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2013-08-18 9:56 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony and Dirk we need a new catagory of extreme Junkies or something because you two are off the charts! Dirk do you even have a race coming up or is this all just to prep for next year?

2013-08-19 12:39 AM
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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by Jo63 Derek congratulations on your race! I am looking forward to your RR. Dirk wow you are so ready for an IM. Iam impressed with the amount of riding and running. I did the spin class yesterday which was really fun but I recall somewhere someone saying spin isn't so great for tri-bike training, if that is correct could you explain why? I felt like I got a pretty good workout. Followed that up of an hr of personal training, some guy actually came up to my trainer and said he was impressed with how hard I work gotta say that felt kinda good.
I would bet Jeff would disagree with that JoAnne. I'm not sure if Tracy would agree either as I thought she teaches spin classes.

I think maybe you are thinking of a particular spin class I described one time where we did a bunch of hovers and jump ups and stuff like that.

Yeah....I teach Spinning classes.  I do most of my training on a Spin bike.  Spin classes are great if you have a great teacher.  I'm pretty fast on a bike so I can attest to their workout potential.

Edited to add.....please do not do those stupid hovers and crap.  It's a bike.  Treat it like a bike and pedal the damn thing.

Edited by RunningYogini 2013-08-19 12:46 AM
2013-08-19 12:40 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek Quick update on my race. I'll do a full RR later. My splits make it look like I fell apart (23.6 for first 30 miles and 19.7 for the last 25), but that's really a function of the course. All the hills (for Dirk- hills are where a road tilts up or down) are on the first and last 13 miles, so the last 25 is over half hills and the first 30 is less as a percentage. And it's also and out and back and the wind is always in your face after the turnaround. I also had a few interesting moments over the last half. I did actually negative split the bike in terms of power. Our would it be positive split for power? Higher watts on the second half is what I'm saying. I also had no fear at all on race day - I hit 48.5 on the biggest downhill. I also had a very eventful last 15 miles. First with about 15 miles to go I dropped the chain near the top of one of the worst hills. It wedged in pretty good, so it took a few moments to dislodge it, then I could not possibly clip in and keep pedaling up, so I had to go down a bit and do some re-climbing. Then with about 6 1/2 miles to go I ran into a car. Not going too fast, but enough to dent his side. He took a right turn in front of me right through a cop telling him to stop. He (the cop) was PISSED. I thought the cop was gonna pull his gun and shoot the guy. Then a few miles later my right aero bar screws broke off, so I lost my right pad. Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic). But, I did have a great ride nonetheless. Our swimmer kicked serious butt this year, and we gave our runner enough of a lead to bring it home again. So we are relay champs again!

Great ride, Warren!  Holy cow!

2013-08-19 12:44 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Well race is done. Really a learning experience as it was my first Oly. End up with and average swim, hammered the bike and suffered though the run. Ended up walking a few times after the 4mi point, however I was able to hold off a few people that I wanted to beat. The poor run (~54min) was due to a few factors I think, too hard on the bike, off on the nutrition, and most of all, the lack if training I've had the past few weeks. All in all it ended up being about a 2:32:30. Don't have the final time or splits yet, between garmin problems, and the race not being chip timed, I'm still waiting for the times to be posted. Ill have full RR done up soon so you guys can help me figure out what to improve on for my race in three weeks. Looks like Warren was out there killing the bike, hope he hangs on.

Ummmmm......2:32 for an oly is SMOKING!!!!!  Great job!!!!

2013-08-19 4:26 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by wbayek Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic).
Pics or it didn't happen! Now that's a RR I can't wait to read.

I couldn't agree More Derek!

2013-08-19 4:34 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by wbayek Tony, that's an awesome day. Breakthrough workouts are always a blast. Great job. And to spend that much time on the trainer is crazy.
Warren my workout was very uneventful compared to your bike leg at Timberman. That was crazy! I hope you're alright and I'm glad to hear the bike is alright as well. Last year you had the seat incident and this year you topped it by hitting a car and flying off the bike in separate incidents! I admire you for putting yourself in harms way for the sake of charity. I couldn't help but laugh when I read about the cop too. And yes the 25 minute swim is what the pros do, unbelievable.

I thought of this too, yesterday.  That was a harrowing experience in itself and now more insanity from another Timberman.

2013-08-19 4:38 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by trigal38 Tony and Dirk we need a new catagory of extreme Junkies or something because you two are off the charts! Dirk do you even have a race coming up or is this all just to prep for next year?

No races other than a HM coning up the end of September.  I am trying to gain a little bit of fitness and confidence before heading into the winter session and allowing my training to come down a notch or two.  Knowing I can put a few century rides together right now should help with the mental training when I turn my focus toward IM in about 8 months........or sooner.

