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2014-05-14 9:36 PM

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Subject: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

GROUP FOCUS: This group is for everyone! There is a nice mix of experience here so newbies and vets will find the support they need to accomplish their goals. Beer is a great motivator and we use it to motivate each other and hold one another accountable.

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: In 2012, I was weighing in at a portly 270 pounds and knew I needed to find a way of becoming healthier and happier. So, I started working out with the goal of dropping the weight. It seemed to take forever, but with support from my mentor group and from the desire to drink good beer, I made steady progress and managed to make working out and eating well a way of life. For me, its all about being happy and healthy and tri is the perfect way to do it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Heidi and during the last 15 years, we've had three kids 13, 12, and 5

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm ramping up for IMMT in August so I'm currently training about 10 hours a week.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:: I did my first race of the year (Season Opener at Hopkinton State Park) last weekend.

2014 RACES: I've doing the Rev3 Quassy HIM n June, and olympic to be named later in July, and Mont Tremblant in August. In November, I plan on running a half marathon and in December I will run a marathon in tribute to Franciscan Hospital for Children.

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my favorite styles are saison, gueuze, and IPA's. I also make beer, and I've got a brown IPA in the fridge. I made it to thank my awesome PT and PTA who helped me overcome my injuries. It's made with three different hops and the final gravity is 14.0.plato.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2012, I lost 96 pounds. Who knew that you could drink beer and lose weight? Then I suffered from a hip injury through most of 2013 and gained 40 of it back. I've lost about 20 pounds this year and need to lose 30 more to hit 100 pounds lost.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish anything without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer loving mentees. I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals. I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on throughout the 2014 tri season. As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.


2014-05-15 9:52 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

NAME: Thor

STORY: A few years back was closing in around 300lbs. Lost a bunch of weight and decided to do a sprint tri....loved it and have continued on with it. If all stars align, I should race at about 190.(my goal for this year) Have had nerve/neck issues this past year causing me to not t race in 2013. I still lack strength in my right tricep and have numbness and tingling in my right arm/hand. Apparently old age(47 in June) and living hard in my youth did me no favors! I did however take an triathlon officiating course and my coaching course. I also started a triathlon club in my city. This past year my wife has also taken the plunge and started doing triathlons. My son and daughter also race. My daughters first race was this past year.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to Jocelyn and during the last 18 years. We have two great kids 11 and 6.(boy and girl)

RACE Length FOCUS: Sprints and Olympic 

CURRENT TRAINING: Finally healthy enough to get some consistent training in. Will be shooting for 2-3x for each discipline/week.  

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Only one for sure is Heart of the Rockies...The whole family will be participating in this one!

2013 RACES: None, nil, zero, zip, de nada due to was a sad year. 

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything(even the odd fruit beer) but my favorite style is IPA.

WEIGHT LOSS: Going hard to get back down to race weight. 190 in my dreams, 200 thrilled, 210 most likely.

For those of you thinking of joining, I will say that I have been in groups with David, as well as ones he has led. He does a great job!  Very positive and very knowledgable

2014-05-15 10:35 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Joining the new BDAAS thread, see the old thread for my mentee information.

Synopsis: Favorite beer: hoppy IPA

2014-05-15 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4996400

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Hoping to join your group if you will have me? If yes I'll reply we the long Breakdown!
2014-05-15 7:06 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Clarkey77

Hoping to join your group if you will have me? If yes I'll reply we the long Breakdown!

Neil - We would love to have you. I'm a Cleveland Indians fan despite the fact that I live in Boston. The only kind of fan note allowed in the BDAAS is a Yankees fan...

2014-05-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Mark and Thor - Welcome back to the BDAAS.

Thor - you flatter me. I'm still gonna give you crap about the fact that Molson is your go to beer Seriously, you add a ton to the group. You are the king of monthly challenges and you are the first to give people crap/support when they slack off. Keep it up!

2014-05-15 7:26 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I wanna start off by saying thank you once again for all the support y'all have given me since I started suffered with my bum hip back in 2012. Now, with the pain on it's way out - I'm able to get out for rides like the one I went on today. God - was it a blast to push the pace and there was no pain!

