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2019-02-04 3:45 PM

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Subject: The ice melted
I filled a glass with ice then poured whiskey on top to top off glass. Then I forgot about it and the ice melted and overflowed the glass and now water is everywhere! Same thing is gonna happen according to the climate folks when Antarctic ice that is in the water melts! Ima head for higher ground! Always like the mountains anyway.

2019-02-04 6:23 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The ice melted
I like water, and the Earth shedding billions of coastal living folks can't hurt.....I'm all for burning more coal!!
2019-02-05 7:42 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: The ice melted
Not to worry, the earth is going to run out of people.


If average family size across the world drops below 4 then population will decline. Article above thinks that in 3 decades that will happen.

"You know the story.....By 2050 there will be 9 billion carbon-burning, plastic-polluting, calorie-consuming people on the planet. By 2100, that number will balloon to 11 billion, pushing society into a Soylent Green scenario.

But what if they’re wrong? Not like, off by a rounding error, but like totally, completely goofed?

“In roughly three decades, the global population will begin to decline,” they write. “Once that decline begins, it will never end.”"

OTOH, AOC says we only have 12 years before we are all in the drink.

IF (big if) the climate change alarmist really want to save the planet it seems to me the most viable way would be to limit population growth to the point where we have net negative growth. This could be done by providing free birth control to third world sheet-hole countries. Oh I'm sorry, that is not PC. I mean under-developed countries.

China actually tried this with the 1-baby rule. But it had some unintended consequences. Families wanted boys and aborted or abandoned girls. So now they have a disproportionate number of guys to gals. Kinda like when I was in college at Louisiana Tech, which is mostly and engineering school and not enough women to go around.

You could also incentivize people to have fewer chitlins by providing benefits to families with only 1 or 2 kids.....and you lose that benefit if you have more.

2019-02-05 7:46 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: The ice melted

Not to worry, the Earth will take care of itself......you know, like it has for BILLIONS of years.  Human ego is comical.

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Other Resources The Political Joe » The ice melted Rss Feed  

Meanwhile....as the left melts down...

Started by Left Brain
Views: 483 Posts: 5

2018-06-14 1:37 PM tuwood