2013-08-19 7:08 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren, you need a stunt double when riding.. wow glad you were not hurt by hitting the car and the "fashionable" dismount. GREAT race and congrats on the race!
Derek, great race and congrats, awesome time!

Went to swim swim lesson and it was cut short due to lightning, so she gave me some exercises and video's to watch at home.

She did video me..what a humbling experience, no wonder I can't swim, I'm swimming basically with my right arm. You see in real life, I can't even brush my teeth w/ my left hand and she expect me to swim with She gave me some drills to do and I almost drown, it was like the 1st time ever being in the pool, arm going crazy, forget about the arms and legs working together, that AIN'T gonna happen.
Then she got to my kick, I haven't got it figured out either, so she told me to get on a kickboard and work, so I did, i just kicked and kicked, going no where. Well she told me not to bend my knees but to kick from the hips. I told her it was like to sticks beating the water. I've watched videos and all but that doesn't translate into what I'm doing.

Oh yea, the 1 arm I do swim with, Instead of bending the elbow, I was keeping it straight and causing it to get tired,.. to much pressure on the shoulder.

I'll probably NEVER learn to swim, I have SO MUCH to work on.
2013-08-19 7:08 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by trigal38 Tony and Dirk we need a new catagory of extreme Junkies or something because you two are off the charts! Dirk do you even have a race coming up or is this all just to prep for next year?

No races other than a HM coning up the end of September.  I am trying to gain a little bit of fitness and confidence before heading into the winter session and allowing my training to come down a notch or two.  Knowing I can put a few century rides together right now should help with the mental training when I turn my focus toward IM in about 8 months........or sooner.

Well you are a glutton for punishment. I've picked up some extra miles on my bike the last few days including my longest (60 miles) ride of the year yesterday and my legs are fried just from that! Not to mention the chaffing situation that is beginning Foot in mouth.

2013-08-19 8:18 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by trigal38 Tony and Dirk we need a new catagory of extreme Junkies or something because you two are off the charts! Dirk do you even have a race coming up or is this all just to prep for next year?

No races other than a HM coning up the end of September.  I am trying to gain a little bit of fitness and confidence before heading into the winter session and allowing my training to come down a notch or two.  Knowing I can put a few century rides together right now should help with the mental training when I turn my focus toward IM in about 8 months........or sooner.

Well you are a glutton for punishment. I've picked up some extra miles on my bike the last few days including my longest (60 miles) ride of the year yesterday and my legs are fried just from that! Not to mention the chaffing situation that is beginning Foot in mouth.

Dina I would not be killing myself but being my first IM and having a great fear of the unknown and not knowing what to expect I figured I better do as much as I can to ensure my survival and hopefully finish.

I know I'm probably going to regret this decision but I'm all in for Ironman Mont Tremblant LOL! Registration opens Noon EST and I'll be signing up today. It's just too good an opportunity to pass up. I'm sure I'll be wondering why I decided to it while training for it next year but life is short might as well enjoy the ride while I can!
2013-08-19 8:20 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Oh. My. Goodness, WARREN!!   I'm shakin' my head at your race experience yesterday.  Congratulations to your team!   Amazing!

KARL - You make me laugh at your description of your one arm swim.   You WILL get better - watching yourself is such a helpful benefit so I'm glad your instructor did that.   Keep at it.

DEREK -  Congrats on finishing your first Oly!   Nutrition is a hard thing to nail down but with more races at that distance I'm sure you'll get even more smoking fast.

Good job on getting a 60 mile bike in, DINA!   I'm glad you're doing the Aqua-Bike race.   I'm hoping you'll find your happy place there since you don't have to suffer through a run.

Go TONY, Go TONY!!!   I love hearing the confidence that your training has brought you.   I've been told that the taper weeks are the hardest, though, so be smart and rest when you're supposed to.   Your body has gone the distance and it will go the distance again on September 8.    I'm so excited for you!

Thanks for sharing your experience of travel when you did IMWI last year, JOANNE.   I figure since I'll have an opportunity to check out the course this year and because I plan to go at least once before the race next year to ride the course, I won't need too many days ahead of time either.   Of course, I don't want to miss the whole atmosphere, though,since I don't plan on doing more (unlike Mr. Tony who already seems hooked).      

JEN - did I see you in another race finish picture on Facebook?  You're just too cute in your skirts. 

You ARE one fast biker, TRACY!!   The spin classes at our Y aren't at a convenient time for me but I know they'd be helpful just from what I know of you.

I'm heading out to the garden to pick more veggies.   Wish you all lived closer so I could share my abundance of cucumbers with you.    Have a marvelous Monday!


2013-08-19 8:20 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Congrats Tony, my hat is off to you!!! Enjoy the continued training!
2013-08-19 8:21 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Warren, you need a stunt double when riding.. wow glad you were not hurt by hitting the car and the "fashionable" dismount. GREAT race and congrats on the race!
Derek, great race and congrats, awesome time!