To celebrate I enjoyed a glass of chardonay... (there are times when you have to score points with the mother-in-law... Beer once she goes home!
2014-05-16 7:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
NAME: Charles

STORY: Currently 30, in my second season of triathlon, and first long-course season. In 2009 I was at 296lbs, and as of this morning I am at 173.6. It's been a long road full of set-backs and triumphs, but I'm in the best shape of my life and enjoying the journey. Every bite is still a struggle, but it is a battle I can win.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, happily; no children currently.

CURRENT TRAINING: I hired a coach so that I could stop over-thinking and second-guessing myself (and overthink and second guess someone else instead), so I do what she tells me to do .

THIS YEAR'S RACES:: Gearing up for Rev3 Quassy in a few weeks, then Ironman Racine 70.3 in July, and then the big show - Ironman Wisconsin in September. After that, I may head down to Mexico and run the new Rev3 event down there, not sure.

BEER PREFERENCE: I'm not drinking a lot right now, since I'm still shedding weight for Quassy and IMWI. And my preference is for dark, heavy beers that have more in common with bread or cake than those hoppy, trendy floral bouquets most prefer. Stout! Porter! Bock! Dopplebock! I also love hefeweise beers - banana and cloves go right to my brain.

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year I hovered in the mid-180s, basically letting myself slack as I geared up for my marathon. At the new year, I was right under 200, and now I'm at 173.6. Hoping to see 16x before the month's out, and racing weight of around 165. I'm 6'2", so that should spit out about 9% bodyfat.

I'm by no means an expert in triathlon, but I know my way around bikes pretty well (and I know when to call a pro), and I like to run (even typing that is weird). I'm a mediocre swimmer on my best day.
2014-05-16 10:23 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

NAME: Charles

STORY: Currently 30, in my second season of triathlon, and first long-course season. In 2009 I was at 296lbs, and as of this morning I am at 173.6. It's been a long road full of set-backs and triumphs, but I'm in the best shape of my life and enjoying the journey. Every bite is still a struggle, but it is a battle I can win.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, happily; no children currently.

CURRENT TRAINING: I hired a coach so that I could stop over-thinking and second-guessing myself (and overthink and second guess someone else instead), so I do what she tells me to do .

THIS YEAR'S RACES:: Gearing up for Rev3 Quassy in a few weeks, then Ironman Racine 70.3 in July, and then the big show - Ironman Wisconsin in September. After that, I may head down to Mexico and run the new Rev3 event down there, not sure.

BEER PREFERENCE: I'm not drinking a lot right now, since I'm still shedding weight for Quassy and IMWI. And my preference is for dark, heavy beers that have more in common with bread or cake than those hoppy, trendy floral bouquets most prefer. Stout! Porter! Bock! Dopplebock! I also love hefeweise beers - banana and cloves go right to my brain.

WEIGHT LOSS: Last year I hovered in the mid-180s, basically letting myself slack as I geared up for my marathon. At the new year, I was right under 200, and now I'm at 173.6. Hoping to see 16x before the month's out, and racing weight of around 165. I'm 6'2", so that should spit out about 9% bodyfat.

I'm by no means an expert in triathlon, but I know my way around bikes pretty well (and I know when to call a pro), and I like to run (even typing that is weird). I'm a mediocre swimmer on my best day.

Glad to have you back in the BDAAS Charles! For those of you new to the group - Charles in the man when it comes to all things having to do with biking. His advice is detailed and spot on. Thanks for all you contribute!
2014-05-16 11:15 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
This group looks perfect for me, if it's still open.

I'm 5'10" (on a good day), and six years ago this month I was tipping the scale at about 240. Started running and eating better, and lost 40 pounds the first year, and 30 the second. I actually got down to an all time low of 167, but that was too light for me. Anyways, I got into multisport events back then too and did quite a few events, with my longest being Oly distances.

Well, two years ago I had a nagging achilles injury that found me in the OR. Essentialy, they completely detached my achilles, re-shaped my heel (made it smaller), removed a bone spur, and then re-anchored my achilles back on to my heel. The recovery has been incredibly slow and painful. I still have pain every day, but it's maneagable and I'm able to get back to doing what I love. I've signed up for my first HIM this coming September and just flat out, cannot wait. Thankfully, I've been able to maintain my current weight of 173ish, through all of this.

Beer. Ah yes, beer. I love beer. Dark beer. The kind you have to cut with a knife and chew in order to get it down. Bourbon stouts and coffee porters are my favorites.


