General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weight training Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-09-30 2:25 PM


Subject: Weight training

I've always been a bit of a gym rat, striving for a bodybuilder type physique which I know isn't necessarily the best approach for an Olympic Triathlon.

I would typically train with weights using mostly compound barbell/dumbbell movements (Bench, Squat, Deadlifts, barbell curls etc). followed by a 5k run on the treadmill.

Can I realistically continue to train like this and add swimming, cycling and running for my cardio to prepare for my race?

Thank you in advance for your insight and expertise!

2019-09-30 5:00 PM
in reply to: #5262972

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Subject: RE: Weight training
It’s definitely possible. The challenge is finding the time and balancing everything out.

Another challenge is deciding if you’re happy with any sacrifices you may have to make on either end. You may find your physique takes a hit from adding in all the cardio demands. Would you be ok with that? Or you may find that you can’t really train to your full potential for the triathlon while still maintaining your other gym training. Would that be ok with you? You’re the only one that can answer those questions.

Having said all that, you may end up squeezing it all in and not have any fall off in the gym while still feeling like you’re in top triathlon shape!

At any rate, give it a go! Life is too short to wonder “what if?”
2019-10-01 8:02 AM
in reply to: Parkland


Subject: RE: Weight training
Thank you! I appreciate your insight
2019-10-11 2:24 PM
in reply to: Hukdonfawnix


Subject: RE: Weight training
I'm a mens physique bodybuilder 6'2 215-220ish and let me tell you its a challenge. My swim coach said i could be a bodybuilder or a triathlete but not both haha. I love both. I wouldnt say my physique has taken a massive hit, but i've enjoyed eating more food than normal. ive swapped out heavy leg days for heavy climbing bike work and lighter leg days. Same with Back, i dont hit it as heavy as I used to now that I spend more time in the pool. shoulders and chest i still crush. i started off with weights early morning, and run bike or swim in afternoon or evening. However at age 40 recovery took a hit.

youll need to set aside the ego lifts will drop, size will dip. I no longer qualify for the clydesdale 225 plus division hah. But it can be done, just not as intense as you once were
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