Subject: Young and New I've just turned 15 years old. I always have loved running. I'm a ninth grader and have made it to state in cross-country running (placed ) and track (1600 and 3200 ). Track has just ended, but I want to keep up my workout, so I decided to try to finish a triathlon. I was wondering what would a good workout be. I have been running, cycling, and swimming each day...but I'm unsure if I'm training "correctly". Any suggesstions? Also, I am new to swimming and I need some advice. The triathlon I want to compete in is: 0.5 mi swim, 20 mi bike, 3.1 mi run. 17th Annual 2003 TRIATHLON/BIATHLON Held on MAY 26, 2003, Memorial Day Monday morning at Lake Tobosofkee in Macon, GA. Racers can register on-line at Info: Jane Hawkins, at Hephzibah at (478 ) 477-3383 Ext. 112 in advance!