Kido - 2012-06-19 4:14 PMI assume they wrap door handles with pipe insulation or rags to keep you from leaving singed skin on them, no?
They should. I burned the crap out my hand opening a door to a restaurant that had an iron door handle. Heeeyyyyy! This could something. We could invent something!! Hot Gloves!
Too late. Someone already invented something. I have see "professional" "hot door handle grip/openers". But most still use rags or foam insulation duct taped on them. Mostly the western or southern facing doors.
Kido - 2012-06-19 4:21 PM Someone fly me to chicago for sub $200 plz...
I have 2 free tickets itchin' to be used ... but the timing is wrong. Plus I really need to go somewhere with a cooler climate not more heat and horrific humidity!
Sorry to hear. I would be there if I had free tickets.
I just left Cali. I was glad I accidently left a light jacket in the car because when I got there it was down right a bit chilly. It was NICE.....