BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-08-16 9:00 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

Originally posted by KWDreamun

OK, I just got back from a 30 minute swim. When I 1st started sighting it just wasn't working, all my coordination was like trying to throw a baseball with the wrong hand but i kept trying. When I finally got to where I wasn't drinking the entire pool I was lifting my head way to high and it still was terrible, then I remembered ya'll saying to get just the eyes out of the water, IT CLICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for your help!!!!! Another piece of the puzzle put in place. How many more are there? lol

I can't thank ya'll enough!

Now ya'll go out there and win some races this weekend..

Karl this is awesome! Just be happy with every little gain you can make with swimming. IMO it's the hardest and most fustrating of the three disciplines to conquer. Any breakthrough in swimming should be celebrated. My goal this winter is definitely going to be focused on improving my swim. I went from terrible to bad now I want to get to average lol.

I agree, swimming has SO many little technical things to figure out. I'm still not a stud, but last year I would pick out one specific thing each time I swam to try and work on... pull, elbows up, one eye still in the water when breathing, keep head straight & let body rotate, catch, etc... it's too much for me to try and work on everything in the same session, but I found that picking one thing to focus on each time was doable.

2013-08-17 4:52 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek I just heard that Timberman has live tracking this year, though only one split halfway through the bike. My team is bib 2631 if anyone is interested.

UMM?  YEAH!!  We will be tracking you!  At least if I'm home I'll be tracking. 

You haven't mentioned how your bike went the other day.  Hopefully you had a great ride and were able to get some of that confidence back.

2013-08-17 4:56 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

We are in the middle of a heat wave right now.  We reached a record high temp for today of 73 degrees!  (I saw 80 degrees on my house thermometer in the shade, though.)  My run this evening was pretty miserable.

I'm running away from all of you now. Tongue out

I am planning to ride another really long ride again this morning and it got me thinking about what clothing you might ride in when it's 54 degrees, like it is here right now.  I will be wearing a typical cycling kit but will add arm warmers.  I expect to be cold for the first few miles, and possible more, until the sun begins to warm me up.

2013-08-17 5:12 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63
Originally posted by mambos
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Originally posted by wbayek As for me, I have a little issue. Ever since the car "accident", I've had trouble at letting my speed get up in the bike. My nerves just kick in once I get to 32-33, which just happens to be the exact speed I was going when the car hit me. This is really a problem for Timberman since it's a course you really need to run out the downhills to make up for speed you've lost on the uphills. I'm going for one last ride on the hills today mostly to try to hammer down them to get my guts back. This is a totally foreign feeling for me since I've always been a death defying type - extreme skiing for years, parachute club member and firefighter, etc. I am a little concerned. Send me some good vibes.

Warren - Good vibes being sent your way.... I am not a parachute vlub member or a firefighter.... but I have donned a uniform to protect out country...

I have always admired those who seemed to have no fear, those who could fling themselves off 15' high dives, spin and still land in the water easily. I have always wished I could hit big snowboard jumps and get inverted while doing a 720 dregree rotation. I am not this person. Fear is something I know well. But, the challenge, the adrenaline rush is always worth it.

After laying my motorcycle down, I knew I had to ride again as soon as I could or I would never get over my fear. After suffering huge falls in snowbarrding I knew I had to hit those big jumps again so that the fear wouldn't take over.

My point is this... fear is real and it is legitimate. You can let it hold you back, you can let it make you panic and quit, or you can conquer it. I choose to acknowledge it and then I choose to conquer it. I believe that when you are out there riding you will have that moment when you "get your guts back," especially if you pace behind someone who is hauling soome bootay!

Go get it!   

Wow! Well said!

X me too!

2013-08-17 7:50 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I think I might of had a bug this week all week I felt off good news is I have been sleeping really good. I think iam going to go to a spin class this morning then I have a weight session with the trainer. We also have the company Brewers game today so iam happy I will have a double workout so I can eat, drink and enjoy!!!

Dirk good luck on your ride today did you decide on a race?

Karl like everyone has said just keep practicing you WILL get the swim one thing I have to always do is to tell myself to slow down and relax, when I do remember I always have a way better swim. I also am like Jeff when other people are around I tend to tense up Iam going to join a masters group this fall so hopefully I can get over that too.

Brenda are you coming up on Saturday? or Sunday ?
2013-08-17 8:13 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Glad you're feeling better, JOANNE!   Sounds like you have a fun day planned.   We'll be traveling to IMWI on Saturday morn.   Depending on traffic around Chicago we should get in between 1:00 and 2:00.   We're staying at Lake Farm Campground - site 5.  We'll set up camp then hop on our bikes (weather permitting) and ride into Madison, check out the race site and figure where we have to be in the morn.    When will you be there?    I'm pretty sure TONY will be there already. 

Sent DIRK a text of my address so I may see him at his halfway turn today.   It's absolutely a perfect morning for a ride here in Indiana.