Edited by randym95 2014-05-16 11:17 AM
2014-05-16 12:30 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I would love to join.

NAME: Adrian

STORY: 2013 I dropped from 300 to about 245 lbs and got back into running. Cross training for running led me to consider triathlon. Especially as I also love my bike. Now I consider Triathlon to be the route for me to be more complete in my fitness.

FAMILY STATUS: 10 years married with two boys 7 and 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: My logs (logs of shame) are complete. Training has to occur around my work (on call IT at a Credit Union) and busy family life.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:: I have done a couple of running events so far this year:

Feb 17th 10k (51:19) PR!
Mar 30th 15k (1:27:37) PR just because I have never run that distance before. Awful as I had the flu.

Both hampered by bad weather and low training volumes.

2014 RACES: Working up to Olympic distance currently. Planned:

7th June Binbrook Sprint (750m, 30k, 7.5k)
24th June Peachbud (10k run)
27th July Niagara (Grimsby) Sprint (750m, 25k, 7k)
14th Sept Lakeside Olympic

BEER PREFERENCE: Coming from England my tastes are for Bitter, Stout and IPA. But I can also enjoy Lagers and Pilsners having worked in Europe for some years. Don't mind the occasion pint of Mild. OK all beer!! Based now in Canada so am enjoying the craft beer explosion going on in Ontario.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2013 I lost 55lbs and it is the best thing I have ever done. I have gained about 15 of those back over the winter but hope now that the better weather will see me again dropping.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOREE: I am in this for fun. I would like to be able to do a 70.3 over the next few years but want to build and train sensibly to do so. I view this as a mutli year project to secure good health and be able to keep up with my sons as they get into their teens.

2014-05-16 12:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I'm in!

Name: Justin

Story: Nothing exciting...somehow became a runner in 2009, watched a broadcast of Kona and gave myself a goal of completing an Ironman by the time I'm 35 (32 now). Obviously I'm taking my time...I'm originally from Cleveland (Go Tribe!) but now live in Memphis

Experience: None; my first tri is tomorrow! I've been running for a few years

2014 Races: Already did a 10k and a half marathon. Memphis in May sprint tri this weekend, Mighty Mite sprint tri in July, Riverbluff olympic in September, and NYC Marathon in November

Favorite Beer: Goose Island Summertime

Edited by Omne38103 2014-05-16 12:50 PM
2014-05-16 2:34 PM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Randy - another man who likes beer as dark as my lawyer heart. Have you tried making Beer-a-misu yet? Dark beer, lady fingers, and marscapone - delicious. What HIM are you gunning for?

Adrian - busy race schedule - should be a fun summer. You'll find that olympics aren't a huge jump from the sprint distance, especially if you have a cycling background. If you ever want a lesson in how *not* to do an olympic, read my race report from last year's Chicago Triathlon. Spoiler alert: it involves a medic.

Justin - a Goose Island fan! As a Chicagoan, I've a mixed opinion of them, since it's sold/in the process of selling to Anheuser-Busch, and it's just weird when I pick up a case (usually for parties and social events, as the Goose doesn't scare people towards the Miller cooler as much as my other prefernces) only to find that the "local" beer was brewed in New Hampshire (especially when it's a 312, which is named after our phone area code . . .)
2014-05-16 2:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Oh, you just have to take me, since the only reason I'm doing this triathlon thing is because of BEER!!!

Name: Sandi

STORY: I've always been a pretty active person, but have resisted exercise that had much impact (i.e. running) and biking because of old surgeries. I walked/hiked a lot, and started swimming. I'd been able to maintain my weight until...well, age and it's effect on metabolism...set in, in large part because I inexplicably became allergic to many forms of alcohol in my 20's, including any decent beer. However, as proof that some divine spirit up there does indeed exist, these disappeared a few years ago and along with my husband, I rediscovered beer. We have lots of local breweries around, and it's become a fun and enjoyable pastime/ hobby for us. A few pounds more than I'm comfortable with crept on, and unwilling to give up the beer, I upped the exercise ante. I started running a year ago and was pleasantly surprised by how much I came to enjoy it. Spurred on by the location of my favorite few breweries along a bike path, I bought a bike this spring and have been biking to and from work. I figured a brew at the end of the workday was good incentive to bike those ten miles. Somehow, a natural progression of this process was entering my first triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married to the best guy in the world.

