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Caveman Triathlon - Triathlon

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Flower Mound, Texas
United States
Dallas Athletes Racing
68F / 20C
Total Time = 1h 16m 1s
Overall Rank = 124/356
Age Group = M40-44
Age Group Rank = 12/27
Pre-race routine:

Same as always. But I had been fighting with my girlfriend and she didn't come to the race, so that was on my mind a little bit.
Event warmup:

Some really light jogging in transition. Didn't do much race prep. so no point in warming up a whole lot.
  • 05m 9s
  • 275 meters
  • 01m 52s / 100 meters

As usual, I self-seeded appropriately, even though to do so I have to lie on my registration and put about 30-45 seconds faster than I'm capable of. Just goes to show that people do not know how to self-seed at all. I think I got passed by 2 people and I passed 2 people. So, it was very even. I'd only swam a handful of times before the race and that was it for the past year. I didn't really lose much swim fitness over the past year either.
Transition 1
  • 01m 21s

Felt strong coming out of the water and had a good T1
  • 39m 35s
  • 11.5 miles
  • 17.43 mile/hr

Didn't push it on the bike because I wanted to have a good run. I had also not done any kind of specific race prep and probably would've cooked my legs if I had gone hard.
Transition 2
  • 01m 23s

Nothing good or bad. Just a regular T2
  • 28m 33s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 09m 13s  min/mile

Just stayed within my normal pace range like I do on every run.
Post race
Warm down:

Stretching and that was it

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I did zero race prep and have just been doing my normal workouts all year. I wanted to see how I'd perform like this.

Event comments:

Nice easy course and I like the venue. Last year's swim was only 1 second faster on the swim and about 3 minutes faster on bike and run each. I was really trying on the run last year and just didn't care too much this year.

Last updated: 2022-03-24 12:00 AM
00:05:09 | 275 meters | 01m 52s / 100meters
Age Group: 8/27
Overall: 88/356
Performance: Good
Course: Pool swim. Down 1 lane and back in the next lane
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 01:21
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
00:39:35 | 11.5 miles | 17.43 mile/hr
Age Group: 16/27
Overall: 150/356
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: 2 loops with slight hills
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:23
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
00:28:33 | 03.1 miles | 09m 13s  min/mile
Age Group: 14/27
Overall: 159/356
Performance: Good
Course: Out & back
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2022-06-20 7:23 AM

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Euless, Texas
Subject: Caveman Triathlon
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