Enjoy your Saturday EVERYONE

2013-08-17 8:30 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Originally posted by KWDreamun

Will, have you run in the camel back? I see a lot of people arond ehre doing that, try it and let me know how you like it. Also, how do you clean it?

I haven't run in it yet and not sure if I will... but reading the reviews on amazon, there are a lot of ppl who run in it and like it. I'm not sure about cleaning. There is a bladder inside that comes out... I guess the shell could be washed in the machine...

While they can be good, I find my back gets pretty warm with it on. I've never run in one but have used one while working, and mountain biking. As for cleaning, only use water in it. Anything with sugar and your asking for a science experiment to start growing. I'd recommend just making sure you rinse it and try and get it as dry as possible when you are done.

Let us know how it works out while running.
2013-08-17 8:59 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk have a great ride and be safe.

JoAnne glad to hear that you are feeling better and I hope you have a great workout and enjoy your day at the Brewers game.

Brenda and JoAnne I will be arriving in Madison on Wednesday. I'll probably get there in the afternoon. I'm staying in Madison but I'm on east side I think away from where the race is going to be run. JoAnne let us know what day you are coming down to Madison.
2013-08-17 9:05 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED


Just got to spend a few minutes with one of our Junkie Leaders at his halfway point of his bike today!   He's a great guy and his BQ tattoo is cool!     Cool

2013-08-17 12:19 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Race ready for tomorrow!


image.jpg (1453KB - 12 downloads)
2013-08-17 1:40 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Gorgeous bike, Good Luck in the race, we are looking forward to a race report!

Dirk, great pic!

2013-08-17 2:08 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa


Just got to spend a few minutes with one of our Junkie Leaders at his halfway point of his bike today!   He's a great guy and his BQ tattoo is cool!     Cool

I'm sure it's not too often people are seeing the front of that jersey! Lookin fast!
2013-08-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa


Just got to spend a few minutes with one of our Junkie Leaders at his halfway point of his bike today!   He's a great guy and his BQ tattoo is cool!     Cool

106.25 miles today for me.  And I was taken great care of at my SAG by my Tri-mom, Brenda.  She gave me some fluids to keep me from having to stop again on the way back.  I got my ride in at 5:23:04  and I had some less than favorable wind for the last 15 miles.  The weather site (NOAA) says I was heading right into 13 MPH winds but I stayed in IM effort for the whole ride.

As far as the cool tat?  Well, it looks even cooler because I'm wearing it.

2013-08-17 2:47 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

2013-08-17 3:01 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

Brenda I was going to stay for a week and had a place in the Wisconsin Dells and was going to just have a place in Madison for a few days. So it was supposed to be vacation and the race but I had to give the place up in the Dells because they wouldn't take the dog. So I wound up booking Wed to Mon in Madison

  • The reason for me to get there early was to check the course out and get settled in. We are driving so it will be a day layover in Ohio there and back as well. As of now it will be me and my wife along with the dog.
    2013-08-17 5:05 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Dirk nice ride again today. I like the outfit and looking good on the bike. You keep riding like that you'll have no problem regardless of what Ironman race you decide to do. Glad to see Brenda taking care of you as well.

    Derek nice bike! I'm biased I got a P2 as well :-)

    2013-08-17 6:00 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by strikyr

    Dirk nice ride again today. I like the outfit and looking good on the bike. You keep riding like that you'll have no problem regardless of what Ironman race you decide to do. Glad to see Brenda taking care of you as well.

    Derek nice bike! I'm biased I got a P2 as well :-)

    We're the P2 group, I'm riding one too.

    I decided to swim the sprint this morning to get a little real ows practice. I tried to follow all the advice and only went as fast as I could keep solid form. I felt very comfortable, didn't overdo anything, and swam smooth and relaxed. I tried to do what I thought would be my half pace. I was very happy with the result. I was the third out of the water in my wave!

    I did get a little better ride in this week, getting up to 45 on the biggest hill. Have to admit I wasn't totally relaxed, but I did it.

    Potts was very cool and down to earth. And skinny!
    2013-08-17 7:08 PM
    in reply to: wbayek

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by wbayek

    Originally posted by strikyr

    Dirk nice ride again today. I like the outfit and looking good on the bike. You keep riding like that you'll have no problem regardless of what Ironman race you decide to do. Glad to see Brenda taking care of you as well.

    Derek nice bike! I'm biased I got a P2 as well :-)

    We're the P2 group, I'm riding one too.

    I decided to swim the sprint this morning to get a little real ows practice. I tried to follow all the advice and only went as fast as I could keep solid form. I felt very comfortable, didn't overdo anything, and swam smooth and relaxed. I tried to do what I thought would be my half pace. I was very happy with the result. I was the third out of the water in my wave!

    I did get a little better ride in this week, getting up to 45 on the biggest hill. Have to admit I wasn't totally relaxed, but I did it.

    Potts was very cool and down to earth. And skinny!

    We need to get a group equivlent to the Felt Mafia. Maybe we can be the Cervelo Cartel!

