain

Sure.....we'll make jerky out of some of the deer roasts.  I enjoy the act of hunting and I enjoy eating wild game.  The actual killing is just a necessary part of it.  I won't kill an animal I won't eat, unless it's causing someone problems or they need to be thinned out....but that's rare.  I killed 6 beavers this past Spring and left them to be eaten by turtles or coyotes.  I would have been fine to leave them in a damn ditch.

I was out biking one time and saw a road killed beaver on the side of the road in a ditch. I decided on the way back I would stop and take his teeth. I thought it would be cool to make something out of those big front teeth. I did my out and back ride and when I got back to where the beaver was, it was gone. My guess is coyotes took him. Another reason I don't like coyotes. Sumbeaches stole my teeth! :-)

Only time I regretted NOT killing an animal was two pit bulls that broke into our chain link fence. They literally broke in...they pressed and pressed on the gate so hard that the latch spun and the gate opened. My male Golden Retriever, Jake the Wonder Dog, was fighting them both. I stepped inside the house, grabbed a 12 gauge with 00 buck and went back out. They were fighting tooth-and-nail. I had a couple of good shots of the intruders without hitting Jake but decided just to shoot close and run them off. It worked but it was a mistake, I should have killed them both. The left our place and went down the street to a neighbors house and broke into their yard and killed one of their dogs and severely mauling another. The owner called animal control and they came out and killed one of the dogs....and captured the other one. These pits belonged to another neighbor and I suspect he raised them for fighting. I felt really bad I did not kill the danm things.

OK, on a lighter note. A hunting joke.....

Two guys are out driving in the country looking for a place to hunt. They see this farm and decide to stop and ask the farmer permission to hunt on his property. One of the guy goes to ask the farmer while his buddy waited in the truck. The farmer told the guy they could hunt on his property if he would just do him a favor. He said his old mule needed to be put down but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The hunter says, no problem, I'll take care of it for you. He goes back to the truck and decides to play a prank on his buddy. He grabs his rifle and says, "The old coot said we could not hunt on his property! I'll show him...." BOOM. He shoots the old mule dead. Right afterwards he hears BOOM! BOOM! And his buddy said, "Let's get the hell out of here, I just shot two of his cows too!"

Thought you were going say you planned to come back and skin him with your multi tool for a second there… How and why were you going to take his teeth? Multi tool and beaver tooth necklace?
2018-11-21 9:01 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by Left Brain

Sure.....we'll make jerky out of some of the deer roasts.  I enjoy the act of hunting and I enjoy eating wild game.  The actual killing is just a necessary part of it.  I won't kill an animal I won't eat, unless it's causing someone problems or they need to be thinned out....but that's rare.  I killed 6 beavers this past Spring and left them to be eaten by turtles or coyotes.  I would have been fine to leave them in a damn ditch.

I was out biking one time and saw a road killed beaver on the side of the road in a ditch. I decided on the way back I would stop and take his teeth. I thought it would be cool to make something out of those big front teeth. I did my out and back ride and when I got back to where the beaver was, it was gone. My guess is coyotes took him. Another reason I don't like coyotes. Sumbeaches stole my teeth! :-)

Only time I regretted NOT killing an animal was two pit bulls that broke into our chain link fence. They literally broke in...they pressed and pressed on the gate so hard that the latch spun and the gate opened. My male Golden Retriever, Jake the Wonder Dog, was fighting them both. I stepped inside the house, grabbed a 12 gauge with 00 buck and went back out. They were fighting tooth-and-nail. I had a couple of good shots of the intruders without hitting Jake but decided just to shoot close and run them off. It worked but it was a mistake, I should have killed them both. The left our place and went down the street to a neighbors house and broke into their yard and killed one of their dogs and severely mauling another. The owner called animal control and they came out and killed one of the dogs....and captured the other one. These pits belonged to another neighbor and I suspect he raised them for fighting. I felt really bad I did not kill the danm things.

OK, on a lighter note. A hunting joke.....

Two guys are out driving in the country looking for a place to hunt. They see this farm and decide to stop and ask the farmer permission to hunt on his property. One of the guy goes to ask the farmer while his buddy waited in the truck. The farmer told the guy they could hunt on his property if he would just do him a favor. He said his old mule needed to be put down but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The hunter says, no problem, I'll take care of it for you. He goes back to the truck and decides to play a prank on his buddy. He grabs his rifle and says, "The old coot said we could not hunt on his property! I'll show him...." BOOM. He shoots the old mule dead. Right afterwards he hears BOOM! BOOM! And his buddy said, "Let's get the hell out of here, I just shot two of his cows too!"

Thought you were going say you planned to come back and skin him with your multi tool for a second there… How and why were you going to take his teeth? Multi tool and beaver tooth necklace?

Yes and yes.


2018-11-26 3:18 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....
In other news...

Driving home and see car half off in the ditch at my neighbors driveway. Left front wheel in ditch and car pitched to far forward the right rear wheel was nearly up off the pavement. Pulled over, hooked up tow rope, put in 4wd and easily pulled them out. It’s good to have redneck gun owning neighbors like me with a badass Raptor!
2018-11-27 6:59 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: "AR-15 Owners Are Mass Murderers....

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