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2006-12-15 5:39 PM

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Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: mtnchick13's Group - FULL

Name: Mary Ann

Story: I decided to learn how to swim laps at the age of 38, in January because my son was on the swim team and I couldn't do much else outside with all the snow (I wasn't a runner) I decided to try a sprint tri that spring. Unfortunately I broke my wrist mtn biking in April and didn't do too well that summer, although I did do a few sprint tri's, an xterra and 24 hour mtn bike race. But had to have another wrist surgery in Oct. So since I couldn't do anything else and I was feeling down in the dumps I decided to sign up for a marathon, never having run more than 3 miles before.

For 2007 I did my first marathon and several more sprint tri's and the xterra again. I found that I really improved the second year. 2008 will be my third year and I am planning on doing a HIM in June, a 100 mile mtn bike race in July and a 25 mile trail run in Sept.

Family: I am divorced, 2 kids age 13 and work full time. With the kids being in soccer, baseball, swimming and basketball, squeezing in training time can be difficult but it can be done if you are creative! I tend to get my workouts in while the kids are at practice or after 9 at night.

Training: I train 6 days a week. It includes 2 swims, 3-4 bikes (except winter), 3-4 runs. and power yoga

I used to go to the chiropractor once a month for back pain, but after starting yoga over a year ago I no longer have any pain.

Goals: Get better at swimming (faster), do more trail races, possibly do an IM in 2008

Edited by mtnchick13 2006-12-19 4:42 PM

2006-12-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #625449

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Mableton, GA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN
Hi Mary Ann,

I'm 36 and also a single mom. My son is 10. With all his activities and a very demanding job, it is very difficult to find time for training, but this is very important to my sanity.

I've done several sprints and finished the Chicago Marathon in October. I'm a BOPer, hope to become a MOPer some day. I've signed up for the ING half, but my big race next year will be St. Anthony's - my first Olympic. I may do a HIM next fall.

I need help sticking to my training plan.

2006-12-18 6:39 AM
in reply to: #625449

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Brooklyn, Michigan
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

Hi Mary Ann

I'd like to join your group.  I am a 30yo soon-to-be single mom to 3yo son & daughter. (filing after the holidays. Frown)

I ran a few 5k's, & a 10K last season.  I also entered a sprint tri, but hyperventilated on the swim. Embarassed  I do fine in pools, open water scares me, always has.  I need to get over this, or do Du's.  I did finish the rest of the race, I was DQ'd, but I didn't want to quit altogether.

This year I'd like to improve on my 5K & 10K times, run a half-mary, do the Tri I did last year (as a Du), spend more time on my MTB, & maybe get back in the water again at Windsor. (which is so shallow that you can stand up at any point. (I'm thinking it might help me get past the "open water" hurdle.)  I'd also like to try an X-terra, but I think that may get pushed back to 2008.

I look forward to talking to you,


Edited by Twins_momma 2006-12-18 6:40 AM
2006-12-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #625529

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Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

echowits - 2006-12-15 8:34 PM Hi Mary Ann, I'm 36 and also a single mom. My son is 10. With all his activities and a very demanding job, it is very difficult to find time for training, but this is very important to my sanity. I've done several sprints and finished the Chicago Marathon in October. I'm a BOPer, hope to become a MOPer some day. I've signed up for the ING half, but my big race next year will be St. Anthony's - my first Olympic. I may do a HIM next fall. I need help sticking to my training plan. Thanks, Sheila

Hello Sheila,

I agree that finding time to train is important for your sanity, it sounds like you have already committed yourself to finishing a few tough races!

How is it best to communicate? Through here or your logs?  

Mary Ann 

2006-12-18 8:15 AM
in reply to: #626658

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Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN
Twins_momma - 2006-12-18 6:39 AM

Hi Mary Ann

I'd like to join your group. I am a 30yo soon-to-be single mom to 3yo son & daughter. (filing after the holidays. Frown)

I ran a few 5k's, & a 10K last season. I also entered a sprint tri, but hyperventilated on the swim. Embarassed I do fine in pools, open water scares me, always has. I need to get over this, or do Du's. I did finish the rest of the race, I was DQ'd, but I didn't want to quit altogether.

This year I'd like to improve on my 5K & 10K times, run a half-mary, do the Tri I did last year (as a Du), spend more time on my MTB, & maybe get back in the water again at Windsor. (which is so shallow that you can stand up at any point. (I'm thinking it might help me get past the "open water" hurdle.) I'd also like to try an X-terra, but I think that may get pushed back to 2008.

