Subject: RE: Boring Meeting - mental gymnasticsAdventureBear - 2007-04-06 1:07 AM Rogillio - 2007-04-05 3:17 PM How do you pass the time in a boring meeting? I mean after you've reviewed your training schedule and estimated your best case and worst case splits for your next race. I've developed a game where I determine what each person in the room would likely be in an old west town. The positions available include: - Gunfighter
- Blacksmith
- General Store clerk
- Livery stable hand
- Sherriff
- Deputy
- Cow hand
- Dancehall girl
- Café cook
- Prostitute
- School teacher
- Bar Tender
This is my "judge a book by it's cover" game whereby I assess someone by their looks, body language, manner of speaking etc. By the end of the meeting, I have everyone assigned! ~Mike Wow, this is a great game. I'll have to laminate an index card with the available options. Shoudl I add a check box to each option that I can use a dry erase pen with? I could make a game of it at work and assign patients to each role. When I've got each role filled, I win! Kind of like solitare. I could keep a running tally of how many nights I "WIN". SOme nights will be winners and other nigts, all I may get is the Town Drunk., Wait, that wasn't an option, was it? OK, then cook then. Wow, this is a great game. I'll have to laminate an index card with the available options. Shoudl I add a check box to each option that I can use a dry erase pen with? I could make a game of it at work and assign patients to each role. When I've got each role filled, I win! Kind of like solitare. I could keep a running tally of how many nights I "WIN". SOme nights will be winners and other nigts, all I may get is the Town Drunk., Wait, that wasn't an option, was it? OK, then cook then. Good catch. A cowboy town needs a town drunk! New and improved list: - Gunfighter
- Blacksmith
- General Store clerk
- Livery stable hand
- Sherriff
- Deputy
- Cow hand
- Dancehall girl
- Café cook
- Prostitute
- School teacher
- Bar Tender
- Town Drunk
BTW, don't forget to assign yourself a position. Some times I'm the traveling gun slinger and some times I'm the sherrif. ~Mike |