General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 09.02.2019 Memorial Monday Training Rss Feed  
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2019-09-02 10:05 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 09.02.2019 Memorial Monday Training

Morning BT!


7:00 AM - 8 mile run at half ironman running race pace. 

I had a 40 minute Z1 heart rate zone run planned as a recovery day from the weekend's triathlon race.  I had such a light taper week last week that I want to get back to where my pre-taper volume was as quickly as possible because I still have two more races to prepare for in the next 5 weeks.  So I change the work out to a 60 minute Zone 2 heart rate run.  Legs were sore but after raceing they were dial into running fast to the workout felt easy even though I was going really fast.

Have a great day.


P.S.  Oh....and I raced well.  It hit a 23.1 MPH average on the Bike for the 5th fastest bike split and a 19:15 run time for the 2nd fastest run split.  I am not sure if my swim time was correct.  I lined up in the 1:45 min/100 yds pace and I didn't pass anyone on the swim and none passed me on the swim.  I figures that should have put me somewhere between 1:45 to 1:55 min/100yds.  I got a 2:15 min/yards.  The swim three spots ahead of me jumped in that his race band came off and floated to the surface.  I immediately call the attention of the timing guy starting the race to hold off any more started until they had retrieved the timing chip.  He just shrugged his shoulder and started another swimmer. So I flagged a volunteer that was working the lane turn around and pointed out which swimmer had lost his band and said you have to make sure he gets this back when he exits the pool.  He shrugged his shoulder too and said oh well.  Finally It told the timer and the volunteer I was going to jump in and get it between the next break in swimmer.  I went around the starting timer jumped in got the timing band and gave it to the volunteer at the turn around and told him to make sure that when a guy came out of the pool in 5 minutes with out a timing chip that someone be waiting to hand him the band.  He said thanks and I jumped back in line.  The timer guys asked where I was in line and I said it didn't matter and to just let me go after the next guy.  I did but am now wondering if my time started when I went in to get the fallen off timing band or if the 2:15 min/100yd was due to the exit timing mat being at the entrance to the T1 or something that would have added a lot of time to the swim.     

I was 6th place over all and 1st place in the Masters Division. 

Edited by BlueBoy26 2019-09-02 10:06 AM

2019-09-03 5:34 AM
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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 09.02.2019 Memorial Monday Training
Nice Race!!!

TAPER...Hope to get in a swim at lunch...DANG, that's today that I hope to get in a swim at lunch. hahaha

Edited by PigeonTri 2019-09-03 5:35 AM
2019-09-03 6:25 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Subject: RE: 09.02.2019 Memorial Monday Training
Yesterday was my usual 25 mile bike route. I had a lady ride with me for about 5 miles or so and we were pushing each other pretty good. I really appreciated that, as it was near the end of my ride (miles 16 to 23ish?) and the rest of the ride was kinda blah.

Good on you for trying to get the timing chip back to the racer. I've volunteered at races before removing timing chips, and I've seen that deflated look on faces when they are told the timing chip is missing. As far as the time goes, it's been my limited experience with pool tris that everyone lies on their 100 times. Well, everyone but me and you it sounds. I enter at 2:00 per 100m, and the last one I did I think I did it in 8:03 for a 400. After the first 50, I got in the left side of the lane and stayed there. I bet I passed 50 people in 350m. There were people doing elementary backstroke towards the end. (which is not to knock them for not being very good swimmers, I'm knocking them for poorly seeding themselves) The timing mat would need to be about a minute and a half or so away to change your time that much (assuming it was a 50m pool)

Maybe spending the extra minute or so in the water led you to the awesome bike and run splits! That's why I don't go all out on the swim; now I just need to get those awesome splits...

J White
2019-09-03 9:21 PM
in reply to: #5262200

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Subject: RE: 09.02.2019 Memorial Monday Training
Great race!

Late addition, but I did a 22 mile trainer ride yesterday evening. 5 minute warm up and then settled into about 90% FTP for 25 minutes and then eased back down to 75% FTP for the remainder. Legs felt good, HR responded accordingly. Hoping I’m in good shape for Augusta.
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