    Warren it must have been very cool meeting Any Potts, did he accept your challenge? and did I read your post right you actually swam again. Just kidding, looks like you had a great swim and glad to see you get your nerve back on the bike.
    2013-08-17 8:46 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by bswcpa

    Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

    TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

    That is a sweet set of wheels!  The Cervelo bikes always look amazing to me.

    I am kind of interested in how long everyone will spend at the IM venues as well.  I am not sure what Lis will feel like next year for my trip to.................

    ..................Wisconsin, if we spend several days in Madison.  I may have to figure out how to make a week of it and try to get to Lake Michigan fro a few days.  That would be the closest we would get to the ocean (which is Lisa's favorite vacation spot) for a more "normal" vacation.

    Edited by DirkP 2013-08-17 8:49 PM
    2013-08-17 9:06 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Dirk, I'm willing to bet that you could easily finish in the top half of an IM tomorrow if you raced one...

    I got in 72 miles in 4:30 and ran 4 right off the bike today.

    One of the guys who rode w/ me said that you are not allowed to wear a camelbak in the IM race... can anyone confirm? I guess I have never seen anyone wearing one... just not sure why that would be against the rules...
    2013-08-17 9:11 PM
    in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

    Originally posted by pistuo

    Originally posted by KWDreamun

    Will, have you run in the camel back? I see a lot of people arond ehre doing that, try it and let me know how you like it. Also, how do you clean it?

    I haven't run in it yet and not sure if I will... but reading the reviews on amazon, there are a lot of ppl who run in it and like it. I'm not sure about cleaning. There is a bladder inside that comes out... I guess the shell could be washed in the machine...

    While they can be good, I find my back gets pretty warm with it on. I've never run in one but have used one while working, and mountain biking. As for cleaning, only use water in it. Anything with sugar and your asking for a science experiment to start growing. I'd recommend just making sure you rinse it and try and get it as dry as possible when you are done.

    Let us know how it works out while running.

    I probably will not try running in it... and yeah, just using it for water only. I load mine w/ ice and it actually keeps my back cool. This one (the classic) is made specifically for biking. It's a lot smaller than the ones made for hiking... and it's aerodynamic...

    2013-08-18 4:25 AM
    in reply to: bswcpa

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by bswcpa

    Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

    TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

    It's the xlab pocket rocket. It came with the bike, I got it barely used from another BT'er, FireMedic. His wife was letting him upgrade to a P5-six. It old him to call me when cervelo makes a P6 and he's going to upgrade, lol.
    2013-08-18 6:08 AM
    in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

    Originally posted by bswcpa

    Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

    TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

    It's the xlab pocket rocket. It came with the bike, I got it barely used from another BT'er, FireMedic. His wife was letting him upgrade to a P5-six. It old him to call me when cervelo makes a P6 and he's going to upgrade, lol.

    Derek I have an xlab pocket rocket as well. I keep two spare tubes in mine. I also have my other small tool bag attached to my gorilla/xlab wing bottle cage set up. The pocket rocket is a decent size and can hold alot of stuff in there for a little bag.
    2013-08-18 6:13 AM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by DirkP

    Originally posted by bswcpa

    Sweet ride, DEREK!   What aero bag do you have?   I can't quite read the name from the picture.  

    TONY - What other reason is there to get to an IM several days before the race besides getting comfortable in your surroundings?   I know most folks do it - arrive on Wednesday or Thursday before a Sunday race.   Are all those days necessary or is it a personal choice?    Is your family coming?  I'm not sure I can ask my family to take that many days off school/work next year but want to be prepared.  

    That is a sweet set of wheels!  The Cervelo bikes always look amazing to me.

    I am kind of interested in how long everyone will spend at the IM venues as well.  I am not sure what Lis will feel like next year for my trip to.................

    ..................Wisconsin, if we spend several days in Madison.  I may have to figure out how to make a week of it and try to get to Lake Michigan fro a few days.  That would be the closest we would get to the ocean (which is Lisa's favorite vacation spot) for a more "normal" vacation.

    My plan was to be there for over a week and actually have it be a race/vacation week along the lines of what Dirk is thinking about. I actually booked two places but like I said the place in the Dells didn't take pets so I gave that up. I was going stay there from Friday to Friday and then stay over for 3 days in Madison. In hindsight I wish I would have booked the day after the race. That is going to be one long painful ride home lol. Thankfully we'll be laying over in Ohio but it's still not gonna be a fun ride.
    2013-08-18 6:17 AM
    in reply to: pistuo

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by pistuo

    Dirk, I'm willing to bet that you could easily finish in the top half of an IM tomorrow if you raced one...

    I got in 72 miles in 4:30 and ran 4 right off the bike today.

    One of the guys who rode w/ me said that you are not allowed to wear a camelbak in the IM race... can anyone confirm? I guess I have never seen anyone wearing one... just not sure why that would be against the rules...

    Will nice work! Sounds like a really good bike ride and run. Those are definitely going to pay off for you.

    x2 on Dirk, I think he'd do great if he raced an IM now. Just think how well he'll be able to do next season considering he's pretty much already started training for it.
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