Subject: RE: The "Ultimate COJ Thread About Nothing" Thread # 3Well, you have certainly come to the right place..... I read. Alot. Especially if I'm interested in a topic. Some good books on the subject: "Lore of Running", by Dr. Tim Noakes "The Competitive Runner's Handbook", by Bob Glover Good websites: Jim2's Running Page al_training.pdf (application/pdf Object) Form Drills - Form Drill Exercises for Runners - Running Times Magazine Speed, Strength and Power Training for the Distance Athlete Marathon Training Schedule: Intermediate - II Arthur Lydiard's Running Training and Physiology
Hope those help at least a little bit. I will say this much: My personal philosophy on running is that the keys are Consistency, and Mileage. I don't think everyone can, or should, run every day, and have 80+ mile weeks. It's not practical for many. For me, it is, so I do it. However, I think that to be a decent runner, or to improve, you need to run consistently for at least 5 days out of the week, and as much mileage as you can. Also, I don't much care to be a slave to some device. I try to run at a pace that will leave me pleasantly tired, but able to go out and repeat that workout tomorrow. I haven't done intervals or any real speed work in years. I will do some later this year, however, since I know that will be key to me meeting my goals. But the average runner, just looking to improve his times, doesn't need to worry about anything more technical than running consistently, and smartly.