Other Resources The Political Joe » Joe Biden Rss Feed  
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2020-02-13 9:01 PM

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Subject: Joe Biden

I watched Vice President Biden and his wife today on The View, and just saw them hacked to pieces on Hannity.  Honestly, is there not a single decent person in the Democrat Party who can pull Biden aside and just say, "hey, thanks for all you did,  you don't need to do any more". 

He is older by the day and if he was my Dad, he'd be out of the race.   It's horrible for anyone to let this good man embarrass himself any further.

Oh.....you folks on The View......you are despicable.

2020-02-14 7:49 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Joe Biden
Originally posted by Left Brain
It's horrible for anyone to let this good man embarrass himself any further.

But it's OK to withhold 400m dollars to do it, because that's uhh......foreign policy....ya.....

But on a note closer to your heart, the stock market, I was talking with the guy that manages my money. He had done a call with one of the large funds he recommends. Apparently they discussed "risk". Pandemics and war were way down the list. Bernie was at the top :-)

But they also believed that, in order, best for the market was 1) Bloomberg 2) Trump 3) Biden.....and all down hill after that.

2020-02-14 8:02 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Joe Biden
Oh yeah, that market analysis of the candidates is pretty much a no-brainer. You might as well forget Bloomberg....that's not happening.
2020-02-16 8:29 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Joe Biden
Originally posted by Left Brain
You might as well forget Bloomberg....that's not happening.

You know better than I, but I did see this and if true should make for some very entertaining months

"The Bloomberg campaign hired an expert on narcissism and a comedy writer to get inside Trump’s head"

2020-02-16 9:18 AM
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Subject: RE: Joe Biden

We agree that the comedy about to come out of this campaign will be unprecedented. 

The Democrats are in full panic and President Trump is in full attack mode.......what could go wrong?  LMAO

Edited by Left Brain 2020-02-16 9:36 AM
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