Subject: RE: Nibbs XIIbarqhead - 2008-01-14 7:45 PM
Very true. How are you today Dee?
Put it this way... I just got home from work. I feel brain dead. (And no, I didn't work out today. )
I logged onto BT, and saw someone asking when the Challenge update would be done.... Good thing she mentioned it, 'cause I completely forgot that today was Monday. (I did mention that I feel brain dead, right? )
So that pretty much sums up how my day went....
Going to eat something. However, I am REALLY missing Little Debbie right about now. She is missing from my kitchen cabinet, and I really wish she was here! (SUGAR! Send SUGAR! )
So as soon as I eat something, I'll work on the challenge updates. It shouldn't take long.
Bleh - work. Yay - BT.