ChiRunningChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running to create a revolutionary running form and philosophy that takes the pounding, pain, and potential damage out of the sport of running. The ChiRunning program increases mental clarity and focus, enhances the joy of running, and turns running into a safe and effective lifelong program for health, fitness, and well-being.
Life Loves Rhythm - Cadence Training
The three disciplines of triathlon are steeped in rhythm. Think of watching a well-trained swimmer, gliding smoothly down the lane, arms moving like clockwork, breathing every third stoke.
By Danny Dryer
Life loves rhythm. All events in Nature occur in cycles and rhythms, whether they occur outside of us, such as the seasons, the lunar cycles, the rising and setting of the sun, or within us, such as our sleep cycles, our breath and heart rates, or the automatic tap of our toes when we hear a catchy beat. As humans, we seek order in our lives. When faced with chaos and irregularity, we tend to feel ill at ease until order has been restored. Soft rhythms and rocking are often used to help soothe and calm agitated or overactive children. Rhythm is one of the fundamental elements of life.
The sport of triathlon is no different. Our year is divided into the base, build, peak, and recovery periods, and each phase anticipates the next. When we are in recovery, we are planning for the race season ahead, and during the intensity of the peak period, we know we will soon have the off-season to rejuvenate and heal the body and mind. [.....]
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