CURRENT TRAINING: I run 4 miles several days a week, have been biking 3-4 days a week, and am restarting my swim training this week. (Have previously trained for longer distance swims, so am not concerned about the distance, just the open water experience in a mountain lake). I've done a few Brick workouts and am feeling pretty confident I can do this. In fact, I think I'm getting addicted. :-)

RACE PLANS: Am entered in my first try-a-tri in July (1/4 mile swim, 13 mile bike, 5K). I have the option of moving that to a sprint class but since I'll have the least amount of time to work on open water swimming and the only difference is the length of the swim, I'm inclined to stick with the noncompetitive class for my first event. I'm looking for other events to enter, but will probably always focus on the sprint distances.

WEIGHT LOSS: I pretty much lost all of my excess weight last summer and have been able to maintain that. Adding on the tri training has allowed me to drink my beer without putting it back well as a glass of wine and occasional pizza. I'm pretty happy with the way I look and feel right now.

FAVORITE BEER: A really good pale. It's got to have a bite to it. I consider Manny's a required drinking experience. (if you don't know what that is, you need to come to the Pacific Northwest and try it). I really like a lighter IPA and a decent amber too, but a good pale's got them all beat.

OTHER: I run a dogsled in the winter. Most of my training includes a dog on any given day, keeping us all in shape in the warmer months. And our favorite breweries are those that allow a well-behaved sled dog to lie at our feet while we enjoy a beverage.

Edited by sandishr 2014-05-16 3:20 PM
2014-05-16 3:00 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Haha yeah, I fell in love with 312 and Summertime when I interned in Chicago back in 2010. I didn't know they were being sold to A-B, I hope they keep GI independent. But if it means I can get Summertime here, good!

Weather for tomorrow's tri: 52 and an 80% chance of rain. Fun! Never rode my bike in rain before
2014-05-16 3:47 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Randy - another man who likes beer as dark as my lawyer heart. Have you tried making Beer-a-misu yet? Dark beer, lady fingers, and marscapone - delicious. What HIM are you gunning for?

That beer sounds awesome. I'll have to give it a try.

The HIM I'm doing is the Kerrville Tri Festival, here in Texas.


2014-05-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: randym95

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by randym95

This group looks perfect for me, if it's still open.

I'm 5'10" (on a good day), and six years ago this month I was tipping the scale at about 240. Started running and eating better, and lost 40 pounds the first year, and 30 the second. I actually got down to an all time low of 167, but that was too light for me. Anyways, I got into multisport events back then too and did quite a few events, with my longest being Oly distances.

Well, two years ago I had a nagging achilles injury that found me in the OR. Essentialy, they completely detached my achilles, re-shaped my heel (made it smaller), removed a bone spur, and then re-anchored my achilles back on to my heel. The recovery has been incredibly slow and painful. I still have pain every day, but it's maneagable and I'm able to get back to doing what I love. I've signed up for my first HIM this coming September and just flat out, cannot wait. Thankfully, I've been able to maintain my current weight of 173ish, through all of this.

Beer. Ah yes, beer. I love beer. Dark beer. The kind you have to cut with a knife and chew in order to get it down. Bourbon stouts and coffee porters are my favorites.


Randy - How could we say no to a guy who is clearly so hard core! So glad to have you - even if our taste it beer is 180 degrees apart. I find dark beers to be a little too matly. I'm looking forward to seeing your bio!
2014-05-16 8:05 PM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by badmo77a

I would love to join.

NAME: Adrian

STORY: 2013 I dropped from 300 to about 245 lbs and got back into running. Cross training for running led me to consider triathlon. Especially as I also love my bike. Now I consider Triathlon to be the route for me to be more complete in my fitness.

FAMILY STATUS: 10 years married with two boys 7 and 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: My logs (logs of shame) are complete. Training has to occur around my work (on call IT at a Credit Union) and busy family life.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:: I have done a couple of running events so far this year:

Feb 17th 10k (51:19) PR!
Mar 30th 15k (1:27:37) PR just because I have never run that distance before. Awful as I had the flu.

Both hampered by bad weather and low training volumes.

