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Silver Comet 10K - Run

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Smyrna, Georgia
United States
Silver Comet
70F / 21C
Total Time = 46m 49s
Overall Rank = 213/1201
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 44/146
Pre-race routine:

Show up, walk around, socialize, and really really freaking enjoy the warm weather.
Event warmup:

dropped a bananna and strawberry (I think) powergel before the race. I am generally not an eater prior to races. Figured a gel would work well enough for the distance.
  • 46m 49s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 07m 32s  min/mile

My first race of the 2006 calendar year of any kind. I was glad to finally find the time to get one in. I was trained fine, but was not in race shape. It's my belief that to be in race shape, one needs to race. Either way, I ran well, not a PR but was not expecting one.
What would you do differently?:

There was another runner (a friend) trailing me and I knew she had the advantage in that she could plan her attack according to any weaknesses I showed. As expected, she passed me in the final half mile and ended up beating me by one second. Therefore, I think I will let me cirle of friend competitors take the early lead more often than not. I can play that game too.
Post race
Warm down:

Walk around to get HR down, head to bus which was about a 10 minute drive back to the start. It was a pretty relaxing ride.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Again, more racing. One must race often to race fast.

Event comments:

This was a good race. I am sometimes critical of the organizer, and for good reason. This time, I have zero complaints. She did a great job. 1200 runners is quite a few for a local level race like this. One issue that had no effect on me is porta pottys.. not enough. The line was incredibly long. This is a typical complaint that I'm not really sure has an answer. Most races have bathroom issues.

Last updated: 2006-03-15 12:00 AM
00:46:49 | 06.21 miles | 07m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 44/146
Overall: 0/1201
Performance: Good
Max HR was 185 Avg HR was 174 Overall, good numbers for a race.
Course: A few hills, but mostly flat. about 1.5 miles off the trail and the rest on the trail. For those who do not know, the Silver Comet trail is a rails to trails conversion and is paved asphalt in Cobb County. I prefer courses that don't overlap at any point and this course met that easily. point to point races are growing on me.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2006-03-15 10:33 AM

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: Silver Comet 10K
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