I look forward to talking to you,



Hi Erin,

Sorry to hear about your OWS issues. I had that same problem on my first OWS tri. It was scary and I almost quit. I swam on my back and tried to breathe again. I was almost last out of the water and the worse part was I had to get out of the water run through the grass and do another lap. I started crying and thought there is no f*^% way I was getting back in that water. But I sucked it up and got back in and actually swam a lot better on the second lap.

I think I've read your blog before, just because of your title and the fact that I have twins. What is the best way to talk? Through inspires on your log or through here?


Mary Ann 

2006-12-18 8:40 AM
in reply to: #625449

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Mableton, GA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN
Mary Ann,

I've never used the training logs, but plan to start. Maybe communicating that way would help me stay motivated to keep my log up-to-date. I'll try and get it set-up tonight.

This should be fun

Erin, It will be nice having you in the group!


2006-12-18 8:43 AM
in reply to: #625449

Subject: ...
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2006-12-18 5:55 PM
in reply to: #625529

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

echowits - 2006-12-15 8:34 PM Hi Mary Ann, I'm 36 and also a single mom. My son is 10. With all his activities and a very demanding job, it is very difficult to find time for training, but this is very important to my sanity. I've done several sprints and finished the Chicago Marathon in October. I'm a BOPer, hope to become a MOPer some day. I've signed up for the ING half, but my big race next year will be St. Anthony's - my first Olympic. I may do a HIM next fall. I need help sticking to my training plan. Thanks, Sheila

Another thought, if you are looking for a positive note on the "soon to be single" my kids spend 50% of the time with their dad, two nights during the week and then half of the weekend. This is when you schedule your training!!!! I know it is a difficult time and I hope you are doing well.



2006-12-18 6:55 PM
in reply to: #627340

Subject: ...
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Edited by SweetK 2006-12-18 6:56 PM
2006-12-19 11:29 AM
in reply to: #625449

McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

Hi Do you still have room for one more?

I'd like to join - I delayed thinking you needed to be a "paid" member, which I will eventually do.

A bit about me:

Name: Shiryl (pronounecd shurl)

Story: Well I am a 35-y.o. single mother to an 8-y.o. girl (have been since before she was born - I won't go into the grueling hell he put me through before she was born and the court stuff). Anyway, upon moving here to Texas and in a job where I sit down alllll the time and get home late. The pounds packed on quickly.

I had known about The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for a while, so I decided to join set out to learn about Triathloning and raising money (that was Spring 2005 - yep this year). Rest assured for me, the training was "easier" than raising the money. I completed my first tri as a relay member - I stink at swimming and improved a bit, but still have a way to go. I bought a bike - a decent one - not a carbon-shi-shi-foo-foo-one, but I like it and it works (one day I'll get a carbon-shi-shi-foo-foo style - but in the meantime...). I worked on my cycling, which meant enduring a lot of falls - that twisting the foot/ankle to get in and out still hasn't sunk in my brain yet - lol. My second tri was nice. The swim was longer, so it seemed to take forever to get out of the water, but I kept humming "just keep swimming" I got a flat at mile 11.5 and rode it in to T2 that way, I decided I'll fight the devil than take a Did Not Finish. Then finished with a walk-run. Yes, that is my most cherished medal thus far. I completed the fundraising and completed my TNT Triathlon, and decided that I would try to do what I could to improve, so I could do more. I had a few younger peeps talk trash to me, but I thought to myself, I wonder if they would even still be able to do tri's if they had my life?

Training: I train alone . I now run outside first thing in the mornings 4-days/week) with my WireFox - Sadie. (I would like a treadmill and a trainer). I do have a lady who asked that we try to run a 5K race one a month, I agreed - the next one is January 6th. I haven't ridden my bike in a while. I am currently looking for a sitter so I can go to the local bike store on Saturday mornings and ride with them.
Swimming - uhhh.....okay I need to get back to the pool - that is the truth.

I'm open to suggestions and advice, and I do read. I received my first USAT magazine in the mail recently and have been spending time reading in between the work. I read the Running Times magazine too.

Current Goals: Improve my running - distances, I mostly walked my run portions of the races. Lose weight - I am an Athena - will be - body-type, but I want to be within my proper body weight.

Intermediate Goals (To Date): Olympic Distance Tri and Maybe a Half-Ironman at the end of the season 2007.