2014 RACES: Working up to Olympic distance currently. Planned:

7th June Binbrook Sprint (750m, 30k, 7.5k)
24th June Peachbud (10k run)
27th July Niagara (Grimsby) Sprint (750m, 25k, 7k)
14th Sept Lakeside Olympic

BEER PREFERENCE: Coming from England my tastes are for Bitter, Stout and IPA. But I can also enjoy Lagers and Pilsners having worked in Europe for some years. Don't mind the occasion pint of Mild. OK all beer!! Based now in Canada so am enjoying the craft beer explosion going on in Ontario.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2013 I lost 55lbs and it is the best thing I have ever done. I have gained about 15 of those back over the winter but hope now that the better weather will see me again dropping.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOREE: I am in this for fun. I would like to be able to do a 70.3 over the next few years but want to build and train sensibly to do so. I view this as a mutli year project to secure good health and be able to keep up with my sons as they get into their teens.

Yo Adrian (bet you've never heard that one before!)

We are glad to have you. Here's the best thing about this group - It's filled with people who have lost weight and some of us - like me - who have put some of that weight back on! Let's work on losing weight together. Know what happens when you lose weight? You get faster - which means you get to drink beer sooner!
2014-05-16 8:13 PM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Omne38103

I'm in!

Name: Justin

Story: Nothing exciting...somehow became a runner in 2009, watched a broadcast of Kona and gave myself a goal of completing an Ironman by the time I'm 35 (32 now). Obviously I'm taking my time...I'm originally from Cleveland (Go Tribe!) but now live in Memphis

Experience: None; my first tri is tomorrow! I've been running for a few years

2014 Races: Already did a 10k and a half marathon. Memphis in May sprint tri this weekend, Mighty Mite sprint tri in July, Riverbluff olympic in September, and NYC Marathon in November

Favorite Beer: Goose Island Summertime

Hey Justin - I'm from Shaker Heights and am an enormous Indians fan! I hope you enjoy every moment!
2014-05-16 8:37 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by sandishr

Oh, you just have to take me, since the only reason I'm doing this triathlon thing is because of BEER!!!

Name: Sandi

STORY: I've always been a pretty active person, but have resisted exercise that had much impact (i.e. running) and biking because of old surgeries. I walked/hiked a lot, and started swimming. I'd been able to maintain my weight until...well, age and it's effect on metabolism...set in, in large part because I inexplicably became allergic to many forms of alcohol in my 20's, including any decent beer. However, as proof that some divine spirit up there does indeed exist, these disappeared a few years ago and along with my husband, I rediscovered beer. We have lots of local breweries around, and it's become a fun and enjoyable pastime/ hobby for us. A few pounds more than I'm comfortable with crept on, and unwilling to give up the beer, I upped the exercise ante. I started running a year ago and was pleasantly surprised by how much I came to enjoy it. Spurred on by the location of my favorite few breweries along a bike path, I bought a bike this spring and have been biking to and from work. I figured a brew at the end of the workday was good incentive to bike those ten miles. Somehow, a natural progression of this process was entering my first triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married to the best guy in the world.

CURRENT TRAINING: I run 4 miles several days a week, have been biking 3-4 days a week, and am restarting my swim training this week. (Have previously trained for longer distance swims, so am not concerned about the distance, just the open water experience in a mountain lake). I've done a few Brick workouts and am feeling pretty confident I can do this. In fact, I think I'm getting addicted. :-)

RACE PLANS: Am entered in my first try-a-tri in July (1/4 mile swim, 13 mile bike, 5K). I have the option of moving that to a sprint class but since I'll have the least amount of time to work on open water swimming and the only difference is the length of the swim, I'm inclined to stick with the noncompetitive class for my first event. I'm looking for other events to enter, but will probably always focus on the sprint distances.

WEIGHT LOSS: I pretty much lost all of my excess weight last summer and have been able to maintain that. Adding on the tri training has allowed me to drink my beer without putting it back well as a glass of wine and occasional pizza. I'm pretty happy with the way I look and feel right now.

FAVORITE BEER: A really good pale. It's got to have a bite to it. I consider Manny's a required drinking experience. (if you don't know what that is, you need to come to the Pacific Northwest and try it). I really like a lighter IPA and a decent amber too, but a good pale's got them all beat.

OTHER: I run a dogsled in the winter. Most of my training includes a dog on any given day, keeping us all in shape in the warmer months. And our favorite breweries are those that allow a well-behaved sled dog to lie at our feet while we enjoy a beverage.

