How Much Swim Yardage Do I Need?

author : Amy Kuitse
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You ask yourself if a couple of months will be enough time to prepare for that sprint; and how must swim training change in volume and intensity for the longer distances?

Member Question:

How much swimming for a sprint? I've been cycling and running a fair bit. 30 - 50 miles, and 20 - 25 miles weekly respectively.  I've been training for duathlons and have finally decided (or been talked into) doing a sprint tri in 2 months. Is that enough time to train to finish, when I have no swimming base at all this year? I feel like I can do it, just curious how sane this is. 


So you've decided to do a triathlon and are trying to determine what distance to start with. You've got the bike and run portions down for a sprint and you could even make a push for the olympic, but the swim...? So you think, "How much yardage do I need for these distances?" You ask yourself if a couple of months will be enough time to prepare for that sprint; and how must swim training change in volume and intensity for the longer distances?

Let's look at how swim training for the different triathlon distances may vary. [.....]

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date: July 30, 2006

Amy Kuitse