Future Goals: Ironman & many more Olympic and Sprint Distance Tri's

2006-12-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: #625449

Owings, MD
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN
Do you have room for one more?

My name is Laurie. I am a 37 year old mother of two busy teenagers and have been happily married for over 18 years. I work full-time and often work OT, which precludes me from making any sort of training plan that can be followed in the evening. Working out during lunch is an option, but often interrupted by work. Kids are involved in swim team, soccer, NJROTC, etc. so finding time and energy to take care of myself is hard. I always put my own needs last! I'm sure every mom here does the same...

I grew up a competetive swimmer and have done a few triathlons as part of relays with friends who biked and ran. I would like to be able to do a triathlon on my own. I currently do not bike at all. I have only been running a little bit as part of a "boot camp" that I've been doing 3 days/week at 5:30 am for the last two months. I did a mile in under 11 minutes last month where I ran the whole thing (well, more like a shuffle). I also did my first Masters swim meet in October. It was not pretty!

My goal is to be able to do a triathlon in summer 2007. I was considering the RYKA Irongirl triathlon in Columbia, MD (0.62mi Swim - 17.5mi Bike - 3.3mi Run) scheduled for August 19, 2007, but should probably find one earlier in the summer to shoot for as a tune-up.

2006-12-19 4:41 PM
in reply to: #625449

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - FULL
2006-12-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: #627369

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

Welcome Kristen,

Hopefully your training will stay on track this year - plus you now have outside help !!  

2006-12-19 5:10 PM
in reply to: #627980

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

Welcome Shiryl,

I'll need to visit your logs this evening and catch up.

It sounds like you have a lot of determination and that is what counts! We'll work on some goals for the coming season and figure out some training.

Oh and running outside is way better then the treadmill, keep up the good work on that part!

Mary Ann 

2006-12-19 5:13 PM
in reply to: #628388

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - OPEN

Welcome Laurie!!

It sounds like you have some good goals for the upcoming season, now just to work out the details on how to get there.

I def. understand trying to find time to train with kids activities, you need to be creative and able to think outside the box!

I'll look at your logs this evening, talk to you soon!

Mary Ann 

2006-12-19 5:35 PM
in reply to: #625449

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - FULL

OK Everyone I've created a table in my short term goals with links to each of your pages, that will make it easier for me to click and read your pages every day.

First couple of things I think we should work on is sketching out a race calendar for 2007. Some of you already have that, but let's get it up on your page, either under short term or long term, put the date, and type of event (run, tri, etc)  with distance (sprint, oly, 1/2 mary)

Once that is in place we need to start talking about training plans and set some plans for the next several months. Decide (realistically) for example how many times a week can you get to the pool? I make an effort to swim twice a week, so I work that in every week. Start thinking about how many times a week you want to run, bike, lift, yoga, etc......

That is probably enough for today!! I look forward to reading your logs!!

Mary Ann

2007-01-08 11:41 AM
in reply to: #625449

Hollidaysburg, PA
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - FULL

OK girls we are into the second week of January. Hopefully you have been thinking of your long term plans for the summer and I think everyone has entered their info. I've been looking at your blogs every day, hoping to inspire your training. Some people may be doing their workouts but just not logging (I hope so) but it is hard for me to tell. I can get discouraging for me to visit and see all those white squares.

What I would like you guys to think about adding to your pages (some already have) is a table for the week's workouts. What you plan on doing for each day of the week. Everyone except for me and tri_sandz has imported a training plan into their calendar. So maybe creating this table is unnecessary for you. Is the imported plan what your are really going to do? or just a guideline....maybe you still want to create a small table to remind yourself of your training plans for the week.

So far you should have outlined your goals for the year, looked at some training plans (1/2 mary or Oly or whatever your event) and calculated on the calendar when you should start the plan and third start putting in weekly plans for yourself to reach the long term goal.

Also if you want me to read your inspires you can click on the blog button in the inspire, that will take you to the person's page and automatically start a new inspire for them. Here you can write your inspire reply and submit it. The only issue is, if you are replying to an inspire from a day ago or older that reply goes to the day it was originally written, not the current day. So the person may not get to read it. 

I am looking forward to a great 2007! 

2007-02-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #625449

McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: mtnchick13's Group - FULL

Hey!!! I hope everyone else in this group is doing well.

Mary Ann thanks for coming by often to say hi!! 

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