General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weakness/Fatigue 2 Months after IM Wisconsin Rss Feed  
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2021-11-10 12:15 PM


Subject: Weakness/Fatigue 2 Months after IM Wisconsin
Hi all, I finished IM Wisconsin about 2 months ago, and ever since I have been experiencing some minor cognitive issues and muscle weakness/fatigue throughout my body that has made it difficult to get back into training. I've read that this is normal for this to occur for a few weeks following an IM, but I'm now at 2 months with no apparent improvement even though I've spent most of that time resting. I haven't been able to swim farther than 1000 yds or bike longer than a half hour because my body will stop allowing me to move. I'm also eating not that much less than I was during my training, so I'm not sure if it's a dietary issue. Just wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience and/or has any advice before I jump the gun and see a neurologist. Thanks in advance.

2021-11-11 10:04 AM
in reply to: Lab_B203

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Weakness/Fatigue 2 Months after IM Wisconsin

I'd go see your primary care physician before a neurologist.  They'll probably want to do blood work so you might want to call them and let them know what's going on so you can get that done in advance. 

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