Went to swim swim lesson and it was cut short due to lightning, so she gave me some exercises and video's to watch at home.

She did video me..what a humbling experience, no wonder I can't swim, I'm swimming basically with my right arm. You see in real life, I can't even brush my teeth w/ my left hand and she expect me to swim with She gave me some drills to do and I almost drown, it was like the 1st time ever being in the pool, arm going crazy, forget about the arms and legs working together, that AIN'T gonna happen.
Then she got to my kick, I haven't got it figured out either, so she told me to get on a kickboard and work, so I did, i just kicked and kicked, going no where. Well she told me not to bend my knees but to kick from the hips. I told her it was like to sticks beating the water. I've watched videos and all but that doesn't translate into what I'm doing.

Oh yea, the 1 arm I do swim with, Instead of bending the elbow, I was keeping it straight and causing it to get tired,.. to much pressure on the shoulder.

I'll probably NEVER learn to swim, I have SO MUCH to work on.

Karl, this is good stuff. You keep working with her and practicing the things she is teaching you and you will improve. I'm thinking about doing the same and hiring a coach to improve my swimming in the off season. I feel that is the biggest thing holding me back right now and I need to improve that.
2013-08-19 8:36 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
2013-08-19 8:38 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Warren, you need a stunt double when riding.. wow glad you were not hurt by hitting the car and the "fashionable" dismount. GREAT race and congrats on the race!
Derek, great race and congrats, awesome time!

Went to swim swim lesson and it was cut short due to lightning, so she gave me some exercises and video's to watch at home.

She did video me..what a humbling experience, no wonder I can't swim, I'm swimming basically with my right arm. You see in real life, I can't even brush my teeth w/ my left hand and she expect me to swim with She gave me some drills to do and I almost drown, it was like the 1st time ever being in the pool, arm going crazy, forget about the arms and legs working together, that AIN'T gonna happen.
Then she got to my kick, I haven't got it figured out either, so she told me to get on a kickboard and work, so I did, i just kicked and kicked, going no where. Well she told me not to bend my knees but to kick from the hips. I told her it was like to sticks beating the water. I've watched videos and all but that doesn't translate into what I'm doing.

Oh yea, the 1 arm I do swim with, Instead of bending the elbow, I was keeping it straight and causing it to get tired,.. to much pressure on the shoulder.

I'll probably NEVER learn to swim, I have SO MUCH to work on.

Keep workig on the swimming. As long as you keep working on it you will get better. Remember you dont have to learn to fix every litte problem at once. Pick one at a time and it will come.
2013-08-19 10:30 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

My body is screaming at me to relent!!  I have ridden 146 miles in 2 day and run 19 miles in three days (Fri. and today) and my legs are shot.  It's also a cumulative of the past 2 weeks that's working on me too.  I have been wanting to nail some heavy, long bikes for most of the summer and now was the best time for me to get some long rides in.  Over the past 15 days I have been trying to keep my cycling as high as I can without taking anything more away from the family stuff going on, and there has been plenty. 

My 2 weeks' totals are 350+ miles of riding and 60+ miles of running and I've had 3 forced days away from any training at all.  Those days have been forced because I had to change brakes and a starter on Laiken's car and took one day off after I demolished myself trying to beat Jeff in Indy.

I plan to cook myself for one more week and dial things back only slightly before we head to Florida for a long weekend over the Labor day holiday.  I am planning another century+ next Saturday before pulling back to and getting ready to ride with Jeff in TN on the way down to Fla.  I figure he's going to trash me on some Tennessee hills so that I never forget my love for the flat lands of northern Indiana.

Dirk, these times of over reaching in our training force the body to adapt....just make sure not to take it too far. I'm sure if you backed off and rested up now that you will have done your body good. If you can safely keep it up another week then good for you. But watch for the warning signs of too much..

Please remind me when exactly you expect to be in TN?

2013-08-19 10:32 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Quick update on my race. I'll do a full RR later. My splits make it look like I fell apart (23.6 for first 30 miles and 19.7 for the last 25), but that's really a function of the course. All the hills (for Dirk- hills are where a road tilts up or down) are on the first and last 13 miles, so the last 25 is over half hills and the first 30 is less as a percentage. And it's also and out and back and the wind is always in your face after the turnaround. I also had a few interesting moments over the last half.

I did actually negative split the bike in terms of power. Our would it be positive split for power? Higher watts on the second half is what I'm saying. I also had no fear at all on race day - I hit 48.5 on the biggest downhill. I also had a very eventful last 15 miles. First with about 15 miles to go I dropped the chain near the top of one of the worst hills. It wedged in pretty good, so it took a few moments to dislodge it, then I could not possibly clip in and keep pedaling up, so I had to go down a bit and do some re-climbing. Then with about 6 1/2 miles to go I ran into a car. Not going too fast, but enough to dent his side. He took a right turn in front of me right through a cop telling him to stop. He (the cop) was PISSED. I thought the cop was gonna pull his gun and shoot the guy. Then a few miles later my right aero bar screws broke off, so I lost my right pad. Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic).

