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2004-01-20 7:54 PM

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Subject: new to the sport

I plan on competing in my first indoor triathalon Feb. 1. I already swim and run, but the bike is a mystery. The meet is being held indoors at a local YMCA. It is a 1 mile swim, 5k run and 5 mile bike. I've worked out on the stationary bike a few times, but have no clue as to how often to increase my mileage or what type of speed work to do. I've decided to switch to triathalons to save my knees, which have begun to bother me. Any help would be appreciated.

2004-01-20 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4428

South Suburbs of Chicago
Subject: RE: new to the sport
I'd say to just do what is comfortable for you. Just make sure you don't screw up your knees, until you get a decent feel for being on the bike and exerting yourself that way. Let us know how your first tri goes. And feel free to ask anything. Welcome aboard.
2004-01-20 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4431

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Malvern PA
Subject: RE: new to the sport
Hi Evelyn & welcome to the site,

If you can already run and swim those distances You can probably hop on the bike at the Y and do 5 miles pretty easily. Adjust your seat so that your leg is almost fully extended at the bottom of the pedal stroke and your knees should be ok. I like to train at a constant pedaling rpm of 80 -90 and increase the resistance (well, add hills anyway) on successive workouts to increase biking speed. This is a better approach than trying to pedal faster each time (picture a loony tunes character about to start running). Good luck on the 1st!
2004-01-21 5:50 AM
in reply to: #4428

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Rockledge, Fl
Subject: RE: new to the sport
Welcome to the forum! Theis site has some training programs and some articles on cycling. You can also do a search on cycling and will get more info than you can read! Sounds like you will do fine. 5 miles on the bike is pretty easy if already in shape.
2004-01-21 7:24 AM
in reply to: #4428

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Subject: RE: new to the sport
Thanks all of you for your input!!!! ;-)
2004-01-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #4428

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Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: new to the sport
I agree it sounds like you are good to go with this mini tri! Good Luck and let us know how it goes.

2004-01-21 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4428

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Gold member
Subject: RE: new to the sport
welcome here evrunning.  if u can swim and run should be great on a 5mile bike...basically u have a month and a half...just add a mile a week, 2-3 times/week and your there!  in the early stages, i find biking is easy to build.  u should have no problems...u already have great advice given!  looking forward to your race report.
2004-01-21 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4428

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Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: new to the sport
Welcome - ditto on your readiness. We will look forward to hearing how it goes.
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