Sandi - Glad to have you. Every year, I take a trip to experience beer in a different city. I'm looking forward to the day of getting to the west coast and drinking beers at lot of BDAAS members have been talking about. The one I dream of most is Deshutes - which Kevin, a fellow BDASSer is a big fan of (you'll meet him soon enough). Let us know how we can help you master the open water swim. We've alll been there - it does get better!
2014-05-16 9:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
So glad to see all the new members of the BDAAS! This group was founded by the toughest bad @ss I know - Darren Hamilton (Big DH). The original name for the group back in 2012 was bigDH's accountability training. Mid way through the year, DH noticed that we were talking about beer so much that he changed the name to the Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society. So far, these 5 groups have written 7982 posts and helped a lot of people including myself. I want to give credit where credit is due - There wouldn't be a BDAAS with BigDH.

A couple quick thoughts - as were get to know one another, be sure to "sign" your post with your first name. I don't know about you - but I'm terrible when it comes to learning new names especially 10-15 new ones. So, let's help each other out for the first month. I will create a name chart sometime this weekend. Also - if you haven't started using your training log, I would highly encourage you to do so. Keeping your BT logs currently will really help the rest of us cheer you on as we make our way towards our goals together. Finally - who is racing this weekend? If you are - I wish you the best of luck!

If I missed anything - please chime in. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Edited by Qua17 2014-05-17 6:55 AM

2014-05-17 8:47 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Thanks for having me!

Name : Neil Clarke - Hence Clarkey!
Either one works for me.

Im 42
Father of 8 YO twins.
I have approx. 50% custody, so some days training is difficult, other days impossible!
Im from the Boston area and currently live in metro west until I can get back on my feet and get closer to Boston.

I have a good career, I love my job, and yeah I love beer and red wine!
I had some Jacks Abbeys last night!

I am currently 6-1 an about 218 lbs. Been stagnant between 217 and 220 since my first Tri about a month ago. (4/13/14)
At my high point I was 263. A little over a year ago - 13 months - I was 257 and needed to make a change.
So Im down anywhere between 40 - 46 lbs depending on where you want to start counting and what I had for dinner the day before!

My diet is a challenge and again I do LOVE my beer. I tend to crash and burn every now and then and just eat a lot!

So back on track, about a year ago I found C25K and started running.
Ran a 5k to complete it and failed miserably, but finished - keyword!

I have run about a half dozen 5ks since and have a few more lined up this year.

I started to get into Tri on a challenge from my brother over the holidays - Thanksgiving area as I was losing significant weight at that time.

I competed my first Sprint earlier this year in April! I met all my goals and even beat some stretch goals, and most importantly I finished and I finished running! At this race, I got out of the water and said NEVER EFFING AGAIN!!!! Then I finished the run and said out loud to my brother, When Can I SIGN UP FOR THE NEXT ONE!

So I am in a bit of a plateau, but here are my goals.
CW:218 next cut:210 GW - 205 then re assess!

Run a sub 30 min 5K (30:30 is my PR)
Run a 10K by end of summer/season
Complete a sprint swim swimming properly (I freaked a bit in my 1st race and had to backstroke for about 1/4 of the distance)

Complete an OLY by end of NEXT season (hopefully either the Rocketman or NYC Tri OLY)

Thanks for having me in the group!


2014-05-17 1:03 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Oof, that was rough. 52 degrees, cold, rainy and windy, with a water temp of 68. It was very hard out there, the swim was just terrible. I almost quit right then and there, thought I was going to drown!

Here's my race report:

Edited by Omne38103 2014-05-17 1:05 PM
2014-05-17 3:54 PM
in reply to: Omne38103

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I'm in! I'm lazy so I'll sum it up fast...


Favorite beer: Any Hefewisen works for me.

Second year in the sport and things are moving along quite nicely. Thanks to the previous BDAS groups I have come a long way.

2014 races: A few sprints and my first HIM in October. The HIM will be based on if I can get to 3 miles on the run pain free. Once i am I will sign up for it. I'm really trying to get as close to the 1 hour mark on a sprint as I can. I would like to shave 8 minutes and hit the 1 hour mark on the nose. We shall see.
2014-05-17 3:57 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Well she is finally done and home. Now I just need some deep rims A guys can dream can't he. I went with full Force. Glad I upgraded to the TT900 carbon shifters and brake levers. Really feels nice. On that note I need to break her in. I promised my son the first ride would be with him.


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