But, I did have a great ride nonetheless. Our swimmer kicked serious butt this year, and we gave our runner enough of a lead to bring it home again. So we are relay champs again!

Warren, I hope that there are race photos of you diving across the finish line!!! But unfortunately, you have to exchange your timing chip further inside transition. I assume you figured that out after you bounced off the ground.
At least it was on carpet???

Great ride, and great intensity. (I say that because you wouldn't have flown off the bike if you were crawling in to transition like a slowpoke)

Glad you're alright too, btw.
2013-08-19 10:41 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

So very glad you stood up to the bullies at the game. Don't hesitate to be tough when it comes to injustice.

I like the thought of you getting in a fist fight at the game! Just fight smart, kick low, and gain the high ground (I assume there were stadium stairs involved).
2013-08-19 10:43 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Who remembers our discussion way back about laundry recipes for getting the skank out of our workout clothes?

Has that worked for you?

I had reported that my recipe worked, but it was short-lived. I wasn't satisfied with the results. But I may have happened on a new recipe that works...I don't want to claim success yet, but initial results are impressive.

So....skank cured? Let me know about your results for those of you that have continued to fight that battle.
2013-08-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by wbayek Then at the finish I came in too hot, hit the brakes and skidded on the dirt path runway, and when I reached the carpet the front wheel caught and I did a full somersault over the bike, but protected the bike the whole way (not so much my knee and nose - maybe I'll post a pic).
Pics or it didn't happen! Now that's a RR I can't wait to read.

I couldn't agree More Derek!

I'm hoping for 2 very uneventful rides over my races for the next three weeks. I have to get the aero bars fixed pronto for this weekend.

I don't know why I have so much drama on these races. And yeah everyone, I'm fine. The nose is broken but anything would be an improvement, so I'll consider it free plastic surgery! This is a pic coming from the doc this AM:


nose-sm.jpg (61KB - 9 downloads)
2013-08-19 11:06 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

A broken nose, WARREN?!   My oh my!   I'm so thankful you can laugh about it.  I'm most thankful you walked away with only a broken nose.   I'm covering you in double prayer over your next races!


JEFF - I have no clue what smell you're talking about.   Us girls don't have that problem.  Innocent


2013-08-19 11:10 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY

Warren, I hope that there are race photos of you diving across the finish line!!! But unfortunately, you have to exchange your timing chip further inside transition. I assume you figured that out after you bounced off the ground.
At least it was on carpet???

Great ride, and great intensity. (I say that because you wouldn't have flown off the bike if you were crawling in to transition like a slowpoke)

Glad you're alright too, btw.

I sure hope someone got a pic, but it was over pretty quick. If some random person from the finish area happened to be taking a shot, I hope they figure out a way to get it to me since my bib number should be in the pic somewhere.

No doubt I went in way too fast. I was hammering the end, so mentally I just carried it into the finishing chute. In fact, my highest 3 mile power output was the final 3 miles, and it was well above threshold. The finishing chute is after a 90+ degree left turn, and it's really long, like 3/10 miles, and there are cones and all kinds of people and signs to slow down and get ready to dismount. The volunteers were screaming to slow down, but I guess I was in the zone! The people from Make-A-Wish, who border the chute about 75-100 yards from the end, said I was coming in faster than even the pros, so I obviously got carried away.
2013-08-19 11:26 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren that is so awesome! You hammered right until the end, nobody can say you didn't leave it all out there yesterday. You made us all proud. I'm sorry that you broke your nose and I'm hoping you are feeling better. Same with the bike, I hope you get the aero bar fixed pronto and your ride is good as new.

Just registered for Ironman Mont Tremblant, I'm in! I can't believe I just I did that. I haven't even finished my first one and I'm signed up for another one.
2013-08-19 11:38 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, congrats for getting in IM! The training never

Dirk, where are you going in FL? Remember it is hurricane season. BTW, great training and enjoy time w/ Jeff and the "hills"...

Warren, sorry you broke your nose.

I guess I missed a post about a fight, got to go find

2013-08-19 12:05 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Jeff - I've been trying to get the smell out of hockey gear for years. Havent found anything thats worked yet.

Warren - Looks like you dropped the gloves and went a few rounds. Glad to hear your not seriously hurt, but look on the bright side, think of all those spectators who now have one hell of a story to tell.

Tony - Your a beast. From what I hear IMMT is a great race and the bike course isn't that bad. Just one big climb that you have to do on each loop.  Plus they have poutine